Sup Sup Forums first time drinker here. How long do the effects take to happen?

Sup Sup Forums first time drinker here. How long do the effects take to happen?

I took a shot of burbon
a shot of fancy vodka
a glass of Chocolate Liquore shit
A shot of spiced rum
and a glass of half carmel and half regular vodka...

And I feel no different

I've avoided alcohol for years for personal reasons, but finally try it and nothing. The fuck?

bumping for trips

self bump again.

Google is your friend. But it takes minutes to get in your system... You might find it catches up with you all of a sudden..

Damn you Sup Forums

I don't know... I drank quite a bit I would assume... And MAYBE some slight blurry vision? I'm pretty blind as it is, so I don't even know.

how long has it been and how much have you eaaten today and what is the tiem frame of your drinking

It was about 10 minutes before I made the thread, and I did eat lunch about an hour ago.

And I did it all in about 5 minutes.

What a stupid cuck, just do ii. I drabk more when i was 15...

Drink 'til you throw up and you'll kniw it's working. After that you know your limit

True, but I don't eactly plan to get shitfaced. Just enough to notice ANYTHING

See previous responce

depends on your size/weight when taking shots you wont feel different for a while, but once it hits you'll know, also if you are talking about fancy vodka, please don't post a pic of Smirnoff

It was Grey goose.

I just looked up "Alcohol" and found a pic.

If it's relevent
155 lbs

okay youll feel it about now. get ready to be stumbling haha. the next hour should be fun. play some video games or hop on omegle. amaybe ill take some shots in your honor!

OPhere, feeling a bit tired, that's all so far.

try to eat something so you'll get high faster

here. It depends on many factors yes but first and second time i would recommend drinking more so you'll know better next time. If you're a grown man then 0,25 l of vodka shouldn't be a problem. Also if you drink depressed and alone it's really bad, if you drink at a high energy great party and have people to talk to it's 100 times better.

Not depressed or anything.But after 5 years of being legal I decided it'd be cool to go and try it.

So far I feel like I'm tired. Like lighhtly dulled senses and a presure in my sinuses. IDK if that's the alcohol or what.

bruh keep up in the thread too you finna stumble on the keyboard even more haha

Sup Sup Forums OP's back.

Still maybe minor sensory dumbness...

I wrote 2017 instead of 2017, but that may be because I was looking at the nov 17.
Pic with timestamp showing it was in fact greygoose.

Instead of 2016...fucking again.

thats the alcohol man haha its got you

OP should I take a shot

beer if your friend alcocuck, it tastes nasty at first but becomes very easy to drink and slides you smoothly into drunkenness

Maybe. I'm solid in walking, don't feel much other than before. maybe a bit of heartburn most likely from the burbon that shit wasn't fun.

Chocolate shit was the best. Tasted just like chocolate milk. Fucking more of that shit is the way then.

If digits, you must down the whole bottle of vodka in one go

Op here... dude... it tastes like rubbing alcohol. The fuck would I wanna down the whole bottle xD

Top up the vodka bottle wtth coke, then down it

mix it with something then fuckface coke.. sprite.. mtdew.. it will go down alot easier and in turn get you shitfaced quicker

You're gonna throw up boy... don't mix drinks. They make you throw up.

You should've just got yourself about a litre of beer. That would give you a fair amount of tipsiness.

Also remember that a pint (half a litre) of beer = 3 shots of strong spirits like vodka and whiskey.

But eh, have fun with your explorations.

Alright b/b I think I'm feeling it.

Wasn't so much when sitting, but I just got up to get a drink and felt noticably week in the knees/dizzyish.

>rolling dubble dubs

Thats four shots of vodka for you sir

Just did a big sip of grey goose... still like rubbing alcohol.

It'll catch up hard, whoops for you.

Op still here... Kinda exra/under aware of everything. Just different. But honestly a tiny bit dizzy, though... not like after spinning, just kinda weakish.

Also someone who's never drank here. I have no vodka in my house though, just whiskeys and such.

Get some potato chips or something. Then take another shot or three before getting some water.

I borrowed someone from a friend. But not noticing much other than dullness MAYBE dizzieness and being tired.

It's been a good while. Maybe I'm getting stupid. I said it was 2017 like 2-3 times.

Ate chicken at like 12(It's 2:30 for me) so I'm not hungayr.

Why did you avoid it for years?

TL;DR version is father was an abusive drunk. and that turned me off of it. Didn't wanna end up like him.

yo lemme take a shot with you

Alright OP, here are some levels of drunk for you:
Buzzed, which feels nice and is great for watching something, reading, playing a game or just handing out.
Tipsy, which you seem to be at now. It isn't buzzed and it isn't fun yet.
FUCK YEAH DRUNK! which you get in another drink or two.
CRAZY DRUNK where you have tons of fun.
Manic drunk where people get awesome, whiny, crying, etc
throwing up
blacked the fuck out

Drink until you have gotten through all of these and make sure to pay attention to your limits.

Disarono, Fireball Whiskey, Jack Daniels. All that's in my house. It isn't mine, of course.

I have fireball here too, but hate cinnamon. So didn't even plan to try it.

same thing happened to me first time i was drinking, it was just that im a really tall n heavy guy so all my friends would be wasted when i start to feel the effects.

I really like cinnamon but I've heard it tastes more aniseed than anything which is meh to me.

OP here... keep forgetting to say that.

Yea, I'm tall and medium built, so maybe that's it. Also my father's always been able to down a bottle of whisky like it was nothing... maybe I inherited his anti drunkability.

fireball will go down the easiest. little spicy but nicer than the other two. don't shoot disarono

I just tried it, it doesn't taste like cinnamon at all to me and has a weird aftertaste, but that was like my first alcoholic thing.

Mix your drinks dude. The easiest ones to do with what you got is Vodka and sprite. Spiced rum works with sprite too, but I personally prefer root beer or Dr pepper with it. You drink shots to get drunk but you seem like you're just trying it out so go easy and mix your drinks and feel the effects else you'll go from sober to on the floor on no time if you keep drinking it straight.

Is being short on breathe a normal thing?

Like, chest tightness? Or feeling like I can't breathe?

Drink more ... it will happen, and eat less before you drink

Go for Goldshlagger next time you try a cinnamon flavored liqour

I'm guessing it tastes more like cinnamon? I guess my best comparison is that it tastes like a "candy" version of the flavour? Like how Strawberry flavoured stuff doesn't taste like strawberry.

Is jerking off better drunk?


you're ganna be fucked

lets play HOTS together

Shit. What is there to do drunk?

If you're alone then videogames are pretty fun. Especially when you hit the Zen level of drunk.

I don't think i hit zen lvl, I'm more sligtly stupid lvl mixed with "Man this coconut tastes good" level. IDK if it's the alcohol or me being stupider, but I decided to get a coconut and smash it against a tree till it opened and eat it.

Maybe this isn't for me.

Trips. And you're probably buzzed and experience a placebo effect. Expecting to be drunk will make you feel more drunk.

hey dude im on jacks n coke for the last 6hrs, join my ts.. jksut reply to me and i'll link it

most likely, op here.

Yeah maybe you're just doing dumb stuff because you think you have to.

I don't think so. I dount i'd say 2017 3 times plocebotically.

i think so. better high than sober or drunk though. sex drunk is fun because you get a little more...relaxed i guess and do what you really want haha

op here, i'm mainly tired, sleep time.

i doubt you would say it plocebotically either

thats a long time

He's not a little bitch like OP