Draw thread

draw thread

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He's doing fine, actually.

Post drawfags you would fuck

reposting for user if they missed it.

All the female ones with the exception of pinwhale.

hate hate hate


w-woah, i'm for dancing, not pleasure.

whoever the fuck this is

Even Bawble?

Nim and Kee are the only ones I can think of right now

But I take pleasure in dancing


let me be more specific... i'm a bot for dancing, not SEXUAL pleasure.



I would fuck me ;y

I think miro said her place was somewhere around here?

anything else? otherwise, gonna play games or something.


Doing one last request before bed.

I'm not a very healthy individual when it comes to that at all.


draw the Gurp thing

If there isn't any sort of sexual tension while dancing, you're doing wrong

Kee getting gangbanged in a dungeon since she is just a kobold.

such a bad start this morning ... most important day of the week.
keep you fingers crossed for me ,pls




draw a hawtt fox girl

I'll take good care of ole fishy till we meet again, Miro.


Dab on someone so hard, that they get sent to the shadow realm.

i'm a solo dancer, not a duet or trio. where's the sexual tension when you're solo, user?

Aww. Hopefully things go the way you want the rest of the week

i would fuck you

Aw, that sucks. You should socialize more!

>not having sexual tension while solo dancing too


gaze into my big eyes and maybe perhaps you'll feel the 'tension'.
... just kidding! ~

okay, will do hero

Requesting you being fucked on the beach in a bikini

oh cool, you got the thing. glad you like it

I request you nude, you're just too hot.

post the image Lx did
i missed it


You might be joking, but your moves are putting me in a HIPnotic trance...

i dont still gotta give you the succ do i

in time

stop acting like it's for "shitposting" you fetish fag

Here comes that BOI!!
Oh shit

mmwell, i'm no doctor but.. he needs to gain weight... buhbye! when you come back i wanna see a chubby fish ok ?
Ye, you'll see a pond and the smoke from a chimney!
Oh my, good luck hero ;-; -hug-

i'm afraid i can't do, dear user! my code is that i only do requests that aren't difficult or lewd/nsfw.

dead meme


good to hear you like my hips then, user. do they surpass human hips?

H-HAHA h-he doesnt even have boobs and a dick how am i supposed t-to djerk off? idiot?

:o hope everything goes well for ya

I never draw but I tried it out just for your thread

Yes you do

Of course, not only your hips though, you as a whole surpass human..

if you don't want to, you don't have to. i'm not gonna hold it against you.


gimmie a request or two, just no lewds pls

Someone shoot me please

Hot, moar

Okay how about a compromise?
Can I please request you bending over with your rear to the viewer while dancing. That way it's not lewd, only suggestive.

M-mixed messages...

Requesting Panne being raped

nighty night thread

how flattering, user! [◉ ◉] ~

Miro! I missed you so much!

added Nosferatu
I will add the Kin Serf

tell me what you all think.

nope. besides, i stopped drawing for the night. sorry!

I will blow up this thread!

can you do some resembling mythical monster's?

Pretty cool

Please do I wanna die

Okay. Can I get your drawname though. I love your stuff.

But that means I have to actually know people and also have more topics to talk about other than vidya.

sure! it's RADICALbot.

Anytime my Dancing RoboBuddy


Well, I mean, you are doing it with me.
Not like you havent talked to me before either.


I'll remember that.
Oh one more thing, do you have an art dump where I can see more of your work?

Shush now

Just do it, don't be gay

eugh Dude i've got the willies, and I think im lost... not a good combo.
They're not even the good kind of willies

not exactly, but i do have an artblog. but here's 3 heads up.
1. i haven't posted any RADICALbot doodles on my artblog.
2. you just might be disappointed.
3. i'm not comfortable saying my artblog's name, so you'll have to tell me yours.

>literally how provo was born


But i see you.................
haha, sorry about that, but that's the point of having a secret cabin !
new phone who dis
jk, i'm glad you still thought of me, user !

Say the words!

like i said, if you want to. don't have a dick either so we could hug if you don't want to lick cat vag.

give me reqyuest

I only use it to talk with others

Draw mercury black from rwby dabbing


i should be sleeping but i wanna see cabin!!

got it?


Its Briwils on tumblr!

Requesting you as your favorite animal!

got it?