Sup Forums IS the worst board in Sup Forums

Sup Forums IS the worst board in Sup Forums

>half of them are thin skinned authoritarians with no respect for individual rights or human rights

>the other half is literally paid russian agents shilling for Putin under proxies

Shut up kike

Then go tell Sup Forums that, why would you come to the worst board and expect any sort of decent feedback.

>t. Pic related

You have to go back faggot

>Sup Forums level of butthurt

>go tell the worst board
>why would you tell the worst board

Fuck off OP - Sup Forums and their frog shenanigans are hilarious.


you forgot one part:
>memed a president into office

more than a shitposter like you has ever done.

>>memed a president into office
No, the FBI and Putin did the job to help Trump win.

ur desperation is cute

The best thing is that since Trump won they've suddenly all become pro-establishment.

But Trumps votes predominately came from baby boomers, they dont lurk

Fuck off, you thin skinned sheenie cunt.

Cool story bro, go tell pol.

>>half of them are thin skinned authoritarians with no respect for individual rights or human rights

I believe the problem might be that you suck too many dicks, you nigger faggot.

Sup Forums are the worst cause they're Sup Forumstards with a mission. a very very dumb mission.

t. Roach

I heard they got some guy elected with their memes

remember when vice wasn't filled with with sjws and it was just mildly annoying hipsters going on crazy adventures, where some Brooklyn hipster all of a sudden doing a piece on the yakuza by getting shitfaced with members or ending up in the middle of the fucking boonies africa chilling with some mass murdering, child raping warlord.

>Browse Sup Forums leading up to and during the election
>Opinion of Sup Forums flip flops
>It's literally just current event Sup Forums
>Slowly feel myself becoming more racist
>Don't even care
>Having fun for the first time since before le funni banana ruined Sup Forums
>Bait threads get wrecked instantly
>Not flooded with porn threads
>Cucks still gonna cuck
>Top tier bantz
>The best meme

If you are skeptic because of what anons say about Sup Forums don't be. Just go check it out and participate.

d-delet this

It was just one little country, not like it matters.

Yeah Putin has cucked them hard, most of them shill for his geopolitical aims for free..

They are helping him destroy the west from the inside, divide and conquer, under the guise of some racist crusade, and helping create the image of the US as a fascist boogeyman. Very useful to him.

Read up on Noospheric manipulation.

I'm readying up for the fight back when more people reach the same conclusions.

>Sup Forums IS the worst board in Sup Forums
It's a sad day for us when people know we aren't the worst board anymore.

As a free market conservative I've always hated lefties and liberals, but god trump supporters are so much worse, I just hate the fact that I have to side with liberals cause trumpets are so stupid...

too many democrats in Sup Forums looking for jlaw nudes.

Russia admitted its help in the election.

well yes, if you are pro free market you should be against trump.

killing free trade is pretty much one of two things he is guaranteed to do after lowering taxes for me and the rest of the top 5%

Anyway I still don't think he's gonna kill free trade, I think it was all rhetoric to win the rust belt vote, if he was really gonna do it wall street would be tanking.

he has already killed the TPP. Nafta is going to be harder, true

Sup Forums is Sup Forums. Sup Forums is a meme.

Sup Forums wasn't entirely conservative, it did have some degree of bi-curious and pedo tendencies. Neither of which is exclusively one side or the other, but politics wasn't as big as it is now. Sure, not many liked Bush, and many believed Obama was our nigger. It wasn't exclusive to this board, it's the sway of the general consensus of the people that use the internet, and it shifts, not to one central point, but a little here and there. The point of Sup Forums was random, when you think you knew what user stood for, you didn't have a clue. The faggotry is the gaiafags who came here thinking user could make a cause, eventually creating the whole Co$ movement and moralfaggotry ensued. Despite what others say, doing mean shit to others for the lulz was just a hobby and screwing with people was all part of thegame.jpg

Hello my newfriend from Reddit.

Well fucking said.

prove it fgt

He's right though. Sup Forums is like old Sup Forums

New Sup Forums is nothing but porn and ylyl threads.

Sup Forums is literally a hugbox filled with pansy faggots

>I'm a newfag derpalerp herp
Like old Sup Forums?
You obviously never went there.

The FBI would have made it easy if they went after Hillary for gross negligence, as they did say she was in fact negligent on her part which can be pressed on an ethics charge. This is exactly why the CIA is getting involved now, I just hope IA tags along with their investigation.

If the FBI did their job, Hillary would've been behind bars.

As for Putin, seems a bit convenient to paint the man who was man of the year by Time magazine and held in higher regard by liberals before Trump came along. I don't think a better scapegoat than Putin could be to blame when you have no evidence but a general bad relations with Russia.

>OP went to Sup Forums and his opinions were BTFO and he didn't understand the bantz and needs to fuck off back to plebbit

Sup Forums has surpassed old Sup Forums

old Sup Forums fucked with scientology

Sup Forums fucked with the global elites' power structure

Sup Forums is bad but Sup Forums is the worst board.

And this is news to you?

>Paid russian agents
Yes. Russia feels that shit posting on Sup Forums is a good use of time and resources, especially since it's the same shit posters coming back day after day.

I can't believe people actually believe shit like this.

go back to /leftypol/

>No respect for individual rights or human rights.

No, that's definitely China. Read up, son.

>Trying to shill Sup Forumstards away from the redpill hive this hard.

These tactics work on baby-boomers in front of CNN, not here.

Fuck off back to plebbit faggot

You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you?

Did you love it Le'monjello?

No, apparently you are the one who was never here before June.


>>half of them are thin skinned authoritarians with no respect for individual rights or human rights

i feel you comrade, now back to creating that cultural Marxist utopia or its gulag for you

Go away jidf

I like how Sup Forums calls everyone else "shill" and "cuck" when they themselves are the very embodiment of those terms.

typical political strategy: project your shortcomings onto others before you get called out on them first

it's why Republican accuse Democrats of big government, welfare sucking, and pork-barrel spending

I do friendo it was decent

No fuck you fucking lurk for 6 years before you make a post.

He's lowering taxes for everyone.

The only reason the 5% percent will be saving money is because they make more therefore their percents are worth more than average people.

We've fought the Jew for so long that we've become the Jew.

he can't lower taxes for everyone, it would put the US in trillions of dollars of debt and he doesn't have enough influence over Congress anyway.

He will lower taxes for himself and raise them for the middle class so he can afford it.

>implying the debt matters

Stop pretending faggot, you stink of new like an indian stinks of curry.

>Russian proxies and RIDF
Maybe 13% if you're lucky
Cry more bitchnigger you're just buttblasted because we ARE Sup Forums now

it matters enough that congress will not agree to his absurd, unrealistic tax plan

when it comes down to the middle class or himself, only a fool would expect anything but greed from Trump.

>we ARE Sup Forums now.

Alt right reddit fags? Nah son, you will be assimilated.