Ukfag here thinking of moving to Denmark

Ukfag here thinking of moving to Denmark.
any danefags got any advice?

Did you mean sweden op?

what part?

Copenhagen, but i'd want to be a bit more remote. as said, thinking about where to go

Dont, theres been alot of shit with gang shootings and the syrian imigrants, i suggest århus or aarhus its like CPH but without the imigrants, gangs and fear of walking the streets after it gets dark

Just looked it up, looks pretty good thankyou user, any advice on what not to do? etc

well, dont be a cunt and try to socialize wherever you move in if you do, us danes like to talk and shit so get out with some one, have some beer and chat, also girls love british accsents

We still have gangs here in Aarhus mate, they're just not as established and warlike here. There are places you shouldn't go unless you know how to speak to them.

I should be alright if i'm not fucking about?
More of a social person when i drink anyway, do enjoy a good strong beer or ale

Where in UK you at now OP?

Yeah, you should be fine. Just don't go to any project housing unless you live there or know someone who lives there. If you live there they won't usually fuck with you, if you have friends there and they don't have beef with them it should be equally fine.

That other user exagerates copenhagen. Its not all that bad.

As long as you're not a muslim you'll be more popular than other migrants.
Don't worry too much about the language, most of us speak english. You will have a fun accent when you learn it though.

even in Denmark? I went there for only about 30 min seemed pretty cool, didnt know syrians made it there too looks like isis fucked it up for all of europe

Stick to your roots op you fucking faggot.

Watch out for Troll Trace.

not Muslim, from a christian family
I like the UK but i want to branch out because of work

and Denmark is a better option? the fuck do u do


feeling like a change of scenery for a while

so don't say you want to branch out because of work say its cos you want a change of scenery, weather. anyway why Denmark in particular? theres always spain etc

I'm guessing he wants similar weather, but more beautiful chicks who aren't really religious.

this. I'm in creative design, so i want a fresh start from chavs, grey buildings and overpriced pints

You'll get trucky chicks, brick buildings and pints of various prices(some decent, some overpriced) here.
A trucky chick are basically a moped riding, smirnoff ice drinking, buffalo shoes and canada goose wearing girls.

a trucky chicks?
Trucky chicks are*

OP here, elaborate?

Basically danish chavs. We have them too.

ah fuck, fuckers are a nuisance, except if they are dane QTs

Op again, what are the weapon laws like? I have 2 shotguns and a .22 rifle.

There are plenty of hot looking ones, some of them even have nice personalities, just don't expect it of them.

You need a hunting license for those I think.

fair, it's more of a hit and miss like the UK
I have a UK shotgun license but i guess i'd have to re-apply, thanks

Op Here once more, Thanks for the info, i'll give it a think and perhaps i'll come you guys, have some tits for the help