Daily reminder that if you voted for Trump, you're what's wrong with the world

Daily reminder that if you voted for Trump, you're what's wrong with the world.

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Daily reminder that if you're an ameriblob, you're what's wrong with the world.

This guys got a point.

feels good man

Daily reminder that OP cannot stop sucking cocks.

Hillary isn't much better
Shut the fuck up about your politics nigga
This is Sup Forums


He's not qualified. It's like hiring a white person to play sports

>it's been 12 days since
>still being this mad
kek lib cucks

I'm willing to give him a chance. If he's able to put the Muslims in camps and also kick out the Mexicans and bomb Mecca like promised then I'll vote for him again.

And because you voted for Hillary. You are whats wrong with America. Go kill yourself.

what if that sport is hockey? so I believe you have lost that argument

100% of humans who voted for him are wrong. There is absolutely ZERO reason to vote for an openly racist to be the president of fucking America. The only way it would be ok to vote for Trump, is if he was running against an even more racist, misogynistic opponent.

Don't worry, little snowflake. It won't hurt when you melt.

He should make America an all-white nation like it was in puritan times.

He'll be gone soon. Everyone will laugh about it.

Mexicans and Muslims aren't races. Can't wait for them to be put in camps where they can be watched. And his orthodox Jewish daughter can run the camps.

One can only dream. If he could I'd crown him Emperor Trump for real.

Fuck. Trips means it must be true.


Anyone who voted for Trump genuinely is retarded. There's no way around it.

"but but but daddy Trump is anti-establishment!!!!"
>Trump proceeds to hire the most establishment cabinet of all time

LMAO gotta hand it to Trump he cucked you all good.


I am glad to be what is wrong in your world. Hope it gets worse

Not every sport is basket and sprinting

he was though Hillary is worse in every way

>There is absolutely ZERO reason to vote for an openly racist to be the president of fucking America

Unlike, say, President Jackson, openly racist 7th President, founder of the Democratic party, author of the Trail of Tears.

Racism is an integral part of America ever since the Yankee north made a devil's pact with the slaving deep south.

Americans aren't so bad.. only the uneducated ones.
This sounds racist but honestly black Americans are the worst/ most ignorant people on the planet
If only we could minimize the retarded drug dealers/gang bangers

Daily reminder that I only voted for Trump because of SJW's shoveling their BS on the internet daily and turning everything into some black vs. white or male vs. female or immigrant vs. American pissing match.

I'm 30 and I've never voted. I didn't care a bit about politics ever before now but I just couldn't stand to hear "OMG a white male" one more time.

Piss off you salty ass parasite.

Dolan aka "literally Hitler" Trump would not be president if it weren't for people like you.

If you think people who voted for Trump are whats wrong with the world, then you need to look at the reason they voted for him. The reason I voted for him, is you.

suck on that, faggot

Pretty much this, get rekt op, your days of working illegally in the u.s. are over its time to go back.

I voted for Trump. Why so mad?

Daily reminder that I don't give a shit

pic related
its you

OP is correct, voting for an Ivy League trust fund baby from New England thinking he's going to be anything but the establishment is the height of idiocy.

Hillary wasn't perfect but by the hells she was a lot less nutty than this perverted buffoon.

>openly racist
Still waiting for proof of racism from Trump

Well yeah he's a """""""politician""""""" so it's natural for him to lie. No surprises there.

Thanks. I hope Trump finds you and puts you in an execution camp, where you're raped to death by bears, until zyklon gas finally ends your suffering.
The bears are wearing gas masks, btw.

Make America Great Again

Cant tell if trolling or nazi

pretending the evidence doesn't exist eh? Well the justice dept sued him twice for not renting to black people.

No she isn't you fucking piece of garbage.

Is Hillary a corrupt war hawk who doesn't even have a fucking personality? Yes.

But at least she had an understanding of having the most powerful and difficult job on earth. At least she believes in climate change and doesn't think it was a hoax created by the Chinese government like Trump does. A lot of scientists are saying the planet may not be able to withstand 4 years of Trump not doing anything on climate change and drilling more. This is real shit.

We could have endured 4 years of her bullshit and maybe if a legitimate populist came up (Republican or Democrat) then we jump on that.

Not Trump who has borderline Down syndrome and Pence who is basically Satan incarnate. A man who wants to electrocute gay people 'until they're straight'.

You're wrong. The entire world is laughing at you and your life is about to get a whole lot worse under Trump. No matter who you are.

Why are you so scared to MAGA you fucking faggot?

lol don't argue climate change with Americans, they believe Jesus rode a dinosaur and that the earth is only 6000 years old.

Good meme to confirm you have no legitimate argument. Just kill yourself honestly.

When everybody's flesh is burned off in the nuclear war, will it matter what color your skin is? Or will we be judged by our teeth?

Reminder that racism is good, and I wish Donald Trump actually was racist, not what liberals think racist is.

>only the uneducated ones.

The hordes of indoctrinated Marxist liberal arts majors are a far bigger problem than Tyrone the garbage man or Joe the plumber.
They are idiots who think of themselves as intellectuals ready to remodel society because they struggled through some humanities degree.

LMAO America seriously is a lost cause, the funny thing is they genuinely think voting for Trump would benefit their lives in any way.

I have faith in the young people over there who voted for Bernie or even someone like a Rand Paul if they were republican.

Don't worry about it, Hillary lost. No more retarded no fly zone and war with russia

Everyone here is trolling. Every racist sentiment you see in Sup Forums is ironic designed to trigger the weak. This includes pro-Trump threads.

>confuses cause and effect
you can't really be this dumb

>Not Trump who has borderline Down syndrome
wrong, he is a borderline genius and his IQ says that
>Pence who is basically Satan incarnate. A man who wants to electrocute gay people 'until they're straight'.
boo fucking hoo, a man who thinks being gay isn't moral

>The entire world is laughing at you and
implying American's care about the rest of the world

>your life is about to get a whole lot worse under Trump. No matter who you are.
doubt it. my life didn't change under Bush, it didn't change under Obama, and I don't expect it will change under Trump
unless of course, he actually deports illegals and builds a wall, then it may get better for everyone
all the other shit he said he'll do probably won't affect any of us

>I voted to burn the fucking place down and to screw myself over because other people used words that frightened me.

gg, loser.


It was a choice between evil and stupid, and evil is more capable of harm because it's intentional and knowledgeable. I trust Hillary's corruption less than Trump's blundering. That said, I didn't vote for any presidential candidate.

this cunt is what's wrong with the world

Daily reminder that /thread tbh fam.

Trump's a fucking retard and his followers will blindly believe in anything. Half of them still think the earth is flat and they faked the moon landing.


lol listen to him talk for 30 seconds. That's not a genius talking, that's a coked out moron.

And you know Obama deported tons of illegals, more than Bush correct?

No, of course not, you're a fucking partisan moron who will always vote the same way his redneck parents told him to vote.

petty children with mommy issues


Evil? Oh please don't tell me you fell for the "master assassins" line. That was old in the 90s you dumb kid.

literal thread, just to let you know SJW's and the DNC are totally responsible for a president Trump. everyone is sick of your stupid Huff post bitching non stop. Trump was elected for the same reason Nixon was elected. people are sick of your stupid liberal hippy shit

>implying we would consider racism against blacks to be a bad thing

i did

and how'd that turn out you fucking idiot?

I implied no such thing you fucking reading-impaired inbred.

You're a fucking idiot.
>I voted for a pretentiously retarded and potentially dangerous faggot because it made normies mad on the internet

You're literally what's wrong with this world and I hate Hilary and ask the Sjw's too. That said, Trump is not the answer and you're shit for brains.

Suck on that, faggot.

No blame, of course, on the information structure that led those people to believe that was a good idea.

>I've got the black population under my thumb
>they are so stupid 93% will vote for me
>they'll have to since my party gave them a token black president
>when elected I will do absolutely nothing to really improve their lives, just dole out white people's money for them to spend on stupid shit
Do you really think Hillary was better for minorities? Hillary was better for NO ONE!

>Leftists a few days before the election
>As soon as Trump wins
>1. Markets will crash
>2. World War 3
>3. Nigger slaughtering on the streets
>4. Muslim slaughtering on the streets
>5. Fags and trans people will be put in jail

Did I miss something?

Where's this IQ? He talks like a 5th grader and doesn't even have a basic understanding of how the world works, as demonstrated in debates/interviews.

Someone can be against gay people, I disagree with it but it's a democracy and you're entitled to your opinion. You can't support to electrocute gay people to 'make them straight' though, that's the most retarded shit of all time and you know it.

A lot of Americans do, you don't because you lack empathy, compassion and basic decency because you're not very smart.

Also he's already said a lot of the 'wall' will actually be a fence so woops there goes that. Illegals aren't your problem, the top 1% who rig everything (and by the way, are all in Trump's cabinet picks)

That's the one thing Trump was right about, it is rigged. It's just that him and his supporters aren't smart enough to figure out who's rigging it. It's not a fucking Mexican with nothing but the clothes on his back who has that kind of power. You fucking moron, it's the people at the top.

>if you don't agree with me you're evil!!1!

Double down, leftards. Scream more. Cry more. Block more traffic. I look forward to kicking your asses again four years.

histrionics, this late at night? For shame.

yeah, your basic human decency you hateful degenerate

>Race better predictor for criminality than poverty, unemployment, or lack of education.
>hurr they're arrested because they're black and hispanic!! Cause and Effect are reversed!
wew. nigger detected.

lol by kicking asses you mean narrowly winning the electoral vote and losing the popular vote by....

1.7 million as of today.

And don't pretend you were old enough to vote nor will you be in 4 years you fucking twelvie.

>implying I'm reading impaired
>implying I'm inbred
Whew lads I guess cucks do a whole lot of implying on the internet!

I was referring more to the wikileaks stuff

still confusing cause and effect. Your lack of education is showing.

>Implying there's anything wrong with the world.


you're not denying it you sisterfucker

you're bargaining
you probably are one of the ones who thought Trump never had a chance to win the primary
then when he did you said "haha, so easy for Hillary to defeat him, please please put him on camera and let him hang himself with his own words.
then you were actually believing all of the biased media in that Hillary was absolutely certain to win and that Trump was a clown.
then on election night you were shedding those salty (damn they were salty) ass tears down because you were in shock (1st stage)
the reason your grief is taking so long to progress is because you actually believed the biased media
admit it
you bought into it
I bet you had a folder of "delusional" Trump voter screencaps that you were ready to spin into a nice montage for us
admit it
the reason you're so angry right now is because you were mislead by the dishonest media
you believed it and now you've been shown how out of touch you are
you were literally so BTFO on that night that now your only argument is that "hohohohoh Donalds not going to fulfill his promises!! haha Drmpf voters BTFO"
admit it
you are pathetic and you should feed pathetic
you were so out of touch and lost so fucking embarrassingly, considering that people seriously thought Hillary was pushing to run up the score in the Senate and house, and not only did you lose the presidency but you couldn't win the house or senate either, that you should feel ashamed for the next eight years

I'm going to sustain myself on those tears for as long as i can.

but you're still bargaining
"Trump isn't the Hitler I made him out to be!! lol Drumpftards!!"

these tears have never been sweeter

>what's wrong with the world

You mean corruption?


Four years, OP... four years. Let it sink in. :)



oh please do cite the horrible EVIL in those wikileaks my dear comrade.



it's not about that ya dumb sack of fuckin vile putrid shitscum, it's about repeating history. the 1968 DNC was exactly like how things went this year in the DNC leaving it totally able to be fucked and lose the election. Hubert Humphrey? same as Hillary Clinton, shit candidate. boy get off your high horse you useless sack of shit, people like you who don't know history or see the connections are why the world will die. ya fuckin cuntchewing vile bile full of fuckin bubbling shit scum


different language you fucking retard. God if you're going to meme, don't post ones that poorly conceived.

306 to 232 ain't narrow, faggot.

But I see you're going to be taking my advice. Outstanding. Your butthurt rage is delicious.



hey you made the dumb comparison you triggered redneck


Top kek.
Seriously though, when will the apocolypse happen? You told us it would happen the day he was elected, now bring it!

>narrowly winning the electoral vote
Did you actually watch the results kiddo?

>and losing the popular vote
Why does that matter? The """popular""" vote doesn't barely matter in the american election and if it did, the republicans would push for extreme measures to ensure that illegals don't vote in mass, like they do now.
But sure, support something that is even more fucked up than the EC system.

Daily reminder America hasn't had a respectable president since Eisenhower.


The truth hurts. Kek