Trump has tasked his new AG with ending legal pot, starting with recreational use, Session...

Trump has tasked his new AG with ending legal pot, starting with recreational use, Session , already has a serious grudge against the weed and has promised to enforce the existing federal laws, that Obama turned a blind eye too. the main thrust will be seizing the assets of the users and dealers to fatten up his war chest, if you are a weed smoker, the next 4 years are not looking too rosy for you’s-attorney-general-pick-could-destroy-the-recreational-pot-industry/ar-AAkySV7?li=AA5a8k&ocid=spartandhp

Other urls found in this thread:’s-attorney-general-pick-could-destroy-the-recreational-pot-industry/ar-AAkySV7?li=AA5a8k&ocid=spartandhp


Cool the price is way to low right now, used to make 250$ an oz now I'm at $100

doesn't bother you that you will lose your house, car and any thing else you own when the feds bust down your door, no more Mr. Nice guy to the weed dealers’s-attorney-general-pick-could-destroy-the-recreational-pot-industry/ar-AAkySV7?li=AA5a8k&ocid=spartandhp

The States can do what they want and have too much to lose financially by restricting weed laws. Legal states would probably withdraw from the US or join Canada before they make weed illegal again, they're making too much money from it in taxes and it's creating too many jobs.

hahahahha ok mate.

Is there such a thing as too many jobs?

the fed isn't making anything off it and this Sessions Guy has a hardon to shut weed down, never underestimate the vindictiveness or evil people with power

Safeguards are in place to assure that never happens.

What safeguards are in place to prevent this from happening?

Can I love trump any more?
Fuck pot smokers!

>not knowing how to read

cuz the federal govt was too slow to jump on board. it's their own dumb fault for not just legalising it and making money off it themselves in the first place and there's nothing stopping them.

and fuck alcoholics too. If people wanna smoke up then let them. If you dont wanna smoke then dont. Simple as that.

And next step, we can throw all the filthy degenerates who have ever shitposted on Sup Forums in jail! woooo! MAGA!

He doesn't have a hardon for it he just had constituents he had to please but his actions speak much louder than his words, he has only voted on a couple drug laws in his entire time as senator. I doubt he gives a fuck enough to make it his career defining moment. Not to mention the courts already said the feds have no jurisdiction to enforce drug laws when it comes to marijuana in a state that has legalized it.

That's what people get for voting Trump. Sessions thinks weed is one of the worst things in the wolrd, he is probably gonna push for even more laws against it

>smokes weed
>tries to sound intelligent
I hope Trump throws you niggers into concentration camps with the liberals.

>Sessions thinks weed is one of the worst things in the wolrd
>pretending like you know anything about politics cause you saw a soundbyte on huffpost

Calm the fuck down people, there's more pressing issues like sanctuary cities and sentencing reform.

You're just some sleeveless denim wearing chubby toughguy toting a double barrel and screeching "Nyerrr!" because you like getting your way. Enjoy rolling around in 50 empty booze bottles.

Trump has 2 years to fuck things up.

Then, as typically happens, the losing party (dems) is likely to gain one or both of the houses of congress.

So, the worse he does, the greater the resistance at 2 years.

>the courts already said

LOL the courts have already said lots of things that trump is reversing with his hard line conservative Christian brotherhood, the courts are reversing UNION RIGHTS, IMMIGRATION, ABORTION , increasing private for profit prisons, and now we have notice they intend to crack down on hard on weed

>the courts are reversing UNION RIGHTS, IMMIGRATION, ABORTION

lol no, that's just liberal "the sky is falling" speculation

Do you know how fucking hard it would be to reverse Woe V. Wade? Also

>reversing immigration

don't talk about shit you have no experience with, just makes you look like a dumbass

the fucking stoners could have prevented this whole hassle by actually getting off their couches and voting

I'll wave to you, wave back if you can from between those steel bars of your prison cell, faggot

Fun story. I woke up sunday morning with 2 empty handles of wild turkey under me and this girl that works at the subway down the street next to me.

I'm an industrial automation engineer. I work harder than an entire college auditorium of liberals do. i know because when i was in college (4 years ago) i was a liberal, democrat and kind of an SJW.

Then I had to grow up.

Why are you so mad that I called you out for not knowing anything about our legal system? It's an anonymous imageboard. Just accept that you don't know jack shit and get over it.

Stoners probably voted for a third party.

Source: I voted for Gary.

no I just don't argue with the retarded,

Busey? Fuck, if I had known he was on the ballot, I would have actually voted.

>assuming any news that you disagree with comes from hp

You're right; there are much more pressing issues atm, but you might as well be blaming the 'Clinton News Network'. user didn't even mention HP, but hey, any chance to reframe the argument, right?

I'm not for banning weed but I signed on I fought in the meme war I will follow my emperor in what ever he does


The legal states are making nowhere near enough to cause a civil war you retard.

I dont read HP you dumb fuck. Im going by the words that have come out Sesions mouth or are actual quotes also part of the mainstream media for you.

MAGA brother

OP here all I am saying is all you stoners who were lulled into a smokey comfort zone under Obama, the winds are changing and you best get you old school game on in regards to weed, think Rockafeller drug laws old school
Arizona -lifein jail for a dirty pipe old school kind of shit, and these laws don't need to get passed, they are already in place, all they have to do is pick up the enforcement end, this will be like sweeping up glitter after a sweet 16 party

You people are retards. Holy shit, the president was elected by retards.

I hate to agree with user here, but he's less wrong than you are. Granted, it's not easy to overturn precedent, but it's doable; it's also not easy to round up an entire ethnic group, but we've definitely tried it before with a fair amount of success.

More importantly, it all takes time and resources away from important issues. If he manages to do everything he's said, then we're facing a potentially devastating societal regression. Even if he fails, we've wasted all that time, energy, and money working towards ridiculous objectives.

It's like if the owner of a car dealership said, 'Hey, this week, we're going to see if we can rig up a system to simultaneously release the air from all the tires'. Maybe he pulls it off, and you're stuck with a lot full of undrivable cars, and then you can't sell any cars until you get them all fixed. Maybe someone stops him, but even so, you didn't sell any cars this week because everybody was working on something stupid.

Look at this fuckin' guy, speaking as if we asked him to.

Forget it, this fuckers think anything on a mainstream website is a lie. If is not on infowars next to a picture Alex Jones selling magic water is fake to this people.


>Do you know how fucking hard it would be to reverse Woe V. Wade?
Easy, put in pro life judges in all the vacancies right now

keep saying that!!!
and how polls agaisnt him!!

RoeV wade is all but already reversed

frequent smoker here. Besides a slight spike in costs, I have nothing to worry about as long a I have my trusty plug

There is no need to be upset.

>went to a shitty college
>got a shitty job
>hurrrdurrrr redblooded murican, lazy college kids, you're all just immature and ignorant

I work with industrial automation engineers (I'm SE, but I have to help some of them with their code) and of the three recent graduates, all three of them couldn't believe how hard they'd worked in school compared to what is actually required of them now. Now, these kids graduated from good to excellent schools, and our company has a good structure to make sure that the work people do is useful and not just bullshit busy work. I don't know where you went to school, and I don't know where you work; I just know that my experience differs significantly from yours. Maybe you should base your opinions on more than your own anecdotal evidence.

I'm so fucking done with Sup Forums


Bro you don't even know, I take people's upsets and destroy them. See this lamp? These are your upsets whisking away. There's no reason to be upset, but there's no reason to be anything.

Shut the fuck up, you'll be back faggot.

>I grew up
>still drinks the fermented jew and engages in premarital relations with sluts

Sure thing there pal.