Any Aus fags here preferably from Rockhampton area can hook a lad up

Any Aus fags here preferably from Rockhampton area can hook a lad up

Bump help a lad out

Also general weed thread


Move to gladdy ya poof

fuck that shit why

Besides I'm in emu no rocky

Rockys a shit hole bro

I know I fucking hate it I'm only here as Mackay has no work unless your an old cunt with qualifications coming out your ass

But seriously I know about half of Australia smokes the shit so there's gotta be a decent bloke on here willing to help a Sup Forumsro out

No one

Come on you fucks

would if i could mate but im down in fucking tassie man

Seriously nothing fuck I hate my country sometimes

I know ppl in Mackay but until I get payed which is next week I can't make the trip

I give up

any1 in melb got sativa?

Any one from Yeppoon

Come on bump




what u need

near berserker what u need

50 can only travel to Rockhampton or Yeppoon areas might be willing to go to the caves

just go to the store, its legal everywhere now faggot.

i only sell quarter ounce plus

Yo, im in gladdy, wouldnt mind getting on?

I'll get back to on that as I'm getting for me n missus she has issues sleeping lately

Yea shit sorry dude can't do a q but thanks if you know some who will do 50s that'd be awesome

''mum only gave me fifty''


Well atleast your honest
plus reported for underage

Joke ass hat I'm 22

Well It was the closest I've ever been to getting a dealer in Rockhampton areas

Thanks for nothing ass holes

Haha faggot 50 gets you a quarter and a few extra gs in the states I'm sitting on an oz right now I got for 110

Don't fucking blame me dick it's the dealers or exchange rate or some shit that makes our prices here fucking outrageous

I'm sorry bud that was far to harsh we can only hope that medical or legal comes your way I live in Michigan and when medical first came it drove the price way like fuckin 60 bucks for an eighter of shit now since everyone and their brother grows it it's dropped to like 6/7 bucks a g. I'm sure in time it'll work out

I'm from Melbourne and can give you some good puff. If you can get to Melbourne Central Station in the next hour I'll hook you up.

It's funny the pollies make a big deal about it but I swear half the country's does it, I mean Australia has fuck all unqualified work advalible right now we have dick loads of debt and yet if the legalised it there's straight up revenue, hell we still sell cigarettes and grog which is proven to do more harm than good. It's all the old pricks that have been brainwashed to think drugs are bad


Be there in 5mins ahaha I wish dude thanks though my better half confirmed she doesn't care what I spend so sign me up for a q

For once she's more desperate than me to have a smoke

Hey I can get a q

Ok last time before the missus gets home and save me a trip in town

The fuckin only reason they think it gives you cancer and is bad at all is cause all the weed in there was covered in insecticide and chemicals of all sort they're fucked right in the head the few states that have legalized it have generated 200 mil in under a year it's just obvious that it should be recreationally available

In their day**

They are to busy twiddling their thumbs and trying to be re elected to give a shit about the future

anyone in canberra?

I'm still up for a q or 50in and around Rockhampton can pick up don't care can meet half way if needed