Let's be real. Who voted for Trump because they hate Mexicans?

Let's be real. Who voted for Trump because they hate Mexicans?

I'll start: I did.

Why do you hate mexicans? Who's gonna repair your streets or make your burritos?

Japanese maids.

Hahaha yeah fukkin right

I'm Mexican. Why do you hate us?

That's okay op. I hate white people equally, especially retarded inbreds like you/

Yeah I hate mexicans and niggers and women and fags and trannies!!!!!! white power!!!!! I'm a nazi!!!!!!! xD

What country do you live in?

nazis stopped being cool in 1945 user.

Just down the block from you friendo

Because you loiter at the racetrac during your lunch break from construction.

You listen to polka music.

Your women have the worst shelf life of any female on earth.

Most of you are a drain on social services to the point that it makes it hard for people who were born here to get assistance in the slight chance something happens and we can't work for a while.

I pay close to a grand for my health insurance because you people keep coming here and having babies and getting free healthcare.

I hate tacos.

So am I I live in Canada. It's funny to see the ignorance in America. I guess what can I expect when it's easier to acquire a gun than a University education.

>blames mexicans for all your problems when white trash does the exact same thing but they get an exception because of your racism.


Wat up edgy boi

fuck off snow-mexican

Better to be a beaner than an arab

>Aye gringo whose gonna take da jobs nobody wants
Poor white people that pay taxes faggot.

most of you drain on social services? Hell no im Mexican and have never been on that shit, i know more trailer white trash that's on welfare than Mexicans on that shit.
Our woman have the worst shelf life? your woman are always fat, start to finish.

I hate burgers.

nobody hates mexicans.. Just people that come here illegally from any nation. It just happens to be that most in the U.S. happen to be from Mexico. No worries though, thats being sorted out as we speak.

Yes very true. Arabs are the worst minority of all, they only collect welfare and blow themselves up

I voted trump. I hate my self.

Tons of white trash loiter at the race track during their lunch break, drinking over priced bear and spitting dip. Also black women age way worse then mexicans, talk about wrinkly celulite bags. I've lived in both dominatly black areas and dominatly mexican areas and i gotta say, black people are by far the worse. Not to mention they drain our well fair more than mexicans

Poor white people? HAH! Poor white people are poor cause they refuse get shitty job. They're unemployed cause they won't take minimum wage.

Good luck getting them to pick berries and blowdry concrete

poor white people pay taxes? I thought they just sit around eating twinkies off of their snap card and drinking moon shine all day. mexicans actually have a stereotype of being hard workers because they actually work as opposed to your welfare hicks.

Wrong. See point below.
Also wrong. Rednecks are not all white trash, and white trash are not all rednecks. Most rednecks bust their asses in construction or other shitty jobs. And most of the time the Hispanics who take those jobs aren't even fucking Mexicans, 99% of the time they're Cubans.

I didn't vote for him because I hate Mexicans, but because I hate all ILLEGAL immigrants.

How does that prove me wrong? I've never even heard of rednecks doing that. Most people know that Mexicans actually do lots of work, lots of shitty jobs that white people will never take.

No you're not,you just act like a douche bag, nazis commited genocide.

Dude, I have NO IDEA what the fuck you're talking about, but I've got a deaf redneck friend named Chad, yes, his name is Chad, you'd love to meet him.

You should

Fact there are more white people "draining" welfare than there are black people doing it. U.S. Department of Agriculture data from 2013, which administers welfare, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are Black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.

>when normies cant detect ironic xD and multiple exclamations

>lots of shitty jobs that white people will never take

That's because taxes come out of our paychecks. And the employers only hire them to dodge having to pay social security, insurance and all the other expenses that go along with hiring legally which usually winds up costing them at least twice what the worker actually gets paid.
The "oh they are great workers and do the jobs Americans think they are too good for" thing is total shit people who have never been on the business end of the whole illegals thing think
A Mexican who becomes legal loses his value to employers no matter how little he is willing to work for.

>25.7% are black
>blacks are only 13% of US pop
>that means it's like every single black

You're full of shit. I work construction and half of them are hard working mexicans that aren't illegal, they do listen to some shitty mariachi music but they are as good as any white guy I work with. You're just a retarded fuck who thinks he's better than other humans because of skin color.

I hate Mexicans (and everyone else who isn't white or Asian) and still voted Clinton.

Do trump supporters hate asians?

It's 25% of the people on snaps are black, not 25% of the us population.

like asian women?

If they are china, but here in America no, because they aren't a drain on society like the niggers and spics.

>arguing about American issues.
Lol is America even relevant? The new big world power is now Canada faggots.

No, asians are considered whites, at least in cities.

Burgers are from Germany


good one less thing to worry about

my sides, asians are considered white, they are fucking yellow, you dumb shit

Thank you I was losing faith in Sup Forums

all my employees are mexcan, because, the blacks donĀ“t like to do heavy work and the rednecks are fucking lazy.

From what i heard. Mostly women voted for trump.

Did they really like thatwhole "grab em by the pussy" thing?

Also they day before voting day. There was a guy on here askinh if anyone besides him were feeling shame in walking around with his maga hat..i bet that guy is feeling so much pride now.

Some women like it forcefull, apparently on Election Day we found that almost all of them like it forcefull!!!!

I'll admit I am very racist, but not indiscriminately. I only do not like the ones that are a burden on the system, taking welfare, street niggers that push drugs, illegals, etc.

If we didnt have legal mexicans here no one would pick our fruit and veg and it would be a problem. I worked in the orchards one summer in high school cause i thought it would be easy money... but it isnt. I have respect for the hard working mexican, or people of any color.

What i do have a problem with is

They should all be blown up and removed from this planet.

So what you really hate is the shitty people that exist in each race. Not the race it self?

I voted for Trump because lawless government is dangerous.

i didn't. i just want things to be fair for once. you're whats wrong with the alt-right you nazi prick

Pretty much, ill admit there are enough shitty white people too.

But all sand niggers should be destroyed, no waivering on that



Also because Pence says it like it is and wants to cleanse America of the homosexual disease.

But why????

I don't care who you vote to be the senate's puppet.. but fuck you inbred rednecks for screwing up our stock exchange.

"But muh change"

Nobody gives a shit.

I voted Trump because he wants to give citizens the green light to kill all the Muslims in OUR country.

that wont work. they;ll still hunger for cock and look weird with women. itll be like hanging with serial killers

you evber see these "fixed" homos?

I don't mind Mexicans but finally having a pres who officially recognises women as inferior is just what we needed.

i'm half mexican and voted for trump because mexico is a failed state and won't be fixed by ppl leaving it.

Any friend of the Klan is a friend of mine MAGA! MAWA!

jesus... c'mon, you gotta love Mom!

1000s of years of violence has came out of thier way of life. Do you think that will ever change? They cant assimilate or get along with any race. You just need to put down the rabid dogs, and move on sometimes..

its for the collective IQ, right?

Wait the us has been nothing but violence since it's inception

I love YOUR mom haha loves it when I grab her by the pussy

Yeah but when it's white it's alright

He's officially got Breitbart into power, it's good to finally have a more balanced viewpoint after all the left wing bullshit we've had to put up with.

He's also right not to demonise the Klan like the libcuck media does, they are America's future and he recognises that.

Haha not the same poster... but Americans are arrogant and ignorant. But atleast we can assimilate and not be a danger to everyone else because of our shitty religions.

*modern day* dont wanna here about christian pasts persecutions. Muslims have had enough time on this planet to figure it out, and they clearly havnt

i get it, you probably didnt have the most caring parents... that's your problem though

so do all of you really not believe in climate change?

All we need to know is that OP is a fucking faggot

Mass shootings, oklahoma city bombing , linchings, Native American genocide, Internment camps for the Japanese. White people are proud of this?

I tell you what, I'm a New Zealander and the Asian to white's ratio is insane. You go to Auckland city, our main city. And it's fucking filled with asians. Left right and center.

Literally every direction you look, theres an asian. Every bus stop, every street and road.

My local neighbourhood is filled with asians as well. It's scary to think how quickly immigrations has escalated. I wonder what it's going to be like in the next coming years.

Because at this rate, I'm going to have to marry a fucking chinese women instead of a european.

sound like an improvment

Maybe move to Europe

You pay that much for health care because your service is run by money hungry dogs.

Dude, are you seriously a white guy complaining there are too many Asians in Asia? Do you also go to McDonalds and complain there are too many burgers? GTFO back to your country. Problem solved.

not only mexicans. also hating apes in heels.


Woah look at the ghost that can speak

who cares? you cannot easily get rid of americans. you still can get rid of the mexicans

considering it.
no no, im currently living in nz, but the asian to white male ratio within auckland itself is considerably high.

Goes for all ameribros. any of you who ever visit nz for its shitty greenery and stop into auckland for an airport shuttle.. notice the asians. theyre everywhere. In numbers.

What race are Americans ?

Mexican here.

I voted Trump.

obviously talking about the ones without residency faggot

so nobody wabts to talk about climate change?

Waaah somebody is coming into my country at their own free will, waaaaah they wont jump through the hoops, waaaaah fucking waaaaah.

Legitimate question to anons who think this way; Are you a legal immigrant? Did you move to America seeking something better than the shithole you were born in? Are you not a supporter of free will. I know I won't get legitimate answers.

I was born in the US as well as my parents & grandparents. My parents are registered Republicans, both have jobs & they raised me in a middle class neighborhood. I served in the US army & became a college graduate after I got out. I now work in the IT field & I'm Mexican, do you still hate me?

I voted for Trump because I hate Hillary.

so you didn't answer my question, what race is America?

Do you think any of your credentials matter to a racist.... nope they sure don't, just your skin and culture.

why not third party?

european white. and some mixed scum

I like mexicans better than blacks
they are less violent.

Okay you showed me different colors on a map, I'm glad you can use a crayon.