Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:


I assume you mean energetic yuuko
That's someone else.

I'm 30 cents more an hour now!
Living the dream! only took 5 years of working there kek

Things are good, i'm not trying to be down.
Sometimes seeing you makes me sad ;w;

How's it going midnight

Yo franny! I made a trap add me on discord. Dude got a bit too excited when I messed with him lol. Shouldn't done that

Always smug time

Shinoa claimed',:)

-Are you going to play that in your underwear?
No dignity.

hi muffin

I don't know anything either
What's wrong?
are you leaving? Or done with work?
that's better
Hello shinoa. I'm ok, watching esl csgo.

Oh, you can be down, no problem. I'll listen and offer advice if nothing else.
Why would that make you sad though?

Yeah, that appears to be true, sorry.
Energetic? Is that what people call him usually?


*Who said i was in my underwear?*


I still don't know. Want to rp with us?

Shiro claimed.

Klingt spaßig. Dann auf zum fröhlichen Morden!

Lesser shiro!

You got telegram or something?

>OWO what's this?
That's just a random picture of some girl that keeps getting posted once in a while. Nobody knows who it is, nor what's her story, but that's the charm of it. It allows for artistic interpretation.




+1 smug to add in contribute

Just the people in personnel not making a whole lot of sense
>CBL (computer based training)
>Once you're done, you can go work on the floors
Like that's it? Who the fuck do I go see for my exact tasks?
Oh and some cunt didn't think I finished mine cause its usually 2 day thing but since I previously worked here, it was shorter (as trainer said)

Shi no a.



It's at least my name for him. He always seem energetic by the way he speaks.
You know him?

I don't want to say




You call us British not english

seit wann interessierst du dich für 3D?


Fast food?

Hot steamy erp time?

I try to eat less meat, since its better for the environment and your health

Yes, that is true.
High school.
I'll be going over to my grandma's house I believe.
I'd hope.
Post some 8's please.


So whats up my nigger
Ohayougozaimasu, doyagao

-You were since your pants got pulled down-
-What are you going to play?-






hi muffin

not really, thanks for the offer
oh a bit of frustration from work, that sucks. At least you've found a decent job for winter right?
you will be fine
nothing much, have two days off. What about you?

I call you English, because fuck you.

>Nep claimed.


but you could call people from scotland and wales that aswell

Now you're making me curios, but fine, if you don't want to say

Meat is by no means bad. If you eat a lot of meat then it's bad for your health. But the same is true with vegetables and fruits.
A good meal is balanced. It has meat and vegetables and for desserts fruits. That would be a very good meal.

But do explain how it is better for the enviroment?

Dish washing

That's a treat you get to have a lot.


While I am glad to be back to the same walmart I worked, it's starting to be one of those "be careful what you wish for" things.. I could of had a job at amazon at a higher pay but the interview was like an hour away and I'm not very experienced in driving in the highway

That buildup is smooth, pretty immersive track too with a relaxing ending.

Yee. What about you?
I gotta leave for a bit now though.

Overrated shoes.



About as thankless as it gets, but the kitchen wouldn't run well without a good one.


It takes more energy and water to take care of livestock than to grow some plants

I'm so sorry



>people that read every post in thread and not just their conversations


Taxi's are great. All other 12's are shit.
I try to see them often. Family is important to me.



Khorosho meme, gopnik.

Ich weiß, dass es Haram ist, aber manchmal kann ich nicht an mich halten.
Vergib mir, Vater, denn ich habe gesündigt!

I sure do. Already got one whole contact there. Hit me up when you're back.

Yea, I hate that too. I exclusively read replies.


I need to absorb all the information :o


Megumin claimed

Will you fucking stop that

oh that's not a very fun work climate :( And you shouldn't worry too much about driving on highway, it's much simpler than driving around town honestly.




read this!

how you doing, snowball?
It's awkward when people read my rolepaying :o


people that use :o

Esl? I know the other is counter strike

+1 more

Hey flan been some weeks hasn't it?

I'm blue balling the dude it seems lol

Good morning to you too


Hmm, I see, makes sense. On the other hand livestock has more uses. A Cow also produces milk and different sorts of cheese. Also their feeces is used to dung the crops we grow


what about them? :o


*You said puts hand in pants not pulls down pants*
*I don't know, maybe call of duty: original warfare 5


Nice trips by the way

But they're called scots and welsh

Yes do fuck me

fuck them hard :o



Fair enough, but dairy isnt really a necessary part of the human diet



if you're calling them that then you should be calling people in england english :o

>Messing with traps.
Smugs you're not gay though.


Other Shiro.

I pray when I go back tomorrow I find someone nicer to tell me what all needs to be done and then I can go lone wolf and get things done. Preferably the same department manager I previously worked with who is actually familiar with me during orientation

I will fuck you when we meet up
fuck me :o


お早う, げい の おとこ, 私 わ しゅにたい

You could say that I do, but I've just talked to him for a bit. I wouldn't call that "knowing" someone.

I really like the blaring tone in that one, seems like a pretty consistent piece of music.

High school? I'm not sure you should flaunt about that then.

I don't call them anything

We're not meeting up though -_-

It's not gay when you say "no homo"

Chinkie language

-Fine, fine-
-tugs on your pants, pulling them down to your feet-

-Not MW2? Pleb.-

えっち しよう

ESL is just a pro league. They hold tournaments for different games.
hi muffin

thanks. nice rp by the way
Yeah you should go directly to him. It should make things easier for you and you won't have to deal with the others as much I guess.

Point taken. Well, as long as you don't go vegan I'm okay with it.

You live!

Those Chaika eyebrows though

That's why I always say "full homo"

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Some weeks? I was here the whole time. But yeah some time has passed.

so is there 2 mikus now? :o
we can :3

What was I flaunting?

Back from longass dinner, whats up guys