Where's my porn?

Where's my porn?
























>spamming an already dead thread with train pictures.

you sure showed them, pal.


Moar F40PHing






She kinda cute.
I might like her.



Glad to see someone else is a fan of her

I think she's absolutely adorable
Which just makes me even more sad that there's not many pics of her like this these.

Didn't get erect till I saw these.

Youre literally killing me right now


I think the only thing I don't care for are her eyes.
They seem too human.

>shitposts a dead thread until it became active again


Guess that's fair but I kinda like them myself.
Really wish that artist did more of her.

Yeah, I prefer things to be more animal then human, so the eyes don't fit my tastes.

Well that's makes sense then
There's probably more feral than anthro related content of her out there, but I think the quality dips a fair bit.

Again, a shame there's not many decent pics done of her.








>forgot to even type

I take it you're an avid fan of equine s/fur?

I am.
I'm a fan of equines in general.
I own horses and ride them and stuff.



Sounds pretty cool.
Have a cousin who did the same for a while. Looked like a lot of hassle but he seemed to think it was well worth it.

Ever come across a lad named Twincal in these threads?
Pretty sure he was a big lover of equine as well.


It's a shame twin is in class right now. Loves him some horses

Indeed I have.
He and I go way back. We still talk on Skype or email once in a while.

Horses are great animals. Not too difficult to care for really.

Oh, so he is still around. I was wondering what happened to him as well.

Well he doesn't show up in threads much anymore, only when I link him the occasional thread. He is well though

I never see him in threads. He is too busy with University.

Good to hear he's alright. Tell him to stop by sometime, guys.

By the way, user, whom might you be?

Eben ofc

I should have known. Howdy, Eben.

I'm mobile so no NS (can't see who you are either) but hello!

Should've guessed.
Seemed like a nice chap.

That they are. Have never been too involved with them myself but I think of them as quite majestic creatures.

Is Dash, m9.
iOS or Android?

Why no mobile ns?

Android. I use clover.
How have you been?

Clover is just so much better than 4chin mobile.
The hors is appreciated

She's cute/10 would do lewd things with her.

I've never liked clover.

i guess ill bump too, how is everyone?

I've been alright.

You can install NS on Firefox Beta on Android if you change the permissions. Go to about:config, search xpinstall.signatures.required, and select it to false. That's how I got mine working. However, I'm not familiar with the different Android versions, so it may be different for you.

Couldn't have praised her better myself.
One of my fav artists for equine s/fur.

Anyway I must be off to uni
Enjoy the rest of the bread all.

Take care, Necro.

I have it installed and configured but clover is just comfy
It's come a long way. If only it had namesync built in.

Later M8.

Eh, fair enough.
Anyway, how are you?

I'm a big fan of tabs.
Having everything limited to one.... Window if you can call it that really annoys me. And the no ns is a major deal breaker for me.

my god the mans a genious. he knows how to raise a thread from the dead.

It was never dead or in any danger of dieing.

got any bunnies

Several at home.
I eat them.
Yummy stuff them.

Wonderful. The temperature is 70° and my first round of golf of the season on Wednesday. Got a new AR lower and gonna preorder this stock And grip.
Clover has bookmarks and they work just like tabs, they even alert you of new posts and reply to you. But no ns

Ooh, nice. I'm really starting to want an AR now that both you and Charles have new ones.

kek never thought about eating out a bunny than eating them.

Kinda work like tabs.
I often open a bunch of images in separate tabs while continuing to browse a thread and then go back the other tabs later. I also run around other parts of the internets at the same time.

That stock and grip... Do you live in a featureless state? I really like my traditional style AR.

You should. I purchased mine a part at a time, spending about 50$ per transaction till I had a full gun. It's an easy way to get an ar if you're bad at saving
Ah that makes more sense.

If only I had the money to spend. I gotta spend some of it on BD toys, and save the rest for a motorcycle.
I need a job.


>ITT: Furfags post porn until /k/ comes in and derails the entire conversation.
>Truly /k/ is an hero
Now excuse me while I go kill myself because Sup Forums is now filled with cancer and the occasional good post.

You need a job at McDonald's.
It would be good for you. Earn money and interact with people at the same time.

No, absolutely not. I hate interacting with people, and I hate the food industry. I'm going to wait and get a GED, then work as a mechanic.

No. I have a HUGE erection for p90 a e s t h e t i c s. This was my first build
Buy rifle instead of assault dildo

Wow M8.
We're the same people. Not 2 separate groups. The conversation has just drifted to guns now.
If you like we can talk about fucking animals too.
What animals do you most like fucking Mer user?

But I need bigger toys to stick up my butt!
Then again, I'd really like to shoot shit too, but my grandma really doesn't want me having one. She says it's because my dad and his girlfriend used to be alcoholics, and is afraid they might try to get it from me, but I think she's afraid I'm going to kill myself. I mean, I did put a loaded shotgun to my head, but I'm past that now.

That's a shitty attitude.
I know you hate it. That's why it would be good for you.

And there is nothing wrong with the food industry. I have more respect for anyone working a shit job in fast food them for some bum on a street corner begging for money.

I really think you should get a job now. It would be good for you and help you long term.