
Give a Sup Forumsro any unwanted inventory junk please?


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email? Ill gift you one

[email protected]
Your generosity is admired by the heavens

Haven't received anything, you sure you typed it in right?

not him but you can probably expect some penis enlargement and gay porno emails soon

Thanks it's just what I need

Thanks OP!

fucking faggot

No problem, i had stopped playing that game long ago.

No one deserves to be happy

Everyone deserves a bit of something from time to time. I bet you work hard to at least manage

There you go faggot.

Be nice, be kind, and enjoy your life.

what did you give the faggot?

Thanks, you will be rewarded later in life

What did he give you?

Saints row 2
Santa will come when he comes to give all the little boys and girls gifts

Cany any kind user give a Sup Forumsro any unwanted inventory junk please?


user, can you please kindly spare Enigma? Please, I'd be forever grateful

[email protected]

Could any kind user gift me Ark: Survival Evolved? Please, all my giveaway threads are getting 404'd, but I already gave 6 steam keys :(

Also almost quads....
Please user

Well, I would still want to give something to the community, so I'm dropping the last key for the night, If any user adds to gift me, I'll gladly accept asap :)


Really been wanting genital jousting its only $5, if anyone wants to trade that for risen 1 and 2 gold edition ($20) on steam

Thanks m8


Can any kind user give a Sup Forumsro any unwanted inventory junk please?


The Autumn sale starts on 23rd and im prolly gonna be looking for a thread once that starts.

Got a decent amount of humblebundle keys to use but im not gonna use em in a dead thread.

Post it pls

you mean winter sale right?

Aint postin em but come on on the 23rd. Probably gonna be using some skin money on some stuff too.

Some teasers though


Nope there's an Autumn sale scheduled for the 23rd of this month before the Winter sale.

Fez would be cool, why the 23rd?

Nevermind, saw just a few posts above, I'll be looking out, good on you, user

never knew that. I guess it's black friday sale kinda thing. That only America celebrates.

23rd is when the sale starts so more people begging/giving and stronger thread. If i blow my whole load now im gonna give everything to 1 or 2 people.

Yeah I get you, thanks for sticking one out for the poorfags. have a nice day

>23rd is when the sale starts
how could you possibly know that?


why do you enable this lazy faggot's lifestyle?

i was NEET for 7 years and even i am disgusted by this begging, stop

C'mon I ask for some Steam Trading Cards not even a game. Someone has to have some spare?

I'll make a badge with them.


Thanks for the consideration Sup Forums


i would love gta v
hard working cooking guy right here
and the only debt i have it's a marble table i didn't break, charged to me anyway lol


why the fuck are you begging if ou have a job omg what the fuck is wrong with you selffish cunts

how about save money and buy it next month
what the fuck

add me 4 gift


say "WHATUP SHITBISCUIT" so i no who u r

Hey OP,

If you really don't have the money and you are genuinely poor and not a jewish faggot, then stop playing games.

Get angry and get your life on track, make money, invest in yourself, profit every little opportunity you can get. Stop playing games, you waste time you don't have. You are poor with a reason, people with financial stability can play games, you are behind in the race.

Just an advice I wanted to hear or better, to understand 3 years ago.

Get angry and do stuff.

Nice try, private profile