Girl pays attention to me

>girl pays attention to me
>have an instant attraction to her
why do i do this?

Not getting used to girls at a young enough age, being too much of a cuck

Because you're a virgin

you have FVDS
feminine vaginal deficiency syndrome

Do prostitutes count?

I understand ya. dude

HAHAH im crying

Becuz ur geay

This can go away, Opie, when you get your own shit together.

Once you get your shit together, you will more than likely have a higher self worth/esteem about yourself.

Once you attain this, you will become less of a cuck/desperate loser.

Women can smell desperation from a mile away. You either pretend you aren't desperate, of build your life up in a way where you don't have to pretend, and are naturally un-cuckable.

did you grow up with both your parents in the house or just one? did you have any siblings? latch key or babysitter kid?

My parents lived in my grandparents house for the most part.
5 siblings

what's your birth order? oldest? youngest? inbetween?

3rd oldest

huh. no idea what i was hoping to uncover with those questions. lol. sorry man.

I guess i should get ready to get doxxed, huh?

Because you have little to no experience with women, outside of immediate family. And you crave affection from any female willing to give you the time of day as a result. Women are just like you and I, treat them like you would anyone else. Become friends and see where things go, see if you have any common interests between you.

Do not put females on a pedestal to worship, they're just as imperfect as we are and aren't worthy of worship, you'll inflate their ego to maximum this way too. Besides that, most women find it creepy.

My best advice for you, would be to not let the thought of females conquer your mind. There's a lot this world has to offer for you aside from intercourse.

Also, each morning wake up and tell yourself confidence boosters in the mirror. At first your brain will try to tell you you're wrong, but with time and a little effort, eventually your brain will rewire itself to believe your confidence boosters.
This will help a lot with your self happiness. Which will in turn lead to lots of people approaching you because of the friendly attitude you're putting off.

Godspeed, user, take care of yourself.

Because you were raised with a cat instead of a dog.

yeah, but it that helps nothing with your problem. You get instantly attracted to girls who shows you attention or flirts or talks with you for an extended period, right? Probably stems from your lack of intimacy with the other gender.

I tend to ignore women in general. I'll try that confidence booster thing.

Because you're desperate?

We were made to breed.

natural instinct.
love is the emotion that causes procreation. trait that is favored by natural selection.
