Will Sup Forums ever be good again?

Will Sup Forums ever be good again?

Sup Forums never was good.


Sup Forums was never good.


Not with fags like you here


Probably not, but the continuation of the mass "Sup Forums is cancer now wtf gys ylyl traps what happened to you guys" circle jerk threads certainly don't help.

you fags have been complaining that Sup Forums was bad since 2009

I came here in 2009, I thought Sup Forums was GREAT!

>huehue hey guys, do I fit in yet? I'm an oldfag, I said it so that proves it!

Fuck off you basement dwelling cunt.

Funny, they said that back in 2009, too

>tfw I never got a gf because Sup Forums was too good so I didn't go outside
>tfw Sup Forums is not good but I never developed skills to socialize so I can't into gf

>Will Sup Forums ever be good again?

fucking checkd'

getting dubs while checking someone else.

>breaking the combo

fucking kill yourself.

I guess I'll start a new combo.

>I guess I'll start a new combo.
faggot kill yourself

i wanna kill u

I'll bite you you double nigger.

ill suck your 4 inch cock

It seems like it's okay tonight

Better than it's been for the past 4 years anyway

>been coming since 2012
>you never stop being a newfag. you're just an oldfag to the people newer than you


>still can't get dubs.


Hey how do you do a backwards >?

Hey hey now you're speaking my language

Sup Forums will be good once Anons accept Jesus Christ their lord and savior.

Sup Forums was never good
most of the times it sucks
and sometimes it's good
like life

well you need to have shit days to be happy. If you were driving Maseratis everyday, and drinking expensive wines, then shit wouldn't taste so good.

You'll probably end up crashes as well or at least get pulled over by the cops.


Pic related

It's been so long since we've danced.