HD music related wallpapers that are dank as fuck

Will be contributing

Other urls found in this thread:




Does anyone have any OutKast or Carly Rae Jepsen?








Thanks user, You're Dead! has one of the dopest album covers of all time if you ask me



Any requests? It's all 1920x1080 or higher. The second Filth is one where the teeth are drawn

7, 9, and 12 please? nice collection btw


Very Shallow Listening



I'll take a 59, my good fellow


Could I get that Pink Moon? Thanks in advance

Are images being slow/fucking up for anyone else?

5 6 11 12 20 26 27 32 34 37 43 45 51 58 59 63 66

neat collection bro

feels ples






You wouldn't happen to have similar wallpapers of The Hunter and/or OMRTS, would you?

figured i should contribute since i been swiping some of these. this guy () is especially wonderful.






c'mon guys





pls post only OC/rare ones


I'll just post ones I have that are not on the wiki then

I've seen this a zillion times and it never er clicked that they're doing Bowie's pose from Heroes.

Sunbather and kid a

Forgot pic


Anyone have a Valtari wallpaper?










4 and 50?

15 and 39? you have some nice stuff here




thanks bro ur the bomb

I posted Feels earlier if you didn't see


17 Please





45 45 45 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

40 and 45 please lad, also which ones are higher than 1080p?


Dopesmoker, the drawn Filth, and Endtroducing


8 please

Anyone got some dank phone wallpapers?



thank you kind sir!

is it just me or has Sup Forums scaled down the image?!

14, 39, 58 please, many thanks



any jazz wallpaper plz?

it's not very good, but take this

any The Cure wallpaper?

63 please!





only some, most seem to load fine for me

why the fuck is the picture called daft-fiction
it should be punk fiction



its alright i found it