What's one sexual thing you want to do before you die?

What's one sexual thing you want to do before you die?


Have sex.

You're on Sup Forums, what kind of fucking question is that!?

Have lots of kids with someone who's 100% white like me

Fuck my sister

do you have more of her?

Nuru massage orgy with several 16 year old girls.

>Implying there is anyone who wouldn't want that

Fuck his sister

Ive done pretty much everything except gay shit.

I guess get a blowjob and rimjob at the same time from two 10/10s


i'm bi so there is a lot of things thats left
>fuck with two girls
>fuck with two shemales
>dp a girl
>go to a gloryhole, both ends
>fuck on a club (not on the bathroom)
>fuck a maried woman on her bed (i fucked on mine)
>masturbate in public (on my car) and ask for directions, cum while the girl watches

Fuck this girl

The ex just sent this to me. What do I do Sup Forums?

And this guy probably still has a hard time wrapping his head around why people think faggots are degenerates and abnormal. Amazing.

Walk away and give me her phone number.
She's your ex for a reason.

>go to a gloryhole, both ends

Nigga u srs?

Witness a girl getting fucked by a dog in real life

Light gypsy on fire while fucking cousin. At the same time removing my teeth with a fork. Classy time

That reason was because I went to war. And she couldn't keep he legs closed. She says she wants to fuck me and my wife

Get a footjob from a girl with long legs and slender feet.

I just want to stand at the foot of the bed and let her soles work my cock until I cum. With shit-tons of lube.

god dammit now I'm hard as fuck

jeez, talk about red-fucking-flags

yeah me too. a big dog .

Right? I just don't know if I should tell my wife or not. Obviously I'm not going to pursue this slut, but I just want to avoid confrontation. But I want to be honest.

>But I want to be honest.
worst. strategy. evar.

i want to fuck my gorgeous daughter or at least make out with her. pic related.

Sup Forumsro. As one man to another:

1. tell your wife
2. tell your wife you're not interested
3. tell the broad you're not interested

Keeping your wife out of the loop cannot end well for you.

Kill it before the temptation gets to you. This girl is bad. fucking. news.

Thanks user. Will take you up on that.



party with this girl again...

Cum on a 13 year olds face.

With that said: hot DAMN is that a nice, sloppy, fuckable cunt.

So should just be like "he babe, how was your day, oh btw, remember user? Well she just sent me this pic"


tell her to befriend your wife( in person, no text, no messages, no proof ) then get her to seduce your wife and see what happens. might work might not, but either way play a dummy like you had no idea



I like where this is going.

She was nice, but I'm pretty sure she got an std while I was in country

This. All of this.
That's 1000% not normal, and she wants to fuck you both with a knife because she is nuts.

Fuck this girl


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

That or "she sent me n00dz. I deleted them and told her to fuck off".

If you don't understand how this is the only way out, then you're underage b& or fucking dense.

have sex.
want more specific?
have sex with a 9 or 10.

and who knows might get her thinking about swinging, or at least getting her to start the conversation, go with something like " well honey i dont think love and sex is the same thing..."

holy shit those tits are fucking MESMERIZING




Get my dick licked by 2 tounges

this guy fucks.

Just never had to deal with this before. I appreciate the advice.

Next time I want her to snort some lines off my cock


No worries.

The last thing you want is to not tell your wife and then have her find out via one of her friends.

The grapevine is always thinner than you think it is.



good story.

was deployed in Cyprus a few years back.

at a big bar/brothel, couldn't find Tony.

we needed to head back to digs, went lookin for him, found him in a room with 2 girls working on his dick while 2 more sang "Gold" by Spandeau Ballet.

that was his thing to do before he died.

Godspeed Tony, wherever you are.


No shit. I don't know how they do it, but fuck 7 degrees of separation, it's more like 3.

I want to do this with my girl and my best friend so badly. I want to feel his cock against my cock and jizz in my girl's mouth at the exact same time.


Truer words have no been spoken

I want to fuck a group of hot 12 year olds and cover them in cum


shes likely more game then you think, i know these things, me and my wife have swung for years





MAN ... have u got proper nudes or what..
fuck thats some hot lookin bitch

Get boner while killing mself and keep it as a boner until someone arrives

Nice centurion

Righ? And just when you think they don't hang around in the same social circles, they end up being bestirs from 12th grade

Girls talk.

Say what you will. Girls *love* to gossip.

You're gay.

Have sex in a confessional

Suuuuure she did

In the beginning when we first dated we had a threesome with another buddy of mine and it didn't go so well. We were way too drunk, too rough and didn't communicate well. She says she's not down for it since then. However with my best friend she really likes him. He comes over and plays games and chills, and genuinely likes him as a person. I've suggested it to her and she shut it down referring to the bad threesome as to why. I'll only want to do it with my best friend from here on out. It's a slow lean.

Bisexual only for my best friend. I could only do cock on cock stuff in a mmf and only want to do it with him.


she's going to leave you for him.

So I just texted my wife a screen shot of the entire conversation. Apparently they do know eachother and now my wife is on the warpath. I'm not in the crosshairs, your advice was sound. Thanx user.

You want to rub your cock on a dick.

You are a faggot.

cream pie yum! being fucked in a corset and fish net stockings whilst hitting the guy with a paddle whip. yum

Post it, faggot!

(also, happy to help. pay it forward, user!)

In a girls mouth if that makes any difference

Nigger, we know the girl is just an excuse to rub up on your homie's meat.

You're a degenerate faggot. kys.

Watch him fuck that guys sister from the closet


I make more than him and I am better looking. I'm not worried about that at all.

well she doesnt get pissed at you mentioning it, which is a good thing, might be good for her to think about ground rules maybe?

Acting like a nigger on Sup Forums is being the real degenerate. Kys

Sauce on this?

Idk, probably a threesome (both mff and mmf). Doubt my current girlfriend would be down for that anytime soon though.

More like 2nd. Then you realize why she's sending you nudes while you're with her friend.

Men are gladiators, we just fight and be done with it.
Women are all about that Cold War cloak and dagger shit. There is no end.

2 girls at the same time
almost did somehow, but then i passed out from drinking

Yeah we need to talk about it more. It was last year around Xmas time when I joked with her to give him a blowjob for Xmas. She was like are you serious I'm not doing that after what happened in the last threesome

Marie Antoinette

I would like to have sex with a woman that loved me with all her heart and that I loved in the same way. I've fucked a lot of chicks and some have loved me and I have loved one, and that bitch was crazy.

Jason Anzelone?

>(not on the bathroom)
why would anyone?