So how long until Trump is assassinated?

So how long until Trump is assassinated?

0-10 = within two months
11-20 = three to four months
21-30 = five months
31-40 = six months
41-50 = seven months
51-60 = eight months
61-70 = nine months
71-80 = ten months
81-90 = eleven months
91-99 = twelve months
trips = this week
quads = you do it

What's your favored method?

Other urls found in this thread:

Poisoned by a mexican spy

Choking on a taco

Shot by an Australian libtard

I don't think he's going to get assassinated. He might get impeached though.

Heart attack while he's balls deep in his daughter

Impeached for what?

Reported to FBI

Pence stabs him and doesn't get caught

But I think there is a fair chance he'll be impeached. I believe you could get the GOP behind an impeachment, since Pence would be the new president, and he represents a lot of their "core" values.

If Trump is assassinated have fun with the new president.

Mike "The Shockmaster" Pence
Mike "A shock a day keeps the gay away" Pence
Mike "You like another man's cock, you get the shock" Pence

You do realize that Trump dying is the worst possible scenario?

I don't know. It would be something in the future. The establishment republicans hate him, and if he does something they don't want, something sufficiently embarrassing and damaging to the republican powerbase, they might impeach him. Pence is an establishment guy who will play ball.

>Impeached for what?
He's a billionaire real estate developer from new jersey, who's been under indictment or facing federal lawsuits since the Nixon administration.
He probably breaks more laws before breakfast then the average nigger or mexican does all day.
The only question is whether the GOP controlled congress will bother to impeach him.
That's probably why he's picking GOP hardliners for the cabinet, even though he told you cucks he was going to "drain the swamp".

>12 days after the election
>The liberal salt mining operation still haven't slowed down

Thank you li/b/tards for giving me the most fun time I've ever had in my life.

I'm no libtard. I've never stepped foot in America and I don't think I ever will.

I'll make another thread when this happens

and todays butthurt begins.

sure kid. you're talking about Hillary.

Allergic reaction to orange hair coloring

Attempt to launch rogue nuclear strike after twitter slight from Putin

Liberals get triggered from airguns, Sup Forumsro. The only thing they assassinate is jars of nutella.

assaulted by a naked man in his bedroom shouting " I AM THE PRESIDENT NOW!"

plz quads

This really has been the most amusing period in american politics - and, really, that's all I want out of politics nowadays.

It's time for OP to realize he's a liberal cuckold.








U cunt fuck you!!!!!!


based user

Hillary has aids

Get over it, you lost.


Amber Lamps?

Impeached sounds about right

I'm not american.
we all lost though.

Reporting to FBI.

Yes and I am sure you are some cucked Kraut with zero knowledge about American politics apart from facebook memes. The candidate your media pushed lost, get over it and Just shut the fuck up.


sure kid sounds better

Id rather he not. Or at least take out pence at the same time.