What's the best way to become white if you're ethnic?

What's the best way to become white if you're ethnic?

10 gallons of bleach

Wear a make murica great again hat

Kill self and hope to be reincarnated as some white person.. if this doesn't work keep trying. Took me about 6 tries. Kept getting sandnigger

Earn money through ~15 years of working

Earn money through ~3 years of trying people/system off.

Pick one. Or both, we do both a lot too

Forget everything you know about dancing.

Shoot a dindu

> implying whites are unethnic subhumans

Your talking about slavs and pikeys. They are more animal then human

Being Nordic white I'm offspring of those animals then.

50 Kg of Bounty

Give sauce on pic

There are Celtics, Irish, German, Greek, Roman, Hispanic whites as well. And many more. It's silly to think they are all the same face.

Nords are vikings from skyrim. You're cool dawg. Im talking ruskies and serbs

And I don't distinguish races. Samadhi, you know.

Rus is a nordic tribe. They are vikings.

Vodka vikings more like it...vikings came from norway, sweden, and denmark. They raped and pillaged russia along the rest of europe and the near east

Vodka was discovered by Polish Jews, it has not that strong connection with Russia, excluding that Mendeleyev invented 40 degree formula for it.

And again, western slavs calles us the Rus to help them with wars with Byzantine Empire. I didn't wared down a single of them.

Pffft, dont tell any russians this. They might get all butt hurt
>polak detected

> eastern

It is more important how it is real, not what the people say.

can haz sawce pweeze?

you can't, its in your genes.

the best you can do is kys to make room for white people.

> called

Sure it is mr polak, sure it is. Either way vodka is shit tier booze.

I never leaved the Rus or Russian Empire, or USSR, or Russian Federation now, but the Poland was an associated part of Russia till 1917.

Dont tell mr polak that you damned dirty slav

My business is war, and I know it well.

I don't know what's wrong with you about slavs. They are the finest people I ever met.

Shitty or nah, it's cheap and fast and makes the duty, so where is the problem

A way better than me, if you are about this.

seppuku and reincarnate

Then they are the only people you have ever met and calling them people is far too gracious...maybe apes would be a more reasonable way to describe them?

become an ameritard

Common, guy. We had family relationships to all the kings and aristocracy of Europe, and beyond, I have something to compare against.

Well if thats your only qualification for what you drink why not go to mouthwash. Its cheaper then vodka

Those fools were brought in to rule the unruly animals that inhabitted that part of the world. Didnt work out so well for them considering that they were all butchered by the beasts in 1917

I don't understand you.

Its ok, your a slav. You dont understand much of anything, go drink another 60 of vodka


Michael Jackson had the secret and they killed him for it so maybe it's better you don't find out


I got Slav twice and one Jew.

Vikings aren't conquerors, they are pirates, if you know what it means.

Irish ARE celtics you retard.

For sure, I'm a slav now, they said I can call myself a slav now. It took around a thousand of years till they called variag a slav.

Redtard, pls.

You know what ethnic means?

a week ago you were sucking putins dick and you were shitting your pants in fear from russia and ww3 now you call them subhuman vodkaniggers

Being a barbarian, my language is very simple. It consists of 3-5 words the slavs now accepted as slovic. They are radically offensive, though.

Damn he is hot, I would suck that dick for hours.
Not even gay too.

It was called "wolves cry" before. It is right definition, so I wasn't offended ever.

Волчья лая.


Not a gray wolf, a white. Nothern, you know.