Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums.
odd question, but is there there any down side to having a puffy vulva?
dumping sprite porn until i get a decent answer





if you start gaining and losing a shittonne of weight it can be a problem because of loose skin looking weird. can also get droopy when you hit 40+

Other than that? no, puffy vulva is cute as fuck. Anything in particular you're worried about?


not really worried.
more my gf thinks its weird


then nah, its completely normal and all down to personal preference.

could offer more advice if you posted pics tho

Naughty boy.




>dumping sprite porn until i get a decent answer
>gets answer
>does not stop dumping sprite porn

and yes i am a bloke.
my gf has the prob not me
well i started the tread might as well keep going.
lord knows you kids are injoying it






>a puffy vulva
Vulva is plural.


is it tho,
i mean like
there is only one according to the dictionary












