Draw Thread

Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, nearly all drawfags use it)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)

drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

Previous Thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Sonic 06' 10th birthday edition

everyone sign this birthday card it's important
I've signed it already

no u

Oh its my favorite pinis


Oh damn i haven't seen you in forever! Good! you?




>insert fancy noises

It good game.

Anyone want some doodles

So far Vampires are winning, get your votes in!!


What's up rad

quick, robbit, hide before they come!

I like the game too. Another thing we can both agree on.

eh... stuff happened in the previous thread. i feel bad now.

who's 'they', user?


If only i could.

But, alas, I am rooted here.

Rooted by the desire to succ.

They who cannot be named!


>rooted like fat neck
beard to their chair

No succ for you, EVER again.

I made dis today, fuck wit meh

what's good guise

Fill in the blank: "you should chickenscratch ____"

Requesting Jay and Silent Bob bonus point if they having a weed bake sale

>No succ4you
>trips of truth


However....I have no intentions of receiving succ.

Your attack has failed.

Hi Flavour

Hello hello.
Ayyo guayo!
What's up?
blueberry pie is good.
"Some neato urban outfits"


I'm good! Wish that this semester could go on a few months longer though -~-

Young lady what did i say about talking back?
Now give mommy a little time I've got to figure this out.

A chicken

you should chicken scratch yourself some better hands

>Did you ever manage to boobify yourself?
Yes... through the power of putting my hair up...

Can you repost the kobold picture?

OK people i just found Joshy's twitter! go follow him at twitter.com/Joshie199

Requesting you draw your avatar buff.


Hooray, another reason not to hate eachother.

Wtf even is this thread anymore...


More fat birb girl?

you draw like shit

for user from the previous thread. this isn't very comfortable...

I will leave the vote up for 10 more minutes... so far vampires have pulled pretty far ahead.

pie's alright. it's not cake, that's its problem



Not the green one
Those nipples are weird

Not the requester but he looks l like he has to dump ass and I love it. Using as my phone wallpaper.

Can you draw Arnold Schwarzenegger shirtless and smoking a cigar?

A very modest gain for so much hair

erm... i'm flattered? [⊖ ⊖];;

You should add a nothing option, so you won't fucking draw anymore.


No no thank you

ok then, which?

To much underlying homosexual undertones for my taste. Plus I'm awful with muscles

Idk, pick one?

Getting better...

eat a dick

>a male with his shirt off is gay

Hey moth~

The cigar makes it gay


One accessory you may enjoy from our winter lineup is this stylish sleeve that comes with really long string in the cuff for some reason.

I tried some sort of bird.

No thanks! I don't want to improve. I hear what that does to people. Just look at Leonarto Da Vinci (is dead).

more like underage faggot doesn't want his parents walking in on him drawing anything remotely homosex because he's both 14 and insecure.

may could you draw these two, please?



i tho that was a heart

>attack has failed

You filthy, bastard human!

Why's that?

There is no moth, Only Asmodeus.

You right, but i like it still.
Your hair bands remind me of the adidas logo.
God I love winter fashion.

draw a butt

fuckin kek

I just realized your style sort of reminds me of classic speed racer.

This is good


ur gay

N O T . E V E N . F L E X I N G .

> I don't want to improve
i don't believe you.

WOW now i cant un-see it thanks cUnt

.......maybe ill think about it

Did you change forms to deal with that user?


That's a pretty neat trick.
Altough in my opinion you look better with your hair down.

I drew this out of boredom.

u did this


noot noot


>y-yeah she's attractive

So you're saying this isn't a problem then?

Nah, just assumed direct control over the fluffy little idiot. Nosferatu don't take shit... Master shit posters and trolls.


Pssst. I hear the last guy that got good became gay. I can't afford that because I already kind of swoon when I see another guy with like... let's not get into that...

It's like 80 degrees here! CELCIUS! Haha... At least then, we'd know that the weather made up its mind...

In some ways... it is....

Do go on.



I feel like moth got spooked away, tho.

OH, Pidge came home with the bigest smile last night.. well i mean his eyes were smiling. He said to say Hi if I saw you !
T-that's lewd!
I see nooting wrong with this image.
Well I only have one class this semester. So I'm able to just do art 90% of the time. Next semester I'll have to go back to school full time. :(

l-like this? youtube.com/watch?v=IY9YNF5MMQo
Should I be offended?

stinky voice

but ur gay

hell yeah man. now I want some pie.

grad student?

ayy guays

oh, pidge! i'm glad to hear he's alright! give him my wishes!

Jesus that ass

Can I see your birdpussi?

I hacked into his shit and took control, i told you.

Ah. sucks man.

Is that Lil? Nice!

So..... ive run into a peoblem with the work and now need to wait for help

You're welcome.
I guess.

Hey shad

Hahaha I was not expecting that at all

But yeah
I dunno, gives me a sort of classic anime vibe a lil

>Sword is just as of a reposter as these other cancerous fags none of them actually care about drawing.
you're right, there are a lot of people here that just come here to circle jerk, but I still dont see how I'm a hypocrite

don't look at me like that, daddy

Requesting you show us your supermoon butt

yeah. I miss my senpai

someone else already did that, dear user. i can't remember who. aren't you the same user who asked for a behind view last night?