Try and make me gay... straightfag here...

Try and make me gay... straightfag here. Yes I stole this idea from a botfag but I wanna see if you guys can actually do it.

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I've seen that before but I never got turned on by him

Still thinks you can be turned gay.

You must be american.

>You literally never have to deal with women and their shit ever again
>Imagine a relationship with someone who can actually be your best friend


fak u den, u a str8 faggot

Nah nah I mean make me get turned on by a member of the same sex my dude

Besides, never said that being gay was a choice or that it could be forced on somebody, but I don't think that people are born gay. I think it just happens.


Laziest typer, but probably.

Yes but can you make me attracted to cock

Like I said. You must be american.

Ever sucked one?

And you must be gay.

Nope. Never planned on it.

>goes to the internet so he can pick fights
>welcome to the internet

Okay, well, here's the thing.

You have to try it. You might not like it at first, but here's the secret; you've got to do it every day. Practice makes perfect. Find a guy to practice on. Let him move in with you. Go on vacations. Meet his family. Compliment their home. Win the overbearing father's respect with a stern talk about chevy engines in the garage one afternoon while swigging beer. Get to know his cousins. They're nice people, a little conservative for your taste, but hey, you love your man after all. He proposes. You say yes. You have an autumn wedding in Maine. It's beautiful. You spent the previous year picking out all the table colours, even though he got made redundant from his office job. You kept it together. You were there for him. The wedding comes and you say I do. You look into his eyes and you're filled with the warmth of the love and passion you know your heart has been searching for all these years.

Follow these critical steps and congratulations. You're gay.

You make a swell argument. Not feeling too into it, though.

It doesn't have to be Maine.


This thread is infested with murrican retardation syndrome.

Try pic related

Nah it's all in good fun.

Damn, he's pretty big. I'm feeling something, but not gay.


Not bad, but still not feeling it



Meh it's okay but meh

Damn that's pretty good


You're not fooling anybody.

would you suck that, OP?

Im confused, i think i like traps

then you're bi

Sucking dick is hella fun.