Holy fuck please help me Sup Forums

Holy fuck please help me Sup Forums..

I'm 22 years old... There was this amazing girl that I met and we clicked so fucking well.. We talked about everything and shared secrets with each other, pretty much perfect soul mates.. I was in love with her so much... But our differences.. In age.. Was too much.. She was only 12 years old (I thought she was 16 which is legal). Now before you yell at me, she's so damn mature!! She's always hanging out with people years ahead of her and she talks like she's an adult, people say it's because she grew up mainly being around adults so that's why she's so mature now. Even now at 13 years old now she's dated heaps of guys older than her (she even told me MEN have hit on her before, like 20+) which is my next problem..

Recently she's been ignoring me and it really hurt... What broke my heart even more is when I found out that she had a boyfriend that was fucking 16!! She told me she can't talk to me anymore because he gets really jealous and upset when she talks to other guys..

.. Please help me bros. I need her in my life again! How do I win back her heart? I know it seems pathetic trying to steal a 13 year old girl from a 18 year old kid but I know she'd be better with me.. Please help me bros. I fucking love her so much and I even tried begging her back but she said that I need to find another girl maybe closer to my age but she's the only one that I want PLEASE help me Sup Forums this is fucking killing me

meant 13* sorry for typo

13y old and mature? kill youself dude!


Enjoy prison pedofag.
Except this is likely pasta of some sort or shit bait, either way, you should strongly consider ending your own life.

Well, you're a pedo like the rest of us. Make a new account with whatever app you're using to contact her and try to reconnect with her as a friend.


>The rest of us
Don't lump me in with your degenerate kind.

Wow, Sup Forums is so full of faggots nowadays

>not fapping to kids

You're on Sup Forums dumbass. That already makes you a tier 4 degenerate.

I understand I might be being trolled, but what the hell. Let's do this.

Many paedophiles do not understand what it means to be a compassionate, worrying parent and a protector of others. They may never know how it feels to raise a child, to love it, to fear that child being taken away from them unjustly. They do not know the discipline and control needed to educate that child, to teach them right from wrong, to instill a sense of morals and ethics. They will not know the joys of something as simple as a smile, or an A+ on their child's report card, or their child proudly displaying their first car.

Thus, many paedophiles cannot be reasoned with. They know only their selfish, sexual gratification. Instead, revel in the knowledge that what you're reading, is the truth.

To any person who defends paedophilia, I respect your right to free-speech and the right to argue what you believe are "merits" of said-practice on a forum board.

Know this, however. Were I to meet you on the street and it was conclusive that you were a paedophile who had offended in some manner, shape or form, I would shoot you. I would shoot 50 of you. It's just a fact. I harbour no hatred toward you, just the knowledge that your demise would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.

Know that I am far from a "crazed, lone wacko" in this opinion. Multitudes of rational people would do exactly the same. Live in fear, or seek help. Adapt or perish. Your choice.

yes thanks to you

Have you tried witchcraft ? What you do is get one of them love spells and you need some candles and a magic witchcraft circle and other occult paraphanalia and at the stroke of midnight you stand in the centre of the circle in the middle of a farmers field, light your candles and incense and chant magic words of all power while dancing round and round like an indian sprinkling magic dust on your head. Works a charm apparently.

Op, you gotta give this up. This is bad all around. You've become infatuated with this girl, but you have to let her go. No good will come of this.
You will meet someone your own age. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week. But it will happen.

>Be 27, dating 16 yo cutie, her sister is 11, cute face tomboy
>A little more than a year later, she gets pregnant and we move in together
>4 months into pregnancy, we go to family reunion, her dad has 12 brothers and sisters, she has a shit load of cousins, get blowjob from her 14 yo cousin
> 2 months after that, cousin has menstruation for a month straight, turns out she has a problem and they have to remove her uterus
>Visit her family again, see cousin in hospital. Her now 13 yo sister is there, hair grown out, looking good AF
>Stay up late drinking with her dad, gf goes to bed early
>After everyone else is out for the night, sister comes downstairs in T-shirt and panties, no bra
>We talk for a long while, she flirts a lot
>Nothing happens though, just bonding.
>Sister comes to visit for a month over the summer
>Starts off as holding hands when gf (now fiancee) isn't around, then making out, one time with her wearing my college hoodie, shit was so cash
>We did everything but fuck before she left
>Best and most exciting part is when I get any opportunity to leave the house, like when she needs things (preparing to have the baby), paint for the nursery, diapers, etc. I meet up with her sister and we fuck like animals in my car.
>Gf wants me to get a minivan, I'm alright with this since I'll be choosing something that folds down into a bed in the back seat.

Also bro I think we should start a petition to lower the Federal age of consent to 14 (like Germany). President Trump is the best hope we have at getting this right. Many people have been jailed, ostracized from communities/families for natural biological attraction. It's ruining lives, Freedom, Liberty, America.

>Implying Sup Forums wasn't always full of faggots

>Being this much of a loser

Gotta say I'm generally a pacifist but I consider both pedophilia and facism to be terminal diseases that warrant euthanasia

Sure, you're right pal, I'm degenerate in my own way. That doesn't mean I have to agree with their form of degeneracy.

by the time a girl is 14 shes ready for sex and relationships.

Even if she's not

Zip ties and a ballgag

but bow come out of all things on Sup Forums having attraction to naturally hot girls (13/14+) seems to get the most butthurt responses?

>le epic 12yo gril story bait thread xDDD
>le epic pretend outrage xDDDD
>le constant bumps by pedos hoping for child porn xDDDDD

This is bait or you're a fucking retard. Either way, you should probably kys.

>bumping yourself, faggot
>muh palindrome

pathetic sjw cuck that never leaves his basement

No she isn't.
She's ready to decide which shoes to wear with her dress for the Homecoming Dance.
That's about it.

what do you mean rest of us??

not everyone is a pedo dude

Fuck off nigger, you faggots lost, change is coming. Mom and dad may have coddled you too long, but not everyone sucked on daddy's dick until they graduated with a liberal arts degree

lmfao pathetic sjw brainwashed frminist detected.

just because you were a spcially autistic, virgin lonely faggot until you lost it to a prostitute in your 30s doesnt mean everyone else is.

Most chicks are literally ready both physically and mentally by the time they around 15

>when a 22yo fgt can only talk with 12yo child
>soul mates
OP, cut your dick off and kys
fucking pedo scum

>Be 27
>dating 16
>her sister is 11, cute face tomboy
srsly kys.. you're only wasting oxygen


IF you have a daughter and she's 14 please call me and I'll fuck her.. after that you can tell me it's allright

If she's developed or devoloping, which quite a few 12, 13,14 year olds are, then it's normal biological attraction ephebephilia not paedophilia btw. I bet you attack this but defend homosexuality and trans/trap bullshit as normal. You faggots lost, we be president nigger. Leave or kill yourself, America doesn't want you anymore, we've had enough of your manipulation and lies

Is this the tolerance of liberal viewpoints the Jews keep talking about?

Different strokes for different folks bro

don't try to justify fucking a minor! AND fucking NO, trans/trap bullshit IS NOT FUCKING NORMAL!
>America doesn't want you anymore
I don't want america
I don't give a FUCK about america
I give a fuck when some SCUM tells me he wants to fuck children!
Cut your dick off and eat it, after that KYS!

Holy shit, I didn't realize they had internet in West Virginia.

There's SO much wrong with this stale pasta, it's clearly written by some moron that did not even bother to do the slightest bit of research on pedophilia.

It makes pedos look (once again) like all they care about is a childs body

All that that text really shows is that the author is so close-minded and stubborn that he can not look past the "child sex" thing whatsoever, completely disregarding the idea that pedos are simply humans too.

A pedo loves children in two ways.

Once like a parent, they teach children about life and theres hardly anything they love more than playing with the, making them laugh and have a good time.

Then again the way you would like a lover your age. Pedos want to be with the kid they love in good times and help them through bad times, spend way too much money to make them happy and all that stuff.
Sex for pedos has the same importance than it has for anybody else.
Its not all they think about.

Learn this already, normies.

fuck off scum

You can't reason with retards bro

find another closer to her age

KYS nigger, did I cross the line, am I a maggot, tell me about your training and 300 confirmed kills

lol, op got rejected by a 12 yr old

U sound very submissive
What r u doing 2nite

This is bait, but let's go:

>They may never know how it feels to raise a child, to love it, to fear that child being taken away from them unjustly.
Then, don't let your 13yo daughter dress like a fucking slut, and don't let her hang out at times where 13yo kids should be doing their home works before going to bed.

>They do not know the discipline and control needed to educate that child, to teach them right from wrong, to instill a sense of morals and ethics.
If some 13yo is dressing like a whore, hanging out at night, dating and fucking older guys, I'd say the discipline and control of the parents is pretty fucking nonexistent. And so is their sense of morals and ethics. Those parents suck and should consider sterilization to prevent their subhuman DNA from spreading further.

>would help create a safer society for our children to explore their innocence and sexuality among themselves.
Safer... by having some lunatics shooting people they fear in the streets. Enjoy having oldfags shooting kids because they feel threatened, xenophobes shooting foreigners because they make the streets unsafe, niggers shooting cops because they threaten their hellspawns...

I don't have training and I don't have 300 confirmed kills but I don't mind stabbing you 300 times

My fiancée's 13yo sister bro, u mad cause you have to listen to your girl bitch about shit before you get any granny pussy

So edgy

cyka blyat
idi nahui

U mexican or nigger, I have a license to conceal carry my .380 walther, it's a bitch gun but gets the job done

infinite keks
Oh my! Im laughing so much of your pathetic life! LOLOLOL
You know the answer! You have reached the maximum level of foolishness. And you obviously know whats better for you both. You now have to kill yourself. I swear! I can't stop laughing... Im imagining you all sad cause of that little bitch... Dang! She's probably just laughing at you too (with her cute 18 yo Boyfriend)