Where were you during 9/11? tell your story

where were you during 9/11? tell your story.

I was in the cockpit

at the dacefloor.

let the bodies hit the floor, 9/11 !
let the bodies hit the floor, bataclan !
let the bodies hit the floor, orlando pulse!

I was making arts and crafts in my second grade classroom. They let us go home around 12pm. Shit was cash.

Chilling at home in Queens. Felt a tiny tremble from my bed. Turned on tv. Couldn't process what I was witnessing. Too sleepy and just didn't register that this was really happening. Can smell burning bodies in the air from the 12th floor.

By the way I also saw clips of Muslims dancing by a stereo behind a suv or truck. Trump wasn't making that up..

Tora Bora Mountains in Afghanistan


>Be me, just starting second grade
>Mommy gets me Super Mario Sunshine to celebrate a new school year
> Playing SMS in my bedroom before school
>Just found Yoshi
>Mom calls out to me "Oh my god! Someone's crashed a plane into the world trade center!"
> "Okay mom, I'll be right down!"
>Continue playing gamecube
>She comes into my room and drags me downstairs
>mfw I had to spend the next 30 minutes being hugged while watching the news
>mfw all I wanted to do was play SMS
>mfw I have no face

Fucking terrorists, I just wanted to make Yoshi vomit on shit.

At that point my TV was my alarm clock... it had a timer on it so it would turn on at a specific time. So far it's the only TV I've ever owned that had that setting. It was really cool. but back in that day it was before flatscreens. It also had a built in VCR and my roommates would use it for porn while I was at work. We were all on meth back then. Anyway, I had to work that day and I went in. We were all sent home so I got a 12 pack and got high as fuck and called this chick Nikki and she came over and let me fuck her in the ass. The end.


at school in grade 10. i thought my friends were talking about a movie.

Home drinking brain fluid when Fred call.
WTC is kill.
and you?

I was taking mail to the post office, and when I turned on the car radio, the morning shock jock was screaming about a plane flying into the World Trade Center. I thought he was joking, but it wasn't funny.

After dropping off the mail, the second one hit, and the studio lost their minds. I went home to check. My girlfriend had just gotten up.

After staring at the news feed for an hour, I went in to work. No one cared that I was late. No one drove rudely. No one said much of anything.

That night they grounded all planes. I lived about 3 miles from a major airport. No planes.. the silence just made things more creepy.

I don't remember but my mom says she made me watch it on tv.

In second grade, I remember having to evacuate school, and the exchange student that was living in my house had to return home to Brazil.

No, he certainly was not. Palestine, Iraq, other predominantly muslim places, all showed people dancing and firing guns in the air.

6th grade eating breakfast. The teacher next door came in shouting something about the Pentagon and wtc

Sleeping. My girlfriend woke me up to try and tell me about it, but I was still pretty drunk from the night before. I honked her titty and went back to sleep.


Coming back home on a plane from the Virgin Islands.

Sophmore in high school, in history class ironically. Immediately following the attacks our school became a recruiting ground for the military. Twice a year recruiters would come to the school and talk to students, let all the guys line up and try to do as many pull-ups as possible, and everybody would act macho and listen to them tell us about all the amazing possibilities the military had in store for our future. But after the attack the recruiters were at our school every day for weeks, feeding into everyone's emotional, angry state of mind and basically convincing easy to manipulate students to join the military and fight the dirty sand rats so this would never, ever happen again.

Around this time is really when I started to get an understanding of what type of country we live in. I respect the military, I have a lot of family who served, but what happened was sickening. A friend of mine joined when he was 17 and was KIA. Another friend now suffers from PTSD, and although he's doing better, it ruined his first marriage and he attempted suicide multiple times.

Eating cereal, about to head to class. I was just there like a week previous.

>be me
>three years old
>asleep on the other side of planet
>didnt give a fuck
>mfw i still dont

The Womb

Not even born yet...fuck all you oldfags

>Be me, taking my usual flight home to my family in new york
>Not paying much attention, hoping I filled out my TPS reports properly.
>Approaching World Trade Centers, and laugh to myself, "it sucks that i'll have to take a cab here in like 30 minutes, too bad they cant just drop me off"
>Sand PPL storm cockpit
>shit my pants
>Approach the buildings
>I'm on fire with poo in my pants
>I am an hero

>in Australia
>playing crash banicoot 3 warped
>only 5 years old
>couldn't care
>i now laugh at 9/11 memes at 19

>in 7th grade
>all muslim kids get taken out of school early by their parents
>find out about attacks like an hour after 2nd plane
>panic bc whole family lives and works in manhattan
>call them all, not all make it :'(
>at home watch news, and see muslim parties in new jersey
>shit was bad for my family

I was in south asia... in an internet cafe... remember cnn homepage completely altering and become 'america under attack' page.

I was in history class too, but the fucking professor didn't say anything about it until the end of class. By that time it was all over. Still pissed that when history was actually happening, the professor chose to ignore it and continue with his lame routine lecture on research. My next class, the professor just let us watch the news.

I was actually sitting in a somewhat shitty class at Berklee wtih Annie Clark aka St. Vincent at the time. When we got out of class and down to the street there were people evacuating the Prudential Tower and that's when someone told us what was going down. Craziness.

>be me
>live in a 1st world country
>don't find out about 9/11 until 2005

>1st world country

eating cereal and watching the news. seen this shit live.
was too young to know what was happening.
went to the beach afterwards.
it was a good day for me.

Dude I was talking about Muslims being shown in brooklyn

I was deep in your mom's shitter when I heard the news from the TV in the next motel room.

>in Australia
>watching VHS porno while doggy fucking gf
>tape ends and auto rewinds
>vcr switches over to tv
>plane hits second tower
>blow my load in gf, she starts to cry about poor dead mericans
>cock stays diamonds

Reading 9/11 jokes

Fuck you young virgin you missed out on the pre 9-11 world. Shit was awesome.

I'm autistic, so I was doing things autistc people do (masturbating to hentai 24/7)

I don't give a fuck about 9/11 anyways

I was actually in the building about 20 minutes before the first strike. I had gone to take pictures with a friend, and we left the building, and hailed a taxi. While going home in Brooklyn, I saw the figure of the plane hit the building. The thing is, the building never collapsed because of the planes. Most of the building was on fire, but it never collapsed. The building fell not from the planes, but a controlled demolition. I had worked as a construction worker then, and I had done a lot of demolition, There is no way the plane itself would make the building collapse. I'm no theorist, but I could swear this was a controlled demolition. The bottom of the buildings collapsed, and the only way that was possible is through a controlled demolition.

I only recall being in Kindergarden and the next day seeing the pictures of the huilfing collapsingnon the front page of the newspaper and being amazed how the towers fell so cleanly, almost imploding. I'm not a truther now though, but I had some suspicions.

larping 12 year old

sooo... where is waldo?

All I saw was a couple fucking and a cameraman

>no one posts the fuckin copypastas
>don't have them
>can't find them on the internet


Good story

edgy teen trying to be cool

enjoy that underage b&

time traveler detected

I was actually in the building about 20 minutes before the first strike. I had gone to take pictures with a friend, and we left the building, and hailed a taxi. While going home in Brooklyn, I saw the figure of the plane hit the building. The thing is, the building never collapsed because of the planes. Most of the building was on fire, but it never collapsed. The building fell not from the planes, but a controlled demolition. I had worked as a construction worker then, and I had done a lot of demolition, There is no way the plane itself would make the building collapse. I'm no theorist, but I could swear this was a controlled demolition. The bottom of the buildings collapsed, and the only way that was possible is through a controlled demolition.

In the Army..just got done with PT. West coast

8th grade homeroom. Teacher next door came running in saying a plane hit one of the towers. Homeroom teacher turns on the tv just before second plane hit. Stayed in homeroom rest of the day watching news.

In the car on the way to work. I worked for NBC affiliate so saw all of the various satellite feeds on about 30 different TVs at once. Everyone just sat there and watched in stunned silence as the day got worse and worse.

When the day was over I went home, flopped into bed and cried my eyes out

I wasn't born yet

what really happened anyway? how did ben ladin escape?

I was in college, running to class, cause I was already late for a lab. See a mob of white hicks trying to linch an "Indian" fellow student, telling him "come on pussy arab, try to kill us!". I specifically remember the Indian student screaming, "I'm not arab, I am from India!". But they still wanted to kick his ass, as campus police started to disperse the crowd, and save the student. I was laughing, because I knew the guy, but I was too coward to defend him, because I was worried about getting to class.

Ol' Ben was actually a hermit who lived up in the hills. They caught him masturbating with a box wrench his nipples smeared with goat feces


I was actually in the building about 20 minutes before the first strike. I had gone to take pictures with a friend, and we left the building, and hailed a taxi. While going home in Brooklyn, I saw the figure of the plane hit the building. The thing is, the building never collapsed because of the planes. Most of the building was on fire, but it never collapsed. The building fell not from the planes, but a controlled demolition. I had worked as a construction worker then, and I had done a lot of demolition, There is no way the plane itself would make the building collapse. I'm no theorist, but I could swear this was a controlled demolition. The bottom of the buildings collapsed, and the only way that was possible is through a controlled demolition.

Navy boot camp. Saw it happen on a television at NTC some time after my graduation ceremony. Luckily, my family left the base on a flight back home just before it happened. Luckily, my schooling was also down the road. I hopped on the bus and went to school. Everyone who had to fly out for their schooling had to wait. Everything seemingly went downhill from there, esp. according to most of the shipmates I encountered during my experience.

I forgot to mention that Trump was stood there encouraging their racist asses

When a girl student told him to stop he just sexually assaulted her and said something about "grabbing her by the pussy". This fostered raucous laughter and jeering among the rednecks before Trump got into his party van and ran over 3 black people while leaving the campus carpark.

Watching Fippy snackbarring into Qeynos.

gettin these sweet dubs

A neighbour called after the first tower collapsed. My whole family was not aware of the attack until then. On the other hand we are germans and we were eating lunch so there was not a very big chance of us finding it out

Backpacking in the Olympic National Park for a week, went in on 9/10, came out on 9/17…HOLY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!! WAIT WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Re-entering the "world" a most surreal experience….

what kind of country we live in? One driven by the profits of war at the expense of the people? I'm curious to hear what you mean


When I eventually saw footage, thought same thing…the Loose Change came out…interesting how quickly "they" ID'd the "high ackers"!!!

Well on that point you're wrong. Also trump said Jersey.

seeTrump is a disgusting 'human' being

First grade doing shit.

Woke up in dorm room, Leebrick Hall, Kent State.....

See plane wreck into building on news while eating cereal.....

Looked interesting, but had Chem lab to get to.....

15 min into class and get told all classes cancelled for the day....

Go golfing.

I was filling my bong.

Here's your culprit.

>Be me, at High School
>Hear about shit going down in NYC
>No clear story from anyone
>No idea what's going on
>Start talking to 9/10 who is in my class
>She is freaking out a bit
>Start talking about if the attacks spread
>School is already basically chaos
>No student where they belong
>She doesn't feel safe in the crowded areas
>Suggest we go backstage of auditorium
>She feels a bit safer
>End up fucking the shit out of her
>Decided we should head back to class
>The next period bell just went off
>Make it to class before it begins
>She has this weird "I have a secret" smile
>Announcement is made
>Students being sent home
>Say goodbye to everyone
>Tell them the upcoming test is postponed
>Go home and enjoy watching the world in chaos

was at work at best buy, sales was unusually shitty that morning, word hadn't made it into the store yet what happened but management was already looking for people to go home since sales didn't support the staff level. must have been around noon before news finally got around the sales floor, don't really remember much more than that.

Holy shit, how did people react when you asked them if there happened anything in the last days?

>in class
>teacher said plane hit WTC
>nobody cares
>probably some bullshit plane
>no further details
>someone walks in the classroom
>says second plane hit WTC
>2 planes?
>teacher says probably terrorism
>leave class
>phones don't work, network overloaded
>planes grounded, sky is clear
>everyone goes home
>some girls crying
>have beer and watch CNN rest of day