Any tassie cunts lurking? Tassie thread!

Any tassie cunts lurking? Tassie thread!

7248 reporting.

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7320 here. Fucking hell

I thought that was an old dried out pissed on pad OP, what the fuck is wrong with you

Calm down mate, it's a metaphore for our shit little island.

What's news up Burnie way? Jackie best from out that way?

Fuck is that her naked, Shit yeah

Hell yeah.

Moar tas tits!

Looks like I should follow her snapchat perhaps

You're all fucking related anyway just go to a family dinner instead of making a shit thread for the three people that live there aye

Go back to your facebook fap-trap thread.

Tassie's alright, it's about as far away from the rest of the world as you can get while still have some sort of civilisation

Esther C

7315 ere' damn no doubt see some chicks I know here.

Lived here most of my life, don't think I want to live anywhere else honestly.

Heres hoping, all feel free to post too.(especially if you have something on april here)

Dont die yet!

She's not bad at all

Allegedly wins out there

You guys sound like a bunch of fucking autistic rednecks who take a shovel to the head everyday, learn to fucking speak, you degenerate apes

>tells us to learn to speak
>hasn't mastered basic sentence structure and grammar.


Still better than being an autistic redneck, go fuck a seaturtle or whatever the fuck it is you degenerates do

You keep being butthurt, we'll keep posting tits. That way you're the only miserable one, okay?


Anyone know these two? Apparently from Tassie

Any idea which part? Look familiar but not sure if its just your typical tassie slut style.

Not sure. They were posted in another thread. Where do you think they are from?

I'm lonny based so maybe here. I missed a tassie thread?

More people need to post wins

Brittony M

It was just in an Australia thread. Said they were from Tassie

Fair enough. Reverse image search has nothing conclusive.

Being from Launie, do you by any chance know a girl with the initials CX? She doesn't live there any more, just used too

you could land an airplane on that forehead fucking hell cunt

Nah sorry mate.


I'm a bald nigger

I'm okay with being bumped