I can call myself an oldfag now returning after 2 years this site is nothing more than a site you visit to seem edgy...

I can call myself an oldfag now returning after 2 years this site is nothing more than a site you visit to seem edgy while posting shit you saw on fb.

So lets rehash some shit from the old days

>IIT: Your best Sup Forums experience

It actually all kind of began the other way around...

Oh. I misread OP...

I laughed my ass off during raids, template threads . Whats the fun of sharing pics that are already on the internet?


Member the banana?

Oh I member!

"You dun goofed"

i joined 5 years ago, and apparently it was even better before that. i particularly miss dosing escorts and ruining their lives :(

'Member when Bull Connor used to give the negroes refreshing showers for free back in Alabama? 'Member that?

last big and funny thing i remember, but im not here that often anymore

I don't remember any particular experience on Sup Forums i'd call "best". That doesn't seem to be what Sup Forums is for. It seems like it's always functioned as a low grade time waster.


Why are the french so good at running away?

Hey op, you are a faggot

Also, this shit's been going on longer then two years. Fuck you newfag.

I member the days where we would treat each other with respect and not talk down to one another. Then a bunch of newfags and niggers gayed everything up.

even this shit is here longer than 2 years, Sup Forums was always be shit and will always be, but its nice shit, its our shit

Checking in. My role model

Please, there is only one true queen and it was never Boxxy.

Also fucking pro-tip, you become an old-fag only when you actually stop caring about being an old-fag.

Cracky-chan yea? The first trap that turned everyone gay

You guys remember when Glenn Beck killed and raped that woman in 1990?

wo w dude you're a pretty cool oldfag cause you don't even care about being one! what a cool guy! so cool he doesn't have time to care about being a stupid oldfag

Well at least it's nice to know someone remembers the good old days. Though I'm surprised the 1998 beta hasn't come up yet.

Well that's just not true and you know it. She's the true queen of Sup Forums and will always be.

I've been here since '98


Calls himself an old fag yet posts some trendy shit tier picture.
Hello newfriend trying to b8 the oldfags from their memories so he can use them later
kys fagget!

I have been here for a decade

What am I doing with my life

Spending it wisely, doing what you enjoy. Right? There's not really anything else interesting or worthwhile to pour through time with. Vidya, Youtube and music as well, of course.

Last night u some guy made a page for his ex started posting drivers license, number, and her Facebook and dumped her nudes till she came on and was super cool about it :)

He'll be back tonight, he has more to dump