Do depression test

Do depression test
Post results
It would help me see what others get.

Old thread It will soon 404

Will bump with other results from other thread.

depression isn't real

kill yourself.

Sure, why not.



memes aren't real

kill yourself.

Here we go
>workout partner committed suicide earlier this year
>lost my job without warning in January
>saw my ex girlfriend who cheated on me a few years back, she's the only girl I've cared for, but I tried to ignore her. Makes me feel bad
>Just found out the job I applied for and was stoked for because I have an insider isn't hiring even though they said they were online
>Just petty shit
I've always been a bit fucked up in the head though.


Meh just a normal lurkfag. Maybe a bit rapey vibe tho.




DisorderYour ScoreMajor Depression:Very HighDysthymia:ModerateBipolar Disorder:ModerateCyclothymia:ModerateSeasonal Affective Disorder:HighPostpartum Depression:N/ATake the Depression Test

My girlfriend told me last year she was pregnant, tore myself away from my family defending her, then I found out it wasn't mind.


That massive failure of HTML doesn't really help my mood either...

Already knew about the bipolar bit. I make do alright. I'm pretty well past wanting to kill myself in life so I think I'm alright.

hey dude

Hello new friend

Sup Forums....will you be my friends....please?

welcome newfriend!

this is just a test designed to satiate the edgy teens' desire

hey friend :^]


Seems about right

No joke, been lurking since 2006. I just don't post much and don't know how the internet works.

Im pretty fucked up I guess.

Im just a guy with some really damn problems right now in my life.

Well I'm a piece of shit loser, but I already knew that.

So I'm not bipolar. On questions about mood fluctuation I said sometimes I'm extra confident but it's like a fuck it lets do it kind of apathy


Don't suffer in silence

Ah hell

Pretty much what I expected.



I'm an ugly white guy. No one cares.





I was just quoting the header that It's below the results. So at least I don't care.

What I expected. My life is falling apart from this shit.

Major depressive, yeah. Slight bipolar makes sense, as my mother was. Dysthimia makes sense, because that's probably my default state when I'm not actively depressed (as I call it).
Not sure about the rest.

my dude :]

Do I hero



these tests are fucking worthless. you could easily game the answers to get any result you want.

>Do you often feel that life is not worth living?
>Do you "put on a happy face" to hide feelings of sadness?
>Is it difficult to remember the last time you were happy?
>Do you sometimes feel out of control and lose all good judgement?

Alright guys see you never



Why not

Huh, I felt normal

Life sucks

>implying that wasting your time commenting on this wasn't a waste of your time in and of itself.


add cruxiie on kik

Makes sense, winter makes me feel worse since i feel more alone during this time of year. Recent move away from everyone i knew didn't help

I mean you can cheat of course or even lie to yourself. But it being asked these questions can put things perspective. If you don't realize something isn't normal


What the hell is this?

Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Very Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Major Depression: High
Dysthymia: High-Moderate
Bipolar Disorder: Very High
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: High
Postpartum Depression: N/A
Yay =)

If anything depressed people are more likely to be trannies. They don't call trap threads mental illness threads for nothing.


This does not surprise me

>Mom dies
>Kicked out of army
>Lost job
>Kicked out of studio
>Failed college (again)
>Failed drug test at a trucking school (2 months sober)

I'm srsly just thinking of an-heroing. Nothing left to do really.

>implying that wasting your time replying to me isn't a waste of time in and of itself

>Implying that your implications of my implications isn't a perfectly good waste of implications.

We'll fuck

>implying that you implying my implications of your implications is a waste of implications isn't a bigger waste of implications

*Well, but maybe we'll fuck too


fuck me thats bad


Normie reporting in.

autism reporting in.

Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Very Slight
Male, 29

Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Very Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A


Male, 29

Major Depression: Slight-Moderate
Dysthymia: Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Very Slight
Cyclothymia: High-Moderate
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Very Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A

Fuck all these deppresed dudes are winning i gotta get more deppressed asap

>Very yes


>implying that either of our implications are at all justifiable implications, and that these implications we're throwing around and the time we're wasting implying the wastefulness of our use of these implications really mean anything at all in the grand scale of things.

Still alive bc helping my ex who I'm still in love with throufh a hard time and she needs me

Ok what do I win?



I mean, I'm not really surprised by these results


why tf not

Major Depression: Very Slight
Dysthymia: Slight
Bipolar Disorder: Slight
Cyclothymia: Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder: Slight
Postpartum Depression: N/A

probably because i said that life is not worth living

Bullshit. I love winter/fall.

I'm good

Guess I'm almost normal


Holy shit!



I'm thinking I should get on different pills.