Hi Sup Forums Femanon here...

Hi Sup Forums Femanon here. Even tho im a fuking female no one ever wants to play league with me ;-; So is anyone here playing on na? im about to do some arams :3 Add : 1Wish

I guess not ;-;

I would but league went to shit and I can't enjoy it anymore

Yea i kinda understand c:

if you come play dota ill carry 5.2k here

Tried it but ididnt like it .-.

if youre a female and no one wants to league with you, you're probly a toxic wood5 scrub

i might be too used to league

Definitly toxic but im plat

Try being intelligent, entertaining, form a personality around something other than havin tits. There are no girls on the Internet, kill yourself.

my boy dota's the better game but your call

Im quite smart but im weird and not good with relationships

i have tits and im not a fem


I would but your probably not really female, you probably play way worse or way better then me, your probably toxic as fuck, and I doubt playing with you even excluding all those things would get me any closer to a relationship/sex which would be the only reason I would play with you anyways.

>not good with relationships

theres your problem fam, its a team oriented game. maybe you should play cod

League is shit now. Became really boring.

Your life sounds sad :( Virgin fag

I suck at fps, i tried csgo and my little finger is too small to jump properly :')

I liked fallout tho but i enjoy team games even if i hate ppl in general

all life is sad

It can be, it can be, I hope to one day remedy this sadness and turn my life into something I find more acceptable.

same here on all 3 accounts. i stopped playing with friends on league because im too toxic. #soloque

same :')

You see this, boys? This is a textbook attention whore. There are femanons, and then there are these. It frankly disgusts me that we're more than 20 posts deep and the words "Tits or GTFO" haven't been posted once. With that being said, pic related.

So you haven't played since the beginning of last month?

league > tits

Exactly i took a break

This tbhfamalam, OP could have just asked if anyone wanted to play league, gender does not matter for a league match.

how do you feel/act when others are toxic back to you


Yea, I did as well until recently. Stopped playing because of Riot being a shit company, but now Im just back playing the game modes so

You miss my point. It's not about the tits. She made a point to draw attention to her gender where it wasn't needed. She in fact, made it a point that she wasn't getting attention even though she was a girl. And thus she came here. If she wants attention, she can post her tits, verified by timestamp. Then she can discuss league all she wants.

This guy gets it.

no one qwould have wanted me .-.

normally i'd agree and lurk, but league > tits

Yeah er officer dingus? You don't actually have any authority here... Your moms right you are special but your autism doesn't give you super powers here. So can you please go back to squealing at your guild mates on league.

Don't you have any friends irl? Try to voice your opinion and yourself more and you'll be interesting in no time.

answer me you rancid swine

Added - Cpt Andy

I dont have any friends lol only a bf

>only a bf
abort mission bois?

is it serious

She can talk about league all she wants. She doesn't have to be a she to do it. If she wants to call attention to it, she can post her tits, or she's a guy.

It is so ludicrously easy to get people to play with you here, I find that hard to believe.

Learn the rules, then come back. Until then, lurk more.


That. That right there is the problem.

The fact that you have tits won't stop you from buckling when their jungler comes out of nowhere behind your squishy top lane, and it's time for some League of Draven.

You're probably just shit...

you're just being pedantic, chill fam

im prob better than u stfdu

How old are you?

Also know that most players are not looking for a friend but a girlfriend.

you play any games other than LoL?

I came here after an &T raid and stayed. I'm very aware of the 'rules' but I grew up and realised having a girl in chat is a nice thing. Its far better than a bunch of fat angry neckbeards. So stop scaring em all of you strange dog headed cunt

true story, i already expected it and was still surprised by how horny league players are

Overwatch csgo gta5 ive got lots of games honestly

get a lvl 30 acc on EUNE and im on board for a game or 2

what is steam or battlenet id, Ill add you and play with you on something. I just bought overwatch so I play that a decent amount and csgo. Kind of stopped playing LoL after all the changes and tired of toxic people.

If you're an adc or mid player you'll get even less attention. Play jungle to get all the friends.

I already covered this. There is a difference between femanons and attention whores. This is the later. Femanons are nice, attention whores bring nothing but tits to the conversation, and then bitch about how they don't get attention, which is what this "girl" is doing.

>a game or 2
implying there are casual leaguers...

Fuck jungle, play Support, and play it well. People will begrudgingly play jungle. NOBODY wants to play support.

u didnt even read the thread u fuckwit

i play all roles and weakest role is jungle
tbh my blitzkrank is godlike

I main adc/jg i dont like to sup

Then why do you place so much emphasis on being a girl? Why try to act cute with all the faces? Why is your performance not enough to attract a team?

Checkmate, atheists.

League is shit and no one cares you are a girl unless you post tits. Also :3 is a smiley with balls in its mouth

i act cute and im not a fem :3

I did, and I still don't see why her being a female should have any bearing on her getting people to play with her, unless she's just seeking attention.


do yourself a favor and just kill yourself already fucking retard.


you wouldnt you virginfag

Who fucking cares? Just move along, there is no need for loud angry squeals and tit flapping, we get it, the girl steals your thunder and your guild stops listening to you. You pointed this out yes, but there is nothing you can do about it.

Stop being fat.

ADCs that don't know/don't like to support are literally the worst. Second place going to mids and tops that don't know how to play jungle.

Im used to write like this lol

What is wrong with Sup Forums now a days fucking TITS OR GTFO

OP here, im fat..

I dont like to sup. Dosent mean im not good at it. Im always with a supp by my side of course i can sup.

like an autist..?

>read thread

just how I like it, now flop out those tiddies for us

stfu u im not fat

Pic related.

Go to sleep, homie. It's past your bedtime.

Play a real moba like HoTS

Im not english native


Sure sn BackseatGamer im on rn

HoTS = Hunk of Turkey Shit

whats wrong with being fat bitch?

Ey op

Wow, I thought you were young, but gradeschoolers on Sup Forums? Now I've seen everything. Make sure to pay attention when Mrs. Bridges teaches you about grammar.

I don't get arams, i was playing some last night and i got fuckin Nightblue3 and mike on the opposing team, i've been unranked for like 3-4 years, pls. That being said if anyone is chill and wants to do arams/normals hmu: Ilovecookeez

>sn BackseatGamer
The silver 5 one? Sorry, I don't play with losers who can't even break gold let alone my cervix.

I'm in master, but we could play normal games or something.

im telling on you..

U still on? i dont see u in my friend's list :p

Yea for sure add me

reported for toxicity, enjoy ur ban

Still better than league

You're a special kind of faggot

I tried it and didnt like it either.

Op hmu if you wanna rek it in csgo with me

Yeah honestly both are pretty shit and not fun