Hey fags. I'm horny and want to get off. If you guys are good for anything it's your porn collections

Hey fags. I'm horny and want to get off. If you guys are good for anything it's your porn collections.

inb4 dicks cause they're gross. I'm a lesbian.

I'm going to post 5 of my fav from my porn collection, I like real looking girls.

If you guys post good stuff, I'll show my tits.

Other urls found in this thread:


Show tits

So what should we do? Roll dubs or something?


if i roll dubs, show tits

You don't get to make the rules, cunt.

Show tits, or gtfo.



You know the rules fucker.

Tits or GTFO

Follow the rules cunt.



fuck off, becca.

Fuckin cunt, show tits or gtfo

Looks chubby. Fuck off.



I think you're confused.







because you add popular sayings doesn't make you not a retard trying to fit in

I REALLY like sleeping girls, almost helpless


Brunette Publicly Fisted and Fucked
Som thing for you XD

Show those fun bags you nigger



where ya from user?

>Tehehee I'm a horny girl
>Tehehee no boys allowed I'm lezzy, tehehee.

This is now a dick thread

no idea what your into..


Nobody wants to see Moby Dick the Whale's tits, Deep Willy. I'm not fucking Captain Ahab, and I'm not going to go whale hunting for your one pic of tits. Tits only have no market anymore. I see tits everywhere. You just post them so we know your not fucking around. Then stuff around here gets real. I'm talking sharpie in pooper real.

>pic related reel grill legs.




Are those hotdogs?

This is what I like Sup Forums I kinda need to get off at this point.

Can you read?

Newfags... haha

don't turn this into a cringe bread

You can fuck my wife. Ill push the dildo in your ass


Gtfo you aleks's eyebrows looking ass.

Like her, oh?

Post everything you have of her

Too late. See: >sage goes in all fields

No dees muh gurlfrend's legs.

Not sure I actually want to see your greasy nips tbh



Show your god damn tits. That's how this shit works. Make a request, provide payment, request fulfilled.




Cute af... hope some good shit is posted.

Bitch, can you read?



Wow. That's actually hilarious.

you literally just saved this from a face rate thread you freak



i puked a little






What do you mean hilarious?
Are you saying my girlfriend looks funny?


Om !

>Tehehee look at this buddhist tattoo on my flat lezzy chest I'm such a special snowflake aren't I
We've hit the pretentious cunt jackpot.



"69 replies"

These are nice.

I have to re-name these cause I used them in the faces thread. No gril there would show tits with a timestamp.


jesus fist fucking chirst who the fuck is that woman and how many of my organs do i have to sell on the black market for 15 seconds of rubbing my dick on her

do you have kik?

why "holmes"?

Worth a photo, OP?

she's a dyke
she's also a cholo gangster.
u bang ese?

Nice back. Here's my dick. I'm beating it 4 u atm.

she got an ass like a forty dollar mule

eh holmes, u got a problem? get outta here gringo





Some average thot with below-average ink. It looks like some aspiring middle-schooler's "art" project ended up on your chest and you tried to cover it with hippy symbolism.

You can leave now.


chick i fuck from my gym


Here you go love.

Not up, but more like dis?

Not OP, sorry


This did me better than any porn could do you.
