Found her name but not this video. If anyone knows drop a link

Found her name but not this video. If anyone knows drop a link.

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how is that supposed to feel good for the man?

whats the name faggot?

it's a Dominance thing. Alpha as fuck.

bravo, so you bend your dick just to show dominance? Over-"Alphas" are more pathetic then betas.

Turns out I was just bad at looking. Posting for anyone wanting.

From my experience, it doesn't feel as good, because a mouth is not that soft place compared to pussy. Especially it feels bad, even painful, when you hit the back of the mouth, and deep throating like this only feels slightly better, but not nearly like pussy.

Maybe if pussy is super loose it's fine, but when the pussy is tight, it is superior feeling to bj.

virgin detected

I come in like 5 minutes in a mouth doing what he does, and it feels so sooo gooood mate

You don't know what you're talking about, maybe a lack of experience.

bla bla bla

>bla bla bla
Are you 8 ?

I wish

It's about making a girl want to do something that's almost torture, males like to dominate and females like to be submissive. We are animals.

What is her name, DarkThroat?

Jamming it in there like he does at first doesn't feel great, but it doesn't feel bad by any means. When it slides down the throat though, it's heavenly. And what they say about it being better for a girl to have a gag reflex isn't true at all. It feels great when they gag.

You should be more concerned about how it feels for her. She's clearly in some discomfort

It depends. I had chicks with bad BJ skills to which a loose pussy would be better. But holy shit, when a women knows what she does a blowjob and specially a deep throat are heaven!

thats a bit more explaining, maybe I am oldschool or beta or soft, but mostly I like the women I facefuck.

...about it being better for a girl NOT to have a gag reflex*

Idk worlds man smh

I fghjhdfvguhds

Girls like it too, just stfu you don't know what you're talking about boy.

well I don't fuck hookers so I can't know how super skilled bj feels like.

Enjoy getting stomach acid on your cock.
if you enjoy oral more than vag you just going gay. next is pegging then you'll go full faggot