Skyrim is better than Morrowind and Oblivion

Skyrim is better than Morrowind and Oblivion...

fite me nigga

I agree. The others are unplayable by modern standards.


Clearly all of you are wee babs that never had the pleasure of playing ES3 or ES4 during its peak. The amount of nostalgia and breakthrough both games produced was(and still is) unparallel to anything else in any genre.
Both of you can literally go fuck yourself.

for todays standards it's easier to get into and looks pretty but rarely challenges the player with a situation they just simply can't win right then and there.

gladly cuz morrowind sucks

Daggerfall was the best, youngster.

>easier to play = better
Typical illiterate.

Currently replaying oblivion, still my favorite.

The only reason I like Skyrim more, really, is because you don't have to level up a stat to hit things two inches in front of you.

Gotta love these fucking pensioners thinking that a game is better because it's older. Do me a favour and fuck off.

Oblivian was good but morrowind wasn't good. Probably because it was Bethesda's first attempt at a console rpg

underage b&

Never played Morrowind but Skyrim leaves Oblivion in the dust

Underage because I realise that one game is better in both gameplay and graphics? Hammer on about story all you want but when it comes to a game the gameplay is what matters.

>Doesn't play Arean daily.

>being a consoletard
It's like you thought anyone wanted your worthless opinion.

It is kind of true, though. Standards change over the years be it for video games, television, or any other media. By modern standards, Morrowind is not exactly playable due to how little the game directs you and how much work you have to do in order to achieve simple goals. I agree it does not take away from the game itself but, by modern standards, it is quite unplayable.

Graphics don't mean shit.

>i've never played an actual rpg
>only action rpgs
>i was born in the 90s

"actual RPG"
Elitist scum.

only in terms of graphics, and features, like fast travel and crafting.

in terms of originality of design, skyrim is painfully generic - though not nearly as bad as Oblivion. in terms of gameplay, storyline and the lines, its far less daring then Morrowind was, and its vastly simplified, from things like armour, to the magic systems, etc.

its a more playable, easier game, but its not as interesting a game.

>being an elitist is bad, m'kay?

As a newer gamer I can confirm this to be true.

I'll give you Oblivion since it's the worst ES game ever, but fuck you anyway because Morrowind was the best ES game.

The older games were slow and fucking stupid.

Yeah, you're a fuckin' dick and don't want people to enjoy shit for what it is

Morrowind have broken mechanics, skyrim is happy and probably half of the elders scrolls fans started with that, Oblivion is the best. People say skyrim is better cuz they first play it and still have a crush on it, thats fact.

>worst ES game ever

how so? I've only played Skyrim, Oblivion, and Daggerfall - so I can't speak to the others. Genuinely curious why you (or people in general) hold Oblivion in such low regard.

Need a tissue, libtard?

Cuz they cant handle it

This website is for native English speaking Americans. Fuck off, subhuman.

>engages fedora armor.jpg
>draws katana.exe
>casts cloak of shadows.png
>attacks you from behind.doc
>critical strike.xls
>*tips fedora*.rom

i think so yes. but only because there's a shit ton of mods to make it way better than a vanilla skyrim is.

but all things considered the series as a whole is mediocre and way overrated by fanboys.


The one real criticism I've always had against Oblivion is the copy paste dungeon design.

in terms of difficulty? depth? story? I'm sincerely interested - I've played a fuck ton of Daggerfall and Skyrim, but only have about 40 hours clocked on Oblivion. So far I'm really enjoying it, but still too soon to make a conclusive determination. I'll play through it before making up my own mind, but would love to hear your thoughts meanwhile.

If people wanna complain about Oblivion for that they should also acknowledge that Skyrim does the EXACT same shit lol

So sad when someone who considers themselves an adult regressed to using images like a toddler instead of his own words like a big boy.

that's a legit criticism, I'll admit. The procedurally generated dungeons in Daggerfall were confusing and repetitive as fuck, to the point of making little sense. But at least they were unpredictable in terms of layout.

I acknowledge that. Just pointing out the dumbing down for console retards started there.

So sad that you result to calling someone a libtard because you have nothing else to legitimately criticize them on since they have a point.

I've only played skyrim and the beginning of oblivion.

The reasons I hate Oblivion:
>confusing interface
>bad graphics, even for it's time
>terrible combat
>the locations and quests are confusing
That's off the top of my head. I really can't think of the more advanced reasons I hate it.

Mustard race detected. Go clean your fap chair faggot, I'm playing Skyrim SE on a 65" LG 4k and it is the bee's muthafuckin knees nigga what..

But you didn't have a point, just an unfounded assumption you made because you didn't like my tone. Fuck you're dumb. No wonder you didn't get into a good school.

>crafting a million daggers

Yeah. No.

>graphics cards don't have HDMI out
Typical retard who can't be trusted to compute without oversight.

I didn't make any assumptions. I'm not the guy who originally responded to you. I just got annoyed that you really think there is a "true" and "fake" RPG.

Everything you have said is why I think Morrowind and to a lesser extent are better, now don't get me wrong, I really like Skyrim, I've been playing it all day yesterday, but the amount if handholding in it is just too much. Personally I prefer too little hand holding and making the player work harder and think than put a quest marker and just follow that to the end of the game. It is because of this that Morrowind is still relevant 15 years later.

Then don't craft daggers. There are better ways to level up your crafting. Instant gratification scum.

Ur ded m7

And therein lies the source of all of this. Protip: Dice roll RPGs are "true" RPGs because they were the first. This is a historical fact, not a debate. I'm sorry your SJW ass took it so hard.

At least this guy knows what's up

I don't fight with skyrim fans

Morrowind changed gaming. (played around 700 hours)
Oblivion was good and very atmospheric.(played around 500 hours)
Skyrim is simple and generic in comparison.(played around 3,400 hours)

They all had their time and place and although I've played some more than others you can't go back to an old game now and compare it to modern games, they were the zeitgeist of the RPG at one time.

interesting points - thanks for that. Yeah I can certainly understand why you feel that way. Personally I measured Oblivion against Daggerfall, considering the chronology - so I try not to use Skyrim as a yardstick, considering how it's superior in both design and aesthetic. The character models are probably its weakest attribute, in my opinion. The look and behavior of the NPCs and enemies in Skyrim are considerably improved. I'd love to get my hands on Morrowind, though. I feel like that's the missing piece of the puzzle. I've played Arena for about two hours, but based on that alone iis similarities to Daggerfall are obvious. Was Oblivion not much of an improvement over Morrowind? (in terms of look and design, I mean)

Being the first does not make it true. Anything is a true RPG so long as you take the role of a character in a fantasy setting.

Don't want the remorse of beating up retards?

But that's wrong, stupid. I honestly don't know why I'm bothering to argue with a child anyway.

These games are so fucking uneventful, repetitive and tedious. Seriously, I get more enjoyment living my actual life than playing TES.

graphically, I agree 100%

What are some /comfy/ games?

This is OP. Look at this. All I did was say Skyrim was better than Morrowind or Oblivion and look at you all. This thread has turned into a fucking warzone. I knew this would happen, I wanted it to happen. I played you all like a fucking fiddle. You can call me whatever you like, but the moment that guy posted the gif from A Clockwork Orange, I won.

Do you mean graphically or like actual design? The graphics were obviously better, as far as I know. And the comparison against Morrowind was based on preference. I like the gloomy and swampy look to Morrowind. That being said I haven't played it for myself yet.

Would you recommend it to a casual like me? I didn't mind the rpg part of Oblivion.

That must make you feel much better about being impotent to emotionally affect others irl.

A shit game for a shit fag.

Enjoy your shit faggot.

>Journey, if you have a ps3.
>Minecraft, while childish, has some chill music and involves creativity
>any creativity based game is good for comfy feelings
>gmod is good on single player with comfy music
>puzzle games

Literally anything childish is very comfy for me. I don't know why.


Yup, that's exactly how it is.

Fucking this. You cant compare a new game to and old one. Plus if you start a series with the newest one, youll never get the same experience from the original.
Morrowind is my vote. Skyrim second. Oblivion third. Eso far back in last place.

I meant in terms of the actual game engine, not so much the atmosphere of the world. For personal reasons, I have an extreme affection and affinity for the Nord culture and general themes and tones of Skyrim. I loved the immensity and scale of Daggerfall, and it was the only game in the series (of the ones I've played) that felt truly unexplored - as if each player had a unique experience, which reminds me more of pen and paper RPGs. The variety of locations in Oblivion is appealing, despite the world being relatively small. I really love the towns though. They're all pretty unique and beautifully realized in terms of aesthetics. I've never enjoyed magic (even in Dungeons and Dragons) so I love blades, axes, and bludgeoning weapons - I almost always play fighters. Never found much appeal in mages in general. It's my understanding that Morrowind excels in that regard, though - as in you can craft your own unique spells. I haven't played Morrowind, so I'm only guessing - but based on what I've seen, it looks like it has the most alien and distinct world (which is very cool). Yet Skyrim is surprisingly accurate in its depiction of Nordic terrain and culture - despite it showcasing a completely fabricated cosmology. It's clear that they heavily researched Viking architecture and history when crafting that world. I admit that I'm biased though - I'll always favor the Nords, and that's likely to cloud my impartiality. I'm willing to overlook graphical limitations, so by the time the next ES game comes out, I'm certain to still retain that preference.

its the way that things got present, lets say the game is not that much friendly user as skyrim

>plays morrowind
>hits thing

i agree but only if heavily modded. vanilla skyrim is shit

pregnancy mod is my favorite

i used to love morrowind when i was in middle school but when i go back and try to play it now its just awful

I can definitely see sympathize with that perspective. It took me a while to break into Oblivion, but with Skyrim I was almost instantly hooked (once I got through that first tutorial dungeon)

Dude, I hope the next ES game is set in Elswyr. That place sounds awesome!

That would be awesome, man! Plus it'd stand out compared to the other game worlds - yet again expanding the world and showing off a bunch of terrains and locales that are unlike anything ES has presented before. And I'd love to play a displaced Nord there! hahaha!

skyrim is a million times better because of the mods and game play. morrowind has a better story but thats about it honestly

man, we are kinda talking about the raw game, of curse skyrim have more mods.

no fite needed nig

underrated post

I would look forward to a Black Marsh setting personally. Argonians get no love unless they're lusty and/or a maid

Fuck that shit. Next game should go to wherever the Dwemer disappeared to.


>born in the 90's
>time of birth was December 31st, 11:59 PM 1999.

Sorry I deleted that post.

I get what you mean. It really makes you think about the politics of the ES games.

On one side you have an empire. On the other there's an almost barbarian lifestyle. Makes Skyrim seem more "for the nords"

>graphics cards don't have HDMI out

Being this retarded.

>he doesn't know how to parse greentext
You shouldn't be posting at all if you're this new.

ES6 has been confirmed hammerfell, maybe next time

Definitely, man! That rivalry between the Empire and the Stormcloaks was my favorite aspect of Skyrim - it got really heated, and I found the xenophobia to really add depth to the entire vibe of the experience. Would be really cool if they could amp that up in the next game, and play up the conflicts between warring races and nations. It really amplifies the general sense of tension and tribal belonging in Skyrim, which so far has been lacking (or at least downplayed greatly) in Oblivion. I love the idea of certain towns treating you like absolute shit simply because of your race, and then having to overcome localized cultural animosities depending on your character's origin and backstory.



Skyrim has a lack of population.
boring as fuck. I'd rather dig in the mud outside and shit myself

I only wish that race would play a bigger effect in the games. Like a nord wouldn't sell his wares to you if you were elven. You know?

I really liked the politics. Makes me want to look more into the lore.

Totally agree. There's so much potential there, and the races wouldn't feel so incidental - like they'd actually affect the manner in which the world reacts to you, as opposed to merely adding a couple skill bonuses. It'd be awesome if there were merchants who kicked you out on sight, just because you were an outsider. It'd make sneaking into towns a lot more intense, and trying to forge relations with people internally so you could bypass local laws and conventions in unpredictable ways. The guilds would be a great way to facilitate this, seeing as they'd have a differing set of criteria for earning acceptance - and still retain footholds in each town.

no one actually plays vanilla skyrim

Oblivion is awesome... it has things that i find lackluster about Skyrim.
(attributes, athletics, acrobatics, custom spells)

You have great ideas. You wouldn't happen to make mods, would you? I'd certainly use a mod that involved these things. You could call it "racism+" or something.

Honestly, you should try to get into the Bethesda design team.

And then again, maybe the programmers just didn't have time.

So, does anyone know how to put mods in Skyrim without steam?