Is it normal to cum this much?

Is it normal to cum this much?

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stop wasting that shit into a dick bag and blow it into a pussy where it belongs


you idiot, become a sperm donor and make at least 45 USD each time you masturbate.

why you guys shoot your sperm into socks, towels and your sisters high heels never seizes to amaze me.

my next battlestation will be made entirely by masturbating

I have made around 2500 USD just by donating the last 9 months.





not ready for kids

No idea OP, how much do you normally drink?

It's abnormal to cum that what it is.

Shit, its one of the symptoms of ball cancer.
Your balls are literally dissolving.
Go see a med asap faggot.

it is completely normal

hell yeah its normal!

is it normal to tie that shit off and put it in a box and mail to my address?

Hell yeah its normal!

How much would you pay for it

neither do i but i cum in every girl i'm with after i verify theyre on some form of birth control. current is on the patch; last girl had the nuvaring

ill pass on the risk

>my next battlestation will be made entirely by masturbating
Fucking kek

If that's your cum it looks waaay to watery your balls are shit , lol

Get your bitch the pills.Cum belongs in the pussy

cum belongs on the tits

cum belongs in her mouth

>volume of the ejaculation is dependent on the balls
You mean prostate

Fake. Was not in a pussy. He jacked off in it and added water.


>threading my own post
>lol look at me lol i can Sup Forums

all the facepalms in the world....

>What is implanon


bump for more cum in condom

Aren't you tied to a schedule where you gotta deliver your cum + you now have 800 kids who all wanna know their daddy?

damned kids

I don't condone sperm banks.
I don't want anymore tumblr kids who grew up without a real father because they were raised by lesbitches who couldn't actually commit to a man.

Dunno, don't use condoms, how many ropes is it?

Fuck that. I don't want a child. I don't want some stranger/bitch having my child. And my genetic material is worth more to me than 45 measly dollars.

So you don't masturbate and plug your dick to prevent wet dreams?

No I masturbate daily. I'm just not going to sell it. That is your f'-ing genetic makeup. You are literally handing over control of it for the cost of a video game.

>getting paid to fap
>fapping at home for nothing

You aren't getting paid to jerk off. That's porn.
You are getting paid for your sperm. Your genetic DNA. You are literally handing that shit over for chump change. You could have kids out there and you will never know.

>You are getting paid for your sperm. Your genetic DNA. You are literally handing that shit over for chump change. You could have kids out there and you will never know.
Do you even hear yourself, getting paid to do something you do anyway

its obvious you only think of the personal effects and nothing further then that. I gladly invite you to open up your eyes one day and taking a look at what sperm donation actually does.

I am fucking aware of the simple argument. I just don't find it AT ALL worth it. 0%
Were I starving and homeless I'd do it but only as a last measure.

The fact is I don't WANT my genetic material out there. I don't WANT people making children with my sperm. And 45 dollars is way to little to convince me to look past that.

What this guy said. You only see the short term. I don't like the long term.

It tricks old ladies into having quintuplets, fucking hilarious

OP, when you are donating, how do you manage to shoot your wad into what?, a plastic cup or something? Seems like it'd kill the orgasm.

>It tricks old ladies into having quintuplets, fucking hilarious

do you not know how egg fertilization works at a sperm bank/hospital? it seems you don't. each egg is individually fertilized and then implanted back into the womb. this allows nearly perfect precision on how many babies a person would want. in your case of quintuplets it was caused by lack of sanitation on medical tools, a simple mistake, not a trick.

You say it as normal sex can not cause quintuplets, so what is your point?

Sperm banks require stupid high requirements .
You need to have near perfect genes for that to happen.

Why not all 3?

That's why I just donate to people from craigslist.

not in a black neighborhood :^) any white genes are near perfect for them.

Generally it's multiple eggs, hence the multitudes higher chance of twins+ during artificial fertilisation and the prevalence of high numbers of multiple births today.

Can you do that?
I've seen similar ads but its usually some crazy bitch looking to get preg for some reason.

hey buddy I think thats called prostitution not sperm donating. unless you fucking send you sperm in a bag to these people, if that really is whats going on the toppest of keks to you my fine lad.

There are a lot of bullshitters and crazies but you can generally weed them out in a message or two.

I received no money.

multiple eggs are fertilized but normal one is implanted and if it fails another one is put in. at least that is my knowledge, and im not claiming I am an expert on this subject. but i know for sure quintuplets are extremely rare.


then you have no reason to be in this thread friendo, you're just someone with a fetish who want to market their cum for free.

Here is the deal, I hate kids with all of my guts, I really dont want it ever..
I dont have money, I cant even think about that.

Saturday I'm going to have sex in a big while, but I dont trust condoms or the girl I'm having sex with.

Does anybody knows a way to low the sperm count without operation?
That I can do myself at home?

Any tip I can do before sex?
Maybe punch my balls really hard?

"sperm donor for 45 USD"

>be paid for it
pick one

It's a mild fetish at best. I just like knowing that I have at least 4 kids that will cost people $250,000 each.

Jerk off 15 minutes before.

Control will be better, and you'll pull out when you need to.

fuck man, I'll look into it, the idea of spreading my seed sounds fantastic

>Maybe punch my balls really hard?

I'm a doctor and I can confirm that this will work. To make sure you are punching hard enough, please stream it so I can give instructions.

>mild fetish at best
>mild fetish

A fetish is a fetish dude, no matter how "mild" it might be.

Just be careful. If you knock up a crazy woman your life is over.


Best regards, another doctor

Wow, I thought I was the only doctor browsing Sup Forums and now I find two others at the same time. But yes, you are both right, you just need to punch really really hard. Will make you sterile for like a week or so.

Thank you user

Yeah, well, Sup Forums is known for it's high number of engineers, doctors, physicist, chemists and so on. It's not really that rare here.

This is now a cringe thread

no is not normal kill yourself

You know they don't require spermbanks to achieve this right?

>Lez rings gay friend
>user, Julie and I had an idea