Ok Guys

Ok Guys.
me and my new girlfriend really love each other.
but she says that she wants to have sex with other men, or a threesome or with another couple. and i can do what i want, too. as long as its only sex. this is totally new for me in a relationship and giving me headache as im not used to it. what is your opinion on it?

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Guaranteed not for you, just drop her. Youre gonna end up being a jealous little fuck the second you find out someone else is slippin her the old Pringles can. Trust me, son. It sounds good now but youll have a rough go.

Do it faggot. You will break up with her soon enough.

Your fucked. Abandon Ship

post your address,
let all 4chinners in your city have their fare share of that cunt

Tell her you're going to let a man fuck you in the ass.

You can't because you are a faggot

dump her

No, no, fuck no and if you tell her no she's just going to do it behind your back. Sorry op, better make that tinder profile because you're back in the fucking game.

How long have you been going out?

I couldn't do it even if it meant being able to do the same. I am a jealous little fuck.


There is no greater experience than watching another man's huge throbbing cock push deep inside your girlfriend as you massage her breasts and kiss her between moans as fully penetrates her, making her feel fuller than you ever could.

Do it, and beg him to let you taste the cum dripping off his cock when he has finished with her. You won't regret it.

A guy I work with fell into such a trap himself, his girl had the idea that she would be sleep with a new guy whenever she felt like it and still come back to him at the end of the day. She figured he wouldn't sleep around as much as she would and that this was a free pass.

Though he did think he would, he felt really shit when she started sleeping around. It wasn't until a coworker of his took him up on his offer, did he realise he was pretty damn suave.

It took no more than a month of him getting more than she was for her to see how shit it is being on the receiving end and wanted to stop it all.

He broke up with her and found himself a stable girl.

Needless to say, DONT FUCKING RISK IT.

Just dump the slut and move on. Then she can fuck who ever she wants

It's okay user, this generation is full of cucks for some reason and people are trying to make cuckold look like a good thing when it's the symbol of being a beta fag that can't control their mate's lust. All girls have fantasies with other men/women it's inevitable, you just have to keep them on control otherwise they'll go out and do it

there is no such thing as "only sex" unless you are fucking a watermelon, if two humans are involved it is never only sex for both of them, this is a trap, dump this cunt and get a kind decent loving woman who respects and adores you and would never throw her pussy around like a bag of garbage

First things first, DON'T invest in your love relationship, if you are willing to go down the threesome road.

Young women that ask for threesomes want exactly what young men want. Two of the opposite sex focusing on you. The problem for women is that they can't trust two random men so try to do it through relationships so they can have someone on board to make them feel safe.

Now that that is out of the window make sure to finish this checklist before making any decision:

- Do you have any personal issues like insecurities, big ego anything that would ruin this experience for you? If so look into them first.

- Have you given her the "power" of being your main gf (i.e meet parents, stay at your home, trade stuff with you, talk about love and your future and shit)? If so are you ok with knowing your gf wants to be a hoe?

>I m not gonna say being a hoe is bad, that is reserved for virgins and insecure b-fags. I love hoes and I find them necessary for the sex game to keep on living. Prudes are prudes because of their own mental issues.

- Are you man enough to communicate your limits as to how far is it ok to go?

- Always keep in mind that a temporary "ok let's not do this" does not mean "let's not ever do this, either for us, for as long as we live, and never talk about it again.

I say this from personal experience with 19yo gf that proposed FFM threesomes, NEVER delivered, ALWAYS had an excuse for it and had the nerve to, halfway through, ask for MMF, and say she wants to try gangbang sometime. Hoes are fun but you have to know how to love them if you want to be with them. The same way you love cats and dogs differently.

Yeah, part of being jealous is being very paranoid about that and I think a lot about it. Luckily, I think our chemistry is pretty good and the sex is great

>new girlfriend
>really love eachother
>sex with other men
jesus christ op.

>you just have to keep them on control otherwise they'll go out and do it
>this generation is full of cucks

What part of magical generation are you user?! If there is a reason we have this sort of movement getting spread is because everyone at 35 and younger knows a bunch of middle-age/old faggots who never had to face their insecurities so they try to control the world around them so that the closet won't accidentally break open.

I say if she wants 2 dicks and 3 dicks let her have it. If she wants it AND she wants you, she better be ready to give up against extra pussy. I engraved that message in my ex's mind and she understood she better not promise what she can't deliver.

Old fag here, when shit gets this complicated and all you want is a g/f all to yourself...it's time to walk.

Don't make a scene, don't post pics, just get you shit out with as little drama as possible.

Some folks are into that shit. Try it if you want. But don't try to talk her out of it, she'll just go behind your back.

Do it if you're interested too, but try to make it a foursome with another couple, so that you get to fuck someone else as well, then ditch her cause she's a slut. Otherwise just ditch her. Find someone proper, that doesn't want to sleep around with other guys when in a relationship.


Go for it






ok look. i know when you just found someone you really really like its the most amazing feeling ever, but let me say this:
there is no destiny.
there are plenty of other woman out there who are just as good/better.
fuck disney logic.

you will absolutely find another girl.
and im telling you, this bitch is not it.
you never know when she slept with another guy.
when you eventually want her to stop you will never know if she does.
if shes pregnant you will always think about if its yours.

this is not gf material. and hell no its a shitty future on the road ahead.
so you either
a) dump her. stop wasting time you could spend with a better girl.
b) try to contain feelings and just fuck her (you will probably break)

>b-but i l-love her...! a...and theres the s-sex too you know...!
shut the fuck up. shes trash. dump her even if you love her. the pain and regret you will feel now are nothing compared to what you will feel after months/years of emotional rape. sex is not worth your sanity if you can just fuck another girl.

ditch her now to avoid ruining your reputation and becoming a CUCK

how the fuck do all of u manage to find a girl who will cheat
god DAMN this is bullshit

The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

dump this bitch or become a cuck, choice is urs

There's no such thing as "only sex"
Totally agree to that point.


In my experience girls in open relationships like being able to fuck more than the guys, but when one of the guys starts pulling more tail than she is dick she gets all huffy and throws a fit. That's what happened with the girl I was dating last, she wanted to fuck me, and her other boyfriend, and her husband, but didn't factor in that I wasn't a social retard who couldn't talk to women, so when I started seeing other women too she got upset. Broke up with her for a different girl that wanted the same shit I wanted.

She just loves your money. Shes certainly a hoe, go fuck bitches

just pick some random nigger with aids to fuck her
she's cheating on you either way you cuck

Dump her , shes not gf material , you can do better. Deaden your feelings for her,shes no longer the girl you once thought she was and i know it hurts. But for your own personal and emotional interest you need to leave her , shes not for you


assuming this is b8 but i'll respond anyway. it's easier for women to get laid, so any open relationship is doomed to degenerate into a cuck in denial situation. she is not gf material. if you want a fuck buddy you can spit roast with other bros have fun, but don't have anything resembling a relationship or feelings. her only potential value to you is the sexual gratification she can provide

Love means also commitment, this isnt it. Unless you're a fucking cuck

Holy fuckin shit what a pathetic waste of space you are. Kill yourself bro.

use it for level up, ONLY

Sup Sup Forumsruh


There is noooo chance of you getting amongst it more than she. Don't heartbreak yourself...
Ive been offered this and said if you cant be with me totally I don't want to be with you at all..