Has Sup Forums ever wanted to fuck a cartoon character/video game character? If so do tell

Has Sup Forums ever wanted to fuck a cartoon character/video game character? If so do tell.

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Samus. It's pretty obvious

Hehe thats a good first choice user.


Recently i would like to fuck Sombra



Give me more of overwatch porn

Oooh thank you nice user.

Would you like sombra to boop your cock? ;p

Yeah Nicole Watterson

Oh do we have a D.va lover here too?

No, that's sicko-perv stuff. Go to Church...

Oh interesting choice user. She looks cute

Thank you

I'm sorry user I'll go to church and repent for my sins.

What is it about her that makes you want to fuck her?

Of fucking course

>favorite color

Yuna and Rikku from Final Fantasy X and X-2...... sooooooo fucking much.

Hehehe boop

Oh user those are some very naughty traits that you like about her

Yes and

I'm not much of a gamer, but Mei from Overwatch is pretty cute. Unfortunately, most of the porn I've found in the brief amount of time I looked makes her out to be fat af, when she isn't. She's just wearing thick ass clothes.


Oh okie user

Oooh like a bit of fine China do we?

I'm a furry

Ahh that's very very lewd user

Fine China? Suppose that's a way to put it.

Hehe yeah, just a little joke

>ever wanted to fuck a cartoon character/video game character?
Only every time I find a new piece of media jfc
Pic related 1/7.5 billion animated characters I would take to poundtown


Oh user 7.5 billion that's a very big number.

Ooh kim possible fan


Pearl, from Steven universe is my first and only waifu. I'm 28 years old, send help...

Who's this?

Ysolda from Skyrim

Every time I find something new I like I have to fap to the female characters.
There's a few exceptions, but I fap to mostly every animated girl there is.

Did someone say pearl?

Ahh I gotcha now.

That's a very lewd thought process user.

I believe i did

Yes. All the time, in fact.


Hehe have fun

Lois from family guy. (when I was younger)

Hehe little milf lover were you?

Sunibee does the work of gods

Hex Maniac is also a favorite of mine

Ooh big boobies



I love Mercy from Overwatch, any porn of her is hot as hell






Hnngh lewd boy.

Hehe mercy is bae.

Ooh I sense a raven dump



Love those amazing jugs of her so much... probably my favorite character


She's definitely one of the better ones out there

got any feet pictures of her?


im pretty sure tenchi muyo made me semipedo. was in love with washu and sasammi. read tons of lemon/underage fanfics of it when i was like 10-13





110% yes


Ahh that comic is godlike




also was very into TT fanfics and hentai but i knew i was too old for it


Nah m8, I don't usually do feet stuff unless its really nice



got any good ones you can dump?



Oh god I love her



-league of legends atleast 85% of the female champions
-starcraft's sarah kerrigan both human and zerg
-tons more but lazy to write em


league rank ?



eune plat and silver on second account

NA Gold 2 here

Yea sure

For the Raven user



Top tier taste user




Yuffie from FF7
