My wife's anus, you like?

My wife's anus, you like?



tell her to stop wiping with sandpaper

I've seen car crashes that appeal to me more.

Why not? I just got finished eating it,

Nope. Your wife's anus looks nasty and fat.

or change from 80 to 240 at least



Don't listen to these faggots OP, I would eat it in a heartbeat.

Her ass.

not bad but a little too infected.
lets see her pussy that close for comperative reasons

And tits.

no nipples to suck on? wtf?
i feel bad for you OP

Her pussy.

when you can tell shes fat from a close up of her asshole. things are getting dark

i wouldn't share this

Are you married to an egg plant?

ankles what

hail to the sore anus

egg plant LMAO

she has an augment in between her ankles and calves. is she super strong?

nice fucktoy. thats it.
shove something in this backdoor and lets see it


Looks like a localized yeast infection. Some cream would clear that up love.

i like rekt threads too OP

more pussy less close


getting better. a bruised closeup is no turn on but zooming out can make it better - does make it better.
show us in wich hole you preferrably fuck her

now show us your toy collection

looks like an apple

oh my god that's FUCKING VILE

Op really is that the best you can do cmon buddy :(

when you take pictures of a monster it can't look like an angel


now a doggystyle picure with the full body

Thank you - posts like these help me to lose weight.

I feel awful for you, thanks for taking one for the team


Sides fucking gone!


>thinks: hm, bit small that picture

wtf am I looking at ?

Looks like some Lovecraftian nigthmare


Is this a beastiality thread?


yea friend after going through this thread
I got some advice for yah,
Off yourself

Fucking stop posting.

I have to be honest.... the pic of her ass hole actually does turn me on a bit..

I knew I'd find someone who likes it!

Why does it look like it gets blown out by huge logs of shit?

I feel like if i were to touch it my finger would slip into her ass and the liquid shit would get in my nails

Looks like a hippopotamus's ass

Is it dead?