Hey Sup Forumsrothers, I have drank 62 ounces of %5.56 alcohol and I am wondering if I eat 17 7.5 narcos/hydrocodone...

Hey Sup Forumsrothers, I have drank 62 ounces of %5.56 alcohol and I am wondering if I eat 17 7.5 narcos/hydrocodone, will I Die? Inb4 op is a faggot.

Will this clean my intestines~? :o

If you don't you will fuck your liver

+benzoate or bleach shooters

Don't take hydrocodone with booze, you retard. It's chock-full of Tylenol and kills you.

But yes: both are depressants. The opioids depress your breathing, and so does the alcohol. The risk here is that your body will fall asleep and your body won't notice that you're not breathing, often enough, because you depressed your breathing and then numbed yourself to feeling like you need to take a breath. You will fail to wake up and be dead.

But that's a shitload of opioids. So you're gonna fuck your liver up and suffocate in yourself even without the booze. Later tater.

Are all condoms transparent?!

No, just mine? Hmm.

No. You can buy solid black condoms. Makes your wiener look like a dildo. It's kinda fun, and they're thicker.

Not for my peen~, silly. ;p

Anywho, is my brother around?
If so; boy, am I embarrassed~! :D

I'm all like #yolo bran.

i'm not sure if you would die or not, but to be sure you will, i would mix in a few benzos, about 2 or 3 xanax bars should do it

This one time, right?
I left a BIG one!!
Oh, man... was it amazing.


>makes your weiner look like a dildo,
lol that made me laugh for some reason, and if it's thicker how is it fun, i can't feel anything from condoms sometimes

the breathing part is true, when i would do lots of opiates i would let go of myself and let myself nod out really really hard and i would notice that i stopped breathing for about 10 seconds, scared the shit outta me lol


>Hey Sup Forumsrothers, I have drank 62 ounces of %5.56 alcohol and I am wondering if I eat 17 7.5 narcos/hydrocodone,

Prolly not. You will have a hella buzz and a monster hangover tomorrow, though.

That numbing lubricant; you're right~. :o

(Dramatic voice): "Time knows naught of tomorrow, for it is stranded in existence for eternity~."

> bweoop~*


you, you are from retardedland, aren't you?
please decide if you want the unit designator in the front or back, and then say either "ounces 62 of %5.56 alcohol and eat 17 narcos 7.5" or don't be retarded and put the unit in the back, like the rest of the planet.
use the SI unit "gram", stupid