Thou shalt not post substantive content

thou shalt not post substantive content

It's always a trap.

hitler did nothing wrong


Thou shalt not hate on furries

Furries are abominations

Trump is love

the zeroth commandment has been spoken! For moot saw it, and it was good.

dammit, paradox

Thou Shalt Not Be Black of Skin

OP is a faggot

Thou shalt post bananas in YLYL threads

Deus Vult Sandniggers

reroll on that

Fat t people are to be fatshamed

No autistic virgins allowed


Thou shall reply to this commandment or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Furries are thy gayest shite in the universe

it's ok to fuck little boys


All ten commandments must be broken daily.


Thou Shalt post breasts and time declaration or leave post-haste

Loli is the supreme form of porn

Sup Forums without Autism just isn't thinkable


it's ok to fuck your sister

Thou shall allow negros to tongue thine anus

bait shalt not be responded to

good gets.
Reroll for

the jew is your natural genetic enemy

Thou shalt always check trips or higher

thou shall not make bbc threads

all muslims must hang.

Thou shalt chain thy sister to the radiator and rape her for decades and decades and decades

Kill all niggers and the jews.

Thou shalt not post bananas in YLYL threads

Fuck off furry


it's not a femenine penis, you are just a faggot.

jews did 9/11

Trump is God Emperor

Singles are the new dubs

It's not gay if the penis is feminine.

jet fuel really can melt steel beams

Tho shalt always rate other dicks, as you submit your own.

Thou shalt praise Kek

Obama is best POTUS.

thou shalt push toddlers through a woodchipper

the number shall be Sup Forums. no less than a, no more than c. should a number not fall between a and c, it shall be banned, and a new board shall be drawn of of a hat to replace it. nee

Thou shall sieg heil a picture of Hitler every morning

Obama is worst POTUS

Jew-jiitsu is the art of the jewish asian

Trips always speak the truth.

you shall not cum

Op suga. Check.

Obama is gonna Ob.

Thou shall hunt down all the faggots, furries and cosplayers

shit quads

Thou shalt not knock it unless you've tried it

op is a faggot.


But you got quads, so you're a liar.

trump is love, trump is life

once a Sup Forumstard always a Sup Forumstard

niggers tounge my anus


Thou shall remain a virgin forever


thou shalt be a clinton voting spic

bow to the almighty gibus

jews are subhuman filth

6 million wasn't enough


jerk it smoke it

get rid of all the mexicans

Though shall regularly flame Reddit


Thou shalt never leave this place.


fuck em all to death


good combo


Thou shalt not download a car

cunty cunty cunty cunty gook moot


If you don't follow these commandments your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Thou shalt never roll for numbers

rerolling for the wall


last night I james bond big mac your sister

Thou shalt fap to traps ant claim you are straight


Thee who laughs shall lose

when they nigger neighbor fucks thine wife;
thou shalt tounge thane niggers anus

All commandments, including this one, are false.

Thou shalt keep Sup Forums shitposting on Sup Forums

aliens r gay

harry potter's septic mangina