Done with this bitch, do whatever you want with her number

Done with this bitch, do whatever you want with her number.


There's really not a big story. She's just been a bother to me and I just had enough with her. She's such an annoying bitch the whole day long, she's cheated on me fucking 2 times with her best friend. It's a long distance. I'm already about to leave her.

So if anyone is willing to say anything to her. Go ahead, I give no shits to this skunk.

>she's cheated on me fucking 2 times
Stopped right there. Sorry, OP. You're a cuck. The first time should have been a stopping point in the relationship.

mfw ive been dating that girl for the past two years

Don't be a loser, just leave her and move on.

I don't think so.

OP your bitchass clearly gives fucks. Stop being a whiny bitch and putting the bitch on blast on a website of which its demographic users sole purposes of Browsing the site is to find shit to be jerkin their gerkin to.
Put that pussy on the chain wax and don't be a obsessed little bitch about it, stop being so 2000 and late when it comes to tounge punching a down to fuck bitch's fart box

bruh we're both from fresno, ive known her since 10th grade

Shit, you being serious?

Also checkum

she's supposed to be on her way to me right now. im like frozen solid, just rereading her number and name from your screen cap.

Please god, let this be real

God tier thread coming up

I need to know what happens.

screenshot your phone convos user

Oh snaps

Most likely god tier bait

bump !! we need to know

fuck off, im about to start flipping shit over at how angry i am
user whats your first name? im gonna put this bitch on the spot and just fucking end it right now

Hope not, but yeah, wouldn't be surprising if it were.

First google result says Fresno you sperging cunt


Please god

this nigga knows what's up.

/thread you complete fags

user, please post a pic of the convo. We're all interested

Bait confirmed

did thred ded?

cheated on you 2 times
just now deciding to leave her

judging by the text bro she's prob got a dick in her mouth while you um and please for her attention


You're all retards, he can find out this info from the phone number

this kid is going places.

Waiting on update, still curious.

Post nudes

She never sent any sadly.

>dating someone with the name Horiana

Make it happen then. Tell her you will leave her if she doesn't send any.

Hey guys. One of you guys here sent me this link. This loser that I kissed once when I was really drunk at a party keeps trying to guilt trip me because I dont want to be with him. Youre all losers. I don't have a boyfriend or had a serious relationship in the past 2 years. Please stop texting me. It's past 1AM

Need proof that you call her a cheating bitch cunt whore slut,

otherwise your a faggot.


Keep texting her


Noice try


its past 4 am. the bait does not satiate

Okay guys please just stop texting me. NO HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND and how can I cheat on someone that's not my boyfriend?? I'm turning off my phone bye


Yup, my trips. We must have nudes of her.

Satan has spoken! OP must do it


>time zones


That's less of a white knight and more of an OP is a fag. I'm sure user gives no fucks about said maidens.



someone text her, convince her to give op # as revenge for him posting hers here then we fuck with op

if shes such a hoe maybe she'll respond to some dicks.


nigga Sup Forums cant even count to 10


Lmao this guy is a moron

top kek

Giving her number to perverts and pedos on're welcome!


I'm trying gaiz

U mad witeboi???

shut the fuck up, you sound like a newfag

and ur probably 16

nailed it



You're pathetic.

>Your IP adress is:

PERVERT on omegle says the number is not accepting calls right now...I CALL BULLSHIT ON THIS

fuck you Emanuel, 443/377///1097

>ip adress leak

LOL u dun fucked up

time 2 dox :)

ur IP is showing

Patgetic desperate cuck, you waited till he stuffed her and filled her with cum twice before thinking about leaving her? Not actual leaving just thinking about it?

Kill yourself

Source: whois.arin.netIP Address: SBCIS-SBISHandle: NET-99-0-0-0-1Registration Date: 2/25/08Range: AT&T Internet ServicesOrg Handle: SIS-80Address: 3300 E Renner Rd
Mailroom B2139
Attn:IP Management
City: RichardsonState/Province: TXPostal Code: 75082Country: UNITED STATES

oh shit

Sticking your dick in crazy is not recommended for amateurs. Only more experienced cocksmiths can handle crazy and psycho females.

Son, i'm a professional crazy fucker and I know that you are way out of your league so you got cucked and butthurt.

Maybe you were right



This legit?


this kid's real name is not even edgar

sure change ur ip address ur info is already out there m8 lol u just replied to something with ur address on it

she's probably cheating

this legit? someone confirm

could just be someone using the opportunity to fuck with someone

I'm too dumb to change it. Rather, I'm trying to think of what a good scavanger hunt is.
If anyone can log onto my facebook, post a status saying:
>It sure is a nice day to shoot up an office building.
The reward will be seeing me on the news.

hey guys

Yup. But it'll be a little harder to change your home address, which is 3300 E Renner Road :)


>white night

ITT: OP gets rekt

haha no its not, where is that even?

That's an AT&T office building in Texas, his ISP dumbass

pervert on omegle says he was pissed when answering the phone

lol its no christmas yet
