How's it feel knowing that I'm only 19 years old and have an infinitely better life than all of you 40 year old...

How's it feel knowing that I'm only 19 years old and have an infinitely better life than all of you 40 year old kissless faggots?

>have 10/10 gf, hotter than anybody you've ever talked to
>Am popular, lots of friends at school, everybody loves me
>in theatre
>am fashionable
>run a YouTube gaming channel, more than any of you faggots could dream of
>cool as fuck
>teachers love me
>good taste in music (beastie boys)

Get mad losers. I come here to laugh at how fucking pathetic you all are.

>pic related
>it me

How did you manage to fit her entire face in the frame

Good job, friendo. I hope you continue to be successful in life.

By holding the camera farther away dumb-jerk xD

John, how much you've changed. You're now a nigger, with the requisite fat white girl along your side. What happened to you?


I also
> suck cock for grades
> know how to algebra
> i take a break to breakfast fast

Get mad losers.
> not knowing 10/10 is personal

Lol what are you talking about? and she's not fat asshole, at least I have a girlfriend unlike you hahaha

I know her from

I swear to go I have seen threads like this with the exact same guy.


Still, did you have a thousand-dollar wide angle lens or something? That's just a lot of mass to contain in a car.

>How did you manage to fit her entire face in the frame
He uses a wide animal lens. It is what you use to take pictures of whales and shit.

OMG Dude, you were white 2 weeks ago before you started dating that pork pile!
Here is you in 2 more weeks with your buffet queen.
Dud dump that thing before you start stealing shit.

Wtf are you talking about? What even is that? Im not fucking gay like you bitchwad that's a gay site. You're disgusting
Lol what?

bait, jailbait, bait bait

that girl is a 1/10 and she's actually better looking than you

successful gaming channel = retarded participation trophy in youtube form

you like one band?

you have braces and you're 19? that's embarrassing

more like run the lights in theatre and shop at fucking k-mart (cause there's still one in ur town prolly)

This is clearly some shill propaganda. Probably from the same people responsible for the staged riots.

It's clear to see that well adjusted, decent women that reasonable men would actually fuck don't choose black men.

Very few do. More attractive, well adjusted black women choose white men.

I have a fuck buddy that is a hardcore feminist, she is Polynesian and black, small for her genetics, though and very Americanized.

She's not much short of a man hater in public. I talked to her, put her in her place and ended up fucking her. She saw me as a logical authoritarian and still does. She will never tell anyone that a straight white male entrepreneur has his way with her whenever he wants, but I can literally have her and do what I please at any moment.

I ended up also doing the same with her white friend who is of the same feminist ideals. Well, her white friend and I took MDMA and she admits to me that the BLM movement that she publically supports is purely for attention of guys like me because she secretly seeks to be put in her place.

She also told me that she craves validation, domination, and control from successful, white males so badly that she'll do anything on the spectrum of positivity and negativity to get it.

This is why she liked me, because I took what I wanted, didn't care at all what she thought of said, and dropped her when I was done. I saw through her bullshit and could literally do whatever I wanted for it.

While on MDMA, she told me that black men are seen as taboo, but even the most successful black men are biologically less attractive than their white male counterpart. She said that the intellect, creativity and imagination of white males are actually picked up in their pheromones... that sounds insane, but she insisted it's true.

She told me that excess melanin actually is a sign of toxicity and breeds more toxicity. She told me that she was actually revolted by the scent of black males, and it's sexy how beastiality is sexy.

At least im white


10/10 whale
is definitely a whale

>How's it feel knowing that I'm only 19 years old and have an infinitely better life than all of you 40 year old kissless faggots?
You do not.

>>have 10/10 gf, hotter than anybody you've ever talked to
10/10? Ten stones ten pounds?
She is a lot fatter than that mate and she's definitely not hot.

>>Am popular, lots of friends at school, everybody loves me
I for one, do not, you are a braggart and a moronic loser with a fat girlfriend and some sort of congenital blindness.

>>in theatre

>>am fashionable
On this evidence I disagree.

>>run a YouTube gaming channel, more than any of you faggots could dream of
Name it if you dare.

Compared to what? The rest of your family?
It doesn't stand up to scrutiny here in the real world.

>>cool as fuck
That's not for you to say loser, that is only for others to say.

>>teachers love me
The male ones perhaps.

>>good taste in music (beastie boys)
Good taste 15 years ago, did your uncle tape them for you?

>Get mad losers. I come here to laugh at how fucking pathetic you all are.
Mad, I pity you and your pathetic attempt at a burn, you've quite literally got nothing to boast about.

>>pic related
>>it me
it me?
You refer to yourself as "It"?
Holy shit dude, that's hilarious, well almost as hilarious as your fucking enormous girlfriend who you rate 10/10!

I've got to lie down now, I hurt myself laughing while typing this.
Pic related, it her!


You buttwads are literally just pissed and jealous of everything I fucking have and you don't. I'll probably make more money than any of you bitches within a year AND be dating my hot as fuck girlfriend that is still better than anything you pussies could ever dream off lmao

Ha lame roast faggot, what are your achievements? Probably all fake. And Hahahaha lets see YOUR YouTube channel? Yeah? No? That's what I thought. I'm getting braces off soon and the beastie boys are my favorite so checkmate there too. Also k-mart isn't even that bad.

HAHAHAHAHAHA lmao surprise surprise a bunch of disgusting racists mad that I'm getting more pussy and money than them.

don't know about anyone else, im betting this brown land-whale is a terrorist


> 10/10

sure buddy



her face looks like if someone ran over the Pillbury dough boy

your fat bitch is nasty


>hearing your retarded argument

Haha whatever kid, I'm sure she's still hotter than whatever kid you think you're dating. I should make fun of this for my next video hahaha.

But then again I guess my followers would tear you apart too much lmao xD

your bitch is nasty but prob good enough for your ugly ass

>But then again I guess my followers would tear you apart too much lmao xD
>I guess my followers would tear you apart too much lmao xD
>my followers would tear you apart too much lmao xD
>tear you apart too much lmao xD
>apart too much lmao xD
>too much lmao xD
>much lmao xD
>lmao xD

Okay, I'll bite. Congrats, you're a faggot.

>>hearing your retarded argument
You must be retarded if you think what I wrote was an argument, I stated a series of facts.
Sorry if it hurt your feels.

>Haha whatever kid, I'm sure she's still hotter than whatever kid you think you're dating. I should make fun of this for my next video hahaha.
I'm not a kid and I have a wife, she is immeasurably hotter than that manatee your sticking your cock in.
Still haven't named your YouTube account have you?
Post the details and see what happens next mate.

>But then again I guess my followers would tear you apart too much lmao xD
Kek, like I care what a bunch of retards moo about me on your "channel", get a grip and then get a life loser, you just make me laugh.

>getting baited by an obvious troll

uhm, i can't tell if you're a spic or a nigger

Check the filename on the last post Brian.

Pic related mate.
