Hey guys. What's up?

Hey guys. What's up?

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Nice to see he's happy now. Remember he used to make depressing music

Really depressing music

Dan is such a man, I don't know how anyone could dislike him

Like REEEEEEEAAAAAALY depressing music

I think the only one who ever disliked Dan... is Dan







Do you feel happy because he is happy now? Or do you feel sad because he is happy and will not release any music that will be as good as Deathconsciousness?

nm, u?



I'm stocked for the new HANL, Dan I love you forever.


They're making a new album?

hi dan, we need the new giles corey album

I believe he's talked about a new Giles Corey record for a few years, but he recently put this up on his instagram:


Sounded like the beginning to Trespasser's W

I know on the tweet he made with the link he just said "HANL Demo listening part III" and in the comments of the IG post Dan says "we've been working on it for a year or two. Hopefully done this year"

idk, i guess its worth keeping an eye out for


Are we never going to get that extremely long rerecording of Destinos?

not much Dan, how about you, Clippy?