It's happening guys

It's happening guys.




Please be real...


Getting lies tattood on yourself is the new cool thing.
Denial is cool these days.

Bitch best be leaving the country, then.
Because if you're an American, then he's your President whether you like it or not.

Also, as a guy with several tattoos, I have to say that she's REALLY going to regret that in a few years. Tattoos should be things that are essential to your personality, things that are core elements of who you are. This is something topical that only has relevance right fucking now. Best case scenario is you have four years tops before you spend a few thousand getting it removed.

this is a week old

is that a tumor?

Where's the ∞

And ?

Not yet


Nothing is going to stump the trump bro

someones mad

the silver lining

Trumpler is a minority potus with no mandate.
It is fun watching him make poor decisions.
He may be the prez, but he isn't MY president.

Who gives a shit about your opinion of someone else's tats, bitch?

who gives a shit about your opinion that he isn't your president?
He is, so shut the fuck up you faggot millennial and go back to your safe space protesting meetup.

>shitty bait is obvious

But honestly you gaylords, it doesn't matter how much you say it, this dude is gonna be in the white house. No amount of college aged entitlement is going to change that.

If employers were smart, anyone graduating in 2016,2017,2018, and 2019 wouldn't be considered for employment. Let them work at McDicks for the rest of their lives. They're a lawsuit waiting to happen.

>but he isn't MY president.
what kind of fucking faggot notion of the office of presidency does someone have to think whether or not someone's president is a matter of personal preference... it's like the way libtards think about gender. The president isn't a pronoun, douchebag.

trump eats food. guess who also ate food... HITLER!! there you go. infallible proof that trump is a nazi

GG faggots, you just had to get the ugliest fucking creature in the room to pose for this photo, i mean if it were a hot chick it would at least be funny.

>The president isn't a pronoun, douchebag.
Check'ed and kek'ed

>he isn't MY president.
So you're revoking your citizenship?



Anyone have that pic of Hillary saying that "anyone who will not accept the results of a democratic election is a threat to democracy"?

Get on my level, Killary lovers.



Wait, nothing comes up with image search, are you legit, if so then gib timestamp.

nice shop

OC? Kek'd heartily.

KEKEK, also checked


He's not my President, either.

I am waiting for when he is impeached 6 months from now along with most of his administration.

Keked and checked

Keked and checked

you are gay if you think she isn't hot


nice shop

but it's a back piece

stupid Trumpfag

Why? Do you feel like being a total faggot about it, user?

That's no tramp stamp, that's a trump stamp.

but it's anti-Trump

it's still stupid, why waste money on a tattoo like that for when she could've gotten a much better one for the same cost.


Well i'm bi, and she's a fucking ogre.

she obviously doesnt have a job or any job interviews in the near future

It's a mother fucking marker pen

>Pen and a marker all in one

prolly just a good shop


And this is the reason males protest.

>not having a pen and marker all-in-one

this man is doing the lord's work