Yo Sup Forums im lit rn, gimme something to look at

Yo Sup Forums im lit rn, gimme something to look at

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Have a good long look at these two animal dudes having anal sex.

These guys too.
Look at them... LOOK!

Yikes that aint good

you just gotta wear a full hazmat suit to work

I'm sorry you have to go through that. has she had it long?

how long is a good long time?

Im dis gusted but i cant look away



Ill be back, im not lit enough for you guys

ive tried to get them to let me wear a mask and gloves sometimes but nooooooo that wouldnt look good.

Are you in the right thread?

Popularity of the American muscle car in the hands of people far removed from their glory days.

Dom - Just never got around to getting the snip. Never intended to have more than one child. Certainly not going after a third.


can you use anything at all to keep their sickness away?

I'm pretty sure I am

terrible edit nibi



what the fuck nibi


lots of lysol and sanitizing lotions

He's posted that heaps of times.

he must cease

I bet you've never even butchered an animal before you no knickered, yellow bellied, sissy boy.

Cease breathing maybe

But no, like my heart he will go on

>implying katia doesn't have knickers


he's also calling me asian for some reason when I am clearly not

Well now, isnt that just frustrating for you.



nice dubs, kek smiles upon you


What, that Katia has knickers or that I have Celine Dion stuck in my head

And a ching chong nip nong to you too, young lady.


computer, load up celery man

meme magic is real

Heil Hitler

Stawp it uuuuuuuuu

Thanks, I always knew having that memory of Jwoolia Wobberts would do me good one day.



You're welcome I guess

The honors are all yours, bbycakes.



nice name



I am pretty honourable

So Game Freak added a pokemon that is exactly what it implies in my name

The females can use mind-control pheromones to attract males, including males of other species and humans

The evolution - which is female only - builds harems out of the males

Pic very much related.




i did not mean to say mem, please convert it to "meme" in your head


sorry, I was temporarily possessed by alex jones

Please, mind control harems have been a Japanese thing for ages. If Jews wanna get into the fetish game they need to hire a few Japs

i did, I was just continuing the conversation about meme magic and kek.

wrong japs are already working for them.
they were nuked on israeli orders

I wouldn't believe that, the Japs are so incredibly xenophobic it would be difficult to infiltrate them

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dark meme magic


Cookin up some dank dark memes with the meme wizards.

nef I named my mind control harem lizard after you

thanks bae

I definitely ragequit the game for today though since I think a glitch jewed me out of getting surf and waterfall, which isn't a progression halting error but really fucking blows

jewed huh

Yeah that's a pretty big thing.

kiked, even

also you're named after two pokemon

my tentacruel is named neferpitwo since I couldn't think of a better tentacle rape person

No reference to genitals, of course.


Well what are you gonna do when you catch a Tangela?

>implying I'd use tangela
my grass type is alolan exeggutor, named m e m e s XD

what's good slutbucket

because the jews are notorious for ripping people off, just like the whites are notorious for killing off indigenous peoples with smallpox

Next time I get really sick I'll say "I got pilgrim'd" just for you

there's really not a good verb for that

Nothing, I want a car to run me over.

Gotta catch them all, you know

We didn't use smallpox in Australia.

We just kidnapped the fuck out of their kids and attempted to breed the black of out them.

me too, feed my brain pls

my pokemon sun game is fucked up so I'm considering flying to japan and kicking shigeru ohmori in the nuts

the nordic master race beat huemonkeys in csgo today so that's good

im literally developing a salazzle fetish because of you fuck you

I sort of want to sun/moon but I don't have the money for it.
I will have to choose between it and monster hunter XX most likely.

this is one of the very few games I bought this year since I don't fucking like video games

it was, like, this and dark souls 3

also I''m drink which is good

I didn't even save the porn ones, where she's covering in Salandits with two-pronged lizard dicks

you just got colonialiiiiiiiized

something about fucking the local fauna

I wish to see these

I guessss that works but since my entire biology is basically colonized it's kinda taken for granted

>two-pronged lizard dicks
coming out of slits?

If white people are so good at killing people with smallpox, why dont they just use smallpox on the niggers?

africans are more disease resistant, generally, than europeans. That's why it took so much longer for europeans to penetrate and colonize africa relative to the americas - they kept dying on entry

in the americas, the rather low population density meant there weren't a great deal of native diseases to contend with

I went and grabbed it just for you

They were classified as fauna at some point, IIRC.

What is interesting is that unlike black people in America, Aboriginals have a very high rate of interracial relationships. Around 50% of them.

I want to see how the two groups of people change over time.

Have a look and see for yourself

I am unspeakably turned on

what's with all the money?

why do they have money


Ooh I just finished my chemistry homework.
On time.
For the first time this term.
I'm so productive.

you're a fucking god

so why do you want to get hit with a truck anyway

Since Salandit/Salazzle can attract and mind control males, people seem to like adding a thievery aspect to the pokemon where they steal money from helplessly enraptured men

Maybe they're like little dragons and keep hordes of coins. In several pictures I passed over they were holding bags with dollar signs on them

Well done

I am in a negative mood, leading to me wanting to be wiped off the face of the earth by means that are not my own as I'm to pussy to do it.
It happens regularly, I'll pull out of it later tonight most likely.

Niggers confirmed literally the disease of humanity.

this somehow makes the fetish better

that's one way of thinking about it, but keep in mind europe in turn is much more disease ridden than the new world was prior to european arrival. It's all about population density

I recommend drinking. Whenever I want to die drinking makes me want to live.


oh is there a new pokemon that's actually a mind control slut

well it's more like a mind control Domme,
salandit only evolves into salazzle if female and she lizard society with mind control or something

I am listening to this.