My gf has a good number of tats and personally i love them too, but she's kinda secretive about the last one she got...

my gf has a good number of tats and personally i love them too, but she's kinda secretive about the last one she got. she didn't even tell me she was getting looks similar to this. i looked up the ace of spades and it seems to stand for rebirth, life and death, sometimes a tribute to lemmy, why would she be so secretive about it ?

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Your post is contrived as shit, OP. Fuck off.

>my gf

gtfo Sup Forums and take your cuck fantasy back to your containment board

There is only one reason a white girl gets a spade tattoo. It's not an ace, jackass.

ehm, ok ?


Means black people, I have some bad news for you. Your girlfriend is black.

if i google just spade tattoo it says ist stands for luck etc.

i'm pretty sure she's white.

It's on her dick. Your gf is a trap. You are a cuck. Check em

She's got a gambling problem op. Obviously a poker player is obvious.

I remember this from months ago
>Black Ace of Spades tat stands for niggerloving
>case closed
>OP is a fag

he meant to say your gf is blackened. my condolences

>i'm pretty sure she's white.

Means she's fucking someone black and you are now officially a cuck

she does like to gamble now and then but i doubt she has a problem, she's never lost enough money for it to be a problem.

what ? is tat what it means ? why would she want to advertise that on her body ?

don't let them troll you OP, it's just a symbol for luck.

Ok fine I'll spell it the fuck out. Google queen of spades tattoo. 2/10 for making me reply. Again, white girls only get a spade tattoo for ONE fucking reason. It's not "luck" that's for fucking sure, it's a deep desire to be a single mother.

a spade tat usually has a connection to the AB so if you're gf has one it either means she's been raped by a nigger or is fucking a member of the aryan brotherhood

look up queen of spades tattoo op

i mean, that's what i think too

the fuck this is actually a thing ? i didn't get a good look at it though i don't think it has the Q in it. it's still possible it's a regular spade tattoo

OP here, im a faggot

OP, It don't matter if there's a Q or not, blade spades for tattoos means she's after that degenerate nigger dick, bail while you can or prepare for cuckage.

i"ll admit it is a thing. when i google queen of spades it does seem like it's used like that alot. but still... alot of regular spade tattoos come up aswell, even guys have them. it's just so hard to imagine that she's do something like that.

boy did you get this one wrong.

I am going to get the popcorn, best thred on Sup Forums today

i assume she's not with you now OP, if so then i"m afraid this is probably what she's doing now.

Does she have a septum piercing too?

well now, you know that that is just not true!

for a girl to earn the queen of spades she needs to be into multiple bbc at the same time

this can't be true, i probably missed some detail that explain more about the tattoo. i can't imagine her doing this. she doesn't even flirt with other guys.

no no septum , but she does have snake bite piercings

well you are being cucked, but not by a black, its a symbol for the aryan brotherhood

hey, at least she was tactful enough to try to hide the tatoo from you.

unless there is something that she wants that she can only get by staying in good terms with you for the near future

we don't have people like that around here though. nor is she racist herself.

no i don't know of anything that she'd be be waiting for. we're not planning on buying anything or changing anything.

well yeah with a tat like that i'm sure she isn't racist, if anything she likes them a little too much. i hope she's on birth control OP because he won't use a condom.

>my gf
>hasn't seen the tattoo closely
Jackass. Only known one female with that tat, no Q on the spade, she does not fuck whites.
Your "gf" is proud of taking large black dick. How the fuck many more ways and times do I have to say it?

Here's your life op. Not so bad.

come on guys this isn't helping. i don't think she'd ever so that, she's very loyal and as i said before i haven't even seen her flirt with anyone.

look i understand that's a legit meaning of the tattoo but it's not the ONLY meaning it has

Jesus Christ Sup Forums only one guy guessed this was bait? This is low quality bait

>i understand that's a legit meaning of the tattoo but it's not the ONLY meaning it has
So ask her what it means. Tell her you occasionally browse certain types of porn and tell her what the symbol suggests - and how some lucky woman areopenly into that lifestyle. See how she reacts.

Stale pasta. Lets see how long you can drag this out.

that tattoo means she likes big black cock

i will definitely ask her about it, the second she comes home, i need to know. i still really don't think it's what it means in her case but this got me so paranoid.

I am sorry op, it is time for you to look at her texts and facebook

Sorry OP i know you may not like it but we need to get this true to you so she doesn't lie her way out of it later. she's probably takig a BBC balls deep up her ass as we speak

come on quit it.

i can look through her texts when she's asleep, i don't know her facebook password though.

She loves big black cocks


>gf has a good number of tats

i'm not sure how to install one.

ok ?

urban dictionary sez:

or just google keylogger and go to first non ad link

i know it's a thing but it could still stand for something different. i'll ask as soon as she gets home.

if y'all've had sex, you better go get tested. she might have given you the AIDS

if it turns out that's why she got the tattoo i will definitely get tested. but for now i still give her the benefit of the doubt

You know how they always say coming here and asking for advice is a terrible idea? Probably the only thing that isn't a lie.

>gf gets a queen of spades blackened tattoo
I am going to ask her about it!


>gf: oh no user, I got it for luck and stuff
>user: thank goodness, I can sleep well at night now.

i'm asking because i don't know if that is what the tat means, there is more than 1 kind of spade tattoo.

meanwhile OP's gf is getting her ass ruined

she doesn't even do anal...

look, i don't mean to rub it in but you have to know by now that women are different from men.

There is no way she does not know what the tattoo is for, there is no way she made a mistake.

If the tattoo was done 10 years ago, sure, there were other meanings, but this is a fresh new tat.

For you

this. trust us OP if her new lover wants he'll get to fuck her tight white ass within minutes.

fuck off. stop posting this shit