Wtf happened? I'm getting checked for being a white male all of a sudden?

Wtf happened? I'm getting checked for being a white male all of a sudden?

>on line at store
>black cashier double charged me for an item
>point out mistake
>she mumbles "it's always the whites"
>I say excuse me?
>she responds with the whites always complain
>I say I'm not complaining just pointing out a mistake
>WHITE CUCK behind me chimes in with "it's because you're white and she's black dude."
>mfw dude
>cuck says "if she was white you would have paid double."

I told them they were wrong, took my items and left.

We have lost control

Any other whites dealing with this?

>inb4 Trump will save us

Were fucked m8 get used to it.

Trump will save us

>white cuck
>speaking up in awkward social situation
>black woman
>being passive aggressive and explaining herself instead fuming and huffing like a peeved cow
This is how I can tell you're a sneaky russian shitposter

Fuck u whiteboi

I get that with chink cashiers
'I gave you a $50 but this is change for a $20'
'its right there on top in your till'
>NO NO YO RONGggg ...... so solly

i've got shit from both black and white people since i'm half black/white. Ignorance is all over no matter the race, though black people seem to be attuned to it..

I don't live in the ghetto you mongoloid

White is the new black

Talk to her manager/owner and get the bitch fired


Checked dubs confirm whites are new blacks

try harder

This. There's no place in the world for racists cunts

Should have slapped the cuck

can confirm, mexican store guy tried to overcharge me on Heineken 6-pack at $8.99 when the price tag said $8.49. I told him the price was 8.49 but he refused to go and check. eventually he talked with a younger worker there and I got it at the correct 8.49 price.

has been so for many a year user..

lololololollolool very compartmentalized racism
apparently exists only in the magic space called a convenience store

I'm the head doorman at a nightclub.

90% of the time when I refuse entry to someone dark skinned for legitimate reasons, myself and my co-workers will be subjected to very sudden and aggressive screams of racism.

Drives me up the fucking wall.

Funny how white liberals try to protect and stand up for people who just want them dead.

Dont put up with it, talk to the manager or tell them america is going to be great again the majority no longer has to be silent brother.

I'll take Things that Didn't Happen for $1,000, Alex.

>Head doorman
I'd be pissed too if I was refused my complimentary blowjob based on the color of my skin faggot.

He can't cause it never happened.

Shit happened to me recently
>Be me white male
>Live in silicon fucking valley
>Having party with friends (NONE are white actually)
>Half flip / black friend brings half white / asian gf over
>Notice other girls at the party avoid her...
>Talk to her, shes nice, programmer in sf etc
>I'm a startup founder so we get along well
>Night progresses, people get drunk, dancing etc.
>People start heading home after an awesome night
>Talking to indian girl about how luck we were to get funded
>GF starts annoyingly interrupting
>I keep saying we were lucky and hardworking and she's like "nope"
>I ask... why would you say that?
>She says "you're a white male, you have no opinion"
>Look at friend, he's like "wheres the bathroom?"
>Indian girl attacks her with over 9000 racist comment
>I say she's grouping, and I have no control over social issues personally
>She's a guest in my house so I want to be nice... and my friends gf
>She keeps going on... and on... and on... "I'm half white so I can say this"
>My asian gf is like "what a bitch"
>I finally snap and say "I don't tolerate racist shit in my house could you please leave"
>She flips out, tells my friend to meet her in the car
>I tell her NO, he can stay, he's not a piece of shit

Whole ethnically mixed party had my back.

Well done

You should have called her a racist and went to her manager then to corporate.

That picture makes no sense. A social construct is bad because? If you wanna go back to all nature driven world then take off your clothes and never vaccine yourself. If you are gonna use words like social construct at least know what the fuck they mean in their own context.

No race has control. But racism is shifting towards white people. Btw, trump isn't a god that will save us all.

>Paying for 2 things
>getting one
>acceptable in any situation ever

stay cucked

Good job user

You should've call for the manager instead of just leaving.

It is because of liberals. One day there will be a race war and a cleansing will fix the issues.

svalley isn't like the rest of the world. It's where the best of the best go. People that live there are some of the most intelligent and hardworking in the world. It's no wonder a multi ethnic society can exist there with out issue. Even oakland and the bay area ghettos are being gentrified like chemo killing cancer.

Actually, I work at a biotech lab... People will probably be able to chose their race before a race war happens. I think by 2050 race and probably gender will be a choice.. Gene therapy is doing some crazy shit, we've modified animals to look different.. but a lot of this shit is under wraps and kind of "god playing" but I'm sure it will be available in 10ish years.

A country where racism is socially acceptable is the reason why most of the world looks down at America.

If you're a while American who thinks other races are a nuisance get your shit together.

What's hard with the ideal of equality. Sure there's some turmoil from events that date back 100 years. But you shouldn't be pissed at others for wanting to be treated properly. And the fact that that you all can't handle the reverse paradigm is pathatic

Im an anti PC Liberal and can say that it is true that the Alt-Left has been doing this.

It's time to die, college boy

I'm not american, but some parts do resonate off as "bad".

We know silicon valley is like a utopia though.. Shit we buy all our products from them. So there are some great things about murica that do stand out to the rest of the world. I heard google has free lunch and a fecking pool for employees.

Death to non-white and anti-trump supporters.

The only people being mass discriminated in America are Caucasians and Males. Maybe discrimination of minorities happens in the Deep South.

You sound like an Islamist.

>choosing race or gender
>playing God

It's like a conservtards worst nightmare lol. The futures going to be awesome.

This, everywhere else is straight up malignant cancer

Accidentally revealing moment of clarity of the evening. XD

Couldn't agree more. I'm rady to live fir 140 years and have the organs of an athlete. Yay for science!


Gene therapy is fucking fascinating. I read the ceo of some company reverased her tcells age with it... hella controversial though. I'm sure China is doing some crazy shit with it

Man if i were you i'd contact that persons manager witch i never do but that would piss me off.

>conservtards worst nightmare
What? Science? Hahahahahahahahahaha

I'm going to amass a huge networth and become a 12 year old asian girl with this tech.

Pretty much

>I don't understand the pic

It's likely a response to libtards thinking that every life has inherent value cuz muh feelingz, when in reality the concept of equality is a human concept and nothing more.

Well......... yeah.

So it is okay that, through no fault of my own, I get treated like history's villain? I had nothing to do with Europeans trampling all over America. I've never owned a single slave. Not once have I considered telling a black person to get to the back of the bus or any other such nonsense. I wouldn't have even considered it an option until society said, "Hey bro, there is an us and a them and you have to be careful how you talk to them." I have to have a racist attitude to avoid being outwardly racist! I have never treated a gay person or a trans person differently. Whatever gets your cock hard or off. I don't fucking care as long as you are happy.

Fuck, I don't even care if you are happy because it has nothing to do with me. Yet because I am a white straight male, I am the bad guy because of some vague concept of privilege. As if I didn't have to work to get to where I am or I can't understand what it is like to be a minority. Fuck that. I was bullied relentlessly in growing up because of my appearance. The concept of "twoness" that DuBois speaks about? That makes so many blacks go, "Oh yeah, that's me. He gets the plight of the black man"? That's called fucking social anxiety. White people get it to.

Just because you are different does not give anyone permission to categorize an entire group of people and say they have something you don't. That is racism. That is racism as Martin Luther King Junior would have defined it: Making a value judgement of personality based upon physical appearance. Yet apparently minorities can do that to white men now because we have "privilege" and just can't "understand" them. Fuck that.

I can't believe everyone in this thread is stupid enough to fall for your made up crap, OP.
You made all that bullshit up, nobody ever deals with that level of liberalism. You made this whole thing up to stir up white people into thinking black people, mexicans, and sand negroes are a serious threat to whites. They're minorities for a reason. Because they suck.

Exactly, you're just a parasite, nothing more

A lot of things are "human concepts". That retarded anime picture is a "human concept". Sleeping in a bed is a "human concept". Sitting down and playing videogames is a "human concept". The very idea of "human concepts" is a human concept. Putting the word social construct next to some edgy words and a picture of an animal eating doesn't make an argument any less retarded.

>using logic, reason, and common sense against a retard

Liberalism is racism and conservativism is cancer

>muh team!

That's how you handle this. OP is a fucking idiot, that's why he fell for the racist accusation bait

Fake and gay. Only faggoys write this shit.

So America is "a country where racism is socially tolerated"?

The country that just elected a black president twice? The country where a third of government employees are black?

As for the world "looking down" on America, why is it that people of color choose to come here from all over the world, including Africa, by the millions?

If foreigners believe that racism is "socially tolerated" in America, it is because they are have no idea about the reality on the ground here.

>We have lost control

And rightfully so. America is a democracy and as such, no one group should control minority groups just because there are less members in the minority group.

You don't get t say what"s what just because there are more of you.


It kinda sucks

There's this chick I know who doesn't give two fucks about PC shit but her dad is kind of the opposite on the matter. She said "there's this black girl in my class" and her dad spent 10 minutes discussing the use of the word black the other day as if it was racist. At least he wasn't using "PoC" or anything like that, the filthy nigger.

I work security. 90% of the time when I approach for legit reasons I get told I'm racist. No I didn't check to make sure you are a guest at the hotel because your black I checked because your asking people for cigarettes and if you can't afford a pack of smokes you probably can't afford the $210 a night room fee...

>The country that just elected a black president twice? The country where a third of government employees are black?

Racism isn't a thing exclusive against blacks. Racism against whites is really high there in comparison to the average town in europe. So I would say that it's highly tolerated to be racist as long as it's white people you're being racist about. Because some people don't even consider it racist. Your grandparent might have had a problem with someone's skin color, but you should pay for it because... fuck you give me free money you son of a fuck.

>Democracy = majority rule
>You don't get t say what"s what just because there are more of you

U wut m8?

>America is a democracy
lol no it isn't. It's partially a democracy but with strong republican elements and a few other oddities. You're one of the least democratic western countries.

he's wrong if he thinks america is a vanilla flavored democracy. it's actually a constitutional republic.

but he's totally right when he says that a majority can't do whatever they want. there are laws that can't be broken just because 51% are against it.

>being this autistic

Do you see this shit right here Correcting people like this when it's not socially appropriate or irrelevant to the discussion at hand is the reason why you don't have very many friends.

You might be right, but being right costs you more than you realize.
>i bet you're real fun at parties /sarcasm

It's a bipartisan authoritarian in guise of a democratic relublic, get it fucking right

>buying things in an coon-store
>wtf! it's double-charging me
>i never saw that coming
never buy things from non-whites, son

>don't be racist against others, it's bad.
>accept that you SHOULD be treated poorly because of your race

I wish I was this sheltered lol. Like, if this was an actual option, and not some retardedly spewed horse shit.

damn it. i can't argue against this.

ok guys, asking the question

atractive doctor 26yo, no problem so far with women
I've always asked myself how good is to be with a "sex professional"
Are sluts worth? I'm asking seriously. Are they better than sex with your gf?

Yep, now go pay for sex faggot

>either you're really dumb or very naive
everybody tries to rip everybody off based on racial preferences, coons, gooks & cumskins alike.

Probably in the uneducated broke ass shit hole you live in. The way you write already shows the culture is human garbage.

Think about this.

The average woman thinks that she's giving you a really good service just by opening her legs. That she's worth much more than you, and that whether she enjoys sex or not it's alright to act as if she's still doing -you- a favor. So the service will be generally pretty poor.

A slut though knows her place and knows she's being offered exactly what she wants in exchange. She cuts the bullshit and she offers you a better service, because there's more of an incentive for her and she already lost this status of "respectable lady" that would have made her think she's worth her weight in gold and more than the rest.

If they are trained, isn't that suposed to make them much better than normal women?
I don't know, maybe I'm just that inexperienced with sluts

This is why i hate niggers.
It is not we who are racists. It's them.
These fucking monkeys are the ones always talking shit about the white race and disrespecting, which lead to whites doing the same shit.

There are a few blacks who can be respected and are very intelligent.
But great majority of them in America are fucking niggers.

Pray for God Emperor Trump, for he is thy only salvation.

By a fucking long shot. Obviously if someone makes sex their hobby they're gonna be better than someone who just does it for emotions.

that is exactly my thoughts!

but on the other side, I don't know how that kind of world works, heard a lot of cheap services are in fact very crappy

What should I expect? price, physique, service itself, time, place...
I live in southern europe

Holy fuck, this what we have become lol. Shit has changed here since 2k4.

how different is it?
the exerience I've had so far with women is that they want to cum (obviously), but don't give back the same effort given to them. I have no problem making them reach orgasm, but they have a hard time with me, so they give up many of the times. Other times I just fake it, because a woman that is lasting 30-40 minutes in making me cum has no idea how the human body works


>k cashier double charged me for an item
>>point out mistake
>>she mumbles "it's always the whites"
>>I say excuse me?
>>she responds with the whites always complain
>>I say I'm not complaining just pointing out a mistake
>>WHITE CUCK behind me chimes in with "it's because you're white and she's black dude."
>>mfw dude
>>cuck says "if she was white you would have paid double."

Just imagine the shit storm SJW will manifest when black and latino parents choose white for their child.

White lives matter most

Where did I say libtards aren't just as bad if not worse than conservacucks? Don't pull that "we'll if you don't like them, you must like them" bullshit on me faggot. They're both retarded and I hope they kill eachother off. Fuck both those cancerous viewpoints

And you complain about the cashier's passive aggressiveness. What happened to sticks and stones you pussy. You don't deserve anyone's respect unless earned. Don't be such a useless fuck, do the white thing and email the owner, or company's upper management. You almost lost control over that? You're a baboon, slinging shit by hand, because someone huffed and puffed.

Women are inherently selfish creatures and generally most people outside of medicine or science have little to no clue how the human body works.
Put these two together and it's clear that only women who practice sex are going to be 'good' at it, and considerate of the other persons wants and desires as much as their own.
Also, I have a friend who works as an escort occasionally, we've fucked a few times and I can confirm that she's better in bed than any girl I've actually dated.

>complaining about 50 cents

confirmed nigger on food stamps

See, I'd let this go. I wouldnt hang around a filthty Mexican for 30 more seconds for 50 cents.

Former liberal, HRC & the DNC fucked us from the very beginning. Now the Soros puppets are loose being idiots in most cases rather than getting involved and cleaning our house & getting more involved. I bet most of them don't even know we have senate elections in two years.
Rather than fucking hearing out the other side, duscussing issues and looking for common ground than going to the typical "you're racist" mantra.

Leaving the party and staying independent now.

thank you for the advice
is there any more advice you can give to me?

>sleeping on an object is a human concept
>actions are concepts
You fucking w0t m8?

Any animal can sleep on X and yet we're the only animals on this planet that has any concept of equality and fairness.

>using words to make a point followed by a picture that supports said point is retarded