ITT: post your oldest pics you saved from Sup Forums

ITT: post your oldest pics you saved from Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


damn stuffed animals are way better now than when I was a kid, I just had a shitty plush Barney doll


haven't been here that long

Then you will love this one:


newfag or cancer?

Both probably

Checked my niggers


Probably one of the first pictures I saved was an animated roflcopter



i had a special hair barbie. i don't look like barbie. barbie doesn't have bruises.


real version



surely bait

>reacts to a old .gif
>has an ifunny watermark
>is right-wing related

Your a teen then

Used to love this one, like how they castrated him so they couldn't make more yogurt people.


This is what Ganondorf should've done instead of treating her like the princess she was. She has a piece of the fucking Triforce, for Christ sakes.


These are peoples oldest pics? Fucking newfags everywhere, no wonder it Sup Forumsecame cancer in here

I guess Nintendo thought it would be kinda unsatisfying if you play weeks on a game and in the ending your reward is just raped mental wreck.

so do it better retard

Back when Caturday was a big deal.


implying the computer I saved them hasn't crapped out because it's a dinosaur

I remember the old memz. I just didn't post back then.


