"I was so close", Hillary Clinton

"I was so close", Hillary Clinton.

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"dont underestimate the power of stupid" me

fucking americans, no one cares about your shitty country

No more tears....


actually, she has 1.7 million more votes than Von ClownStik

no she wasnt
or else she´d be the next president

learn how to democracy

Too soon!

234,000 more. But subtract out the 3M+ illegal votes, and Trump has the popular vote.

I hope you're trolling... Lrn2 electoral college

>234,000 more

Try Hillary has 7.7 million more votes than Trump



and pennsylvania is likely going to go to clinton after the absentees are finished being counted.

this is why the electoral college will probably declare her the winner on december 19th.

bernie is our president in my universe

sure kid.

Why do you want world war 3 so bad, democuck?

And by "so close" you mean winning the popular vote by 1.5 million people.

America, as a whole, did not want Donald Trump to be president.


sure kid

Hillary has more votes than there are registered voters in America, oops.

Kek! Yea we should just become the United States of California. Popular vote is pointless when people know it doesn't matter. It changes voting behaviors.

pa is done counting.

I'm with her.

We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. Fuck you, white America. Fuck you, you racist, misogynist pieces of shit!

need I say more?

America as a whole DID want Trump. Thats why we are the United STATES. Not the Republic of California

Cry mor. Your liberal tears are most delicious.


Learn about electoral college. This is why it exists.

Trying to educate the cry baby millennials is a full time job.

Jesus, it's like watching Bernie bros during the end of the primaries when they wouldn't listen to reason and kept pulling bullshit article after bullshit article to try to convince everyone else that some miracle would happen.

Give up, grow up, and move on. Like Hillary said in her concession speech, "Donald Trump will be our next president."

I have never been so convinced the Founding Fathers were geniuses

Someone should have told her about the Electoral College. It's a shame her campaign never realized that running up the score in California wouldn't be enough. In the future, the candidates should be taught about the EC so these tragedies don't keep happening.

Just because I'm a liberal doesn't mean at all that I am for any Democratic politicians. Both sides of the aisle, Dems and Repubs, are in it for themselves, it's a political mob headed by a cabal, the real kingmakers. The problem is that you think like a conservative and have no understanding of free thought.

"Common Core" failed us. "Trophies for everyone" failed us. "Everyone's a winner" failed us. "You're special" failed us.

Progressive liberalism failed us.



The definition of "liberal" is of course "not republican."

And the news media wants eyes and ears, so they won't ever just shut the fuck up. Unceasing, unending blather, pause for buy this shit, then more useless soundbites and news about waiting for further news. Basically the worst kind of agitprop.

sure kid

>The definition of "liberal" is of course "not republican."



Why do you want to elect a candidate who wants to be the god-emperor

sure kid. muh education?

>spend 2 billion dollars, fail to get the presidency.

Thank you user! You're so awesome!


"She was so close" every scared user here

Too true. Also, nice dubs.


I really dislike Trump but god it was glorious watching her world burn down. Thinking about make me smile every time.

kek Hilarious. First time I've seen that, but then I haven't been online for awhile.

the best part is that shes going to be dead before 2024

lmao, dumb fuck demtards calling people fascists for not wanting total government control, get fucked kid

>Trying to educate the cry baby millennials is a full time job.

And a waste of time as well as they are unteachable.

I suppose you also think "the definition of black is not white." Your binary thinking shows how much of an idiot you truly are. The more you talk, the more you will express it. Fucking clown.

Quite appropriate


sure kid

losing a rigged election LOL

I'd like to fuck this GILF

That's the part that caught her off guard.

She and Bill were even having a preemptive victory celebration on election day around 9pm eastern.


It's Monday, November 21st. Donald Trump is President-Elect of the United States. Here's How Bernie Sanders Can Still Seize the Democratic Nomination

Doesn't matter. She aint prez. The race is over boys, no point in campaigning

It's January 20th, 2017. Donald Trump has just been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Here's How Bernie Sanders Can Still Win the Democratic Nomination


It's August 25th 2018. Bernie sanders has been dead for 8 months. Here's How Bernie Sanders Won the Democratic Nomination

I see that only 54% of your peoples are actually voting...

>not knowing Lacy Green said this

The best part is Obama beat Hilary the same way to get the nomination. The universe just doesnt want that bitch to be president.


I'd probably cum on her tear-ridden face

>is god emperor

>generation Z in a nutshell
A bunch of retarded morons who will learn the hard way.


Oh yeah because an extra 1.6 million people in California speak for the some 180 million Americans who could not our would not vote. Face it weer really wouldn't know what "America" chose because we have a 314 million population and only 124 million people tookpeople took the time to vote.

Your mom IS cute though.


So would her husband, but no one has been in that snatch since a Clinton was president.

She hates him so much she won't even hug him. LOL

>self imposed voter suppression

You type like you have downs


Whats more human than that?


You don't know how relieved I am that the witch's ritual failed.


She's sucking Donald's cock now, hoping and praying he won't send her to Federal Prison.

Homeland security estimates there are over 12 million illegal aliens in the USA. If only about 1 out of 10 voted it would account for almost all of Hillary's lead.

liberal lies, a classic

Fuck you, third world prick. You are just pissed off because all of your women have crabs and you use your right hand to wipe your ass after taking a shit.

I hope on the 19th of December, all the butt hurt liberals that sit and whine and cry all commit suicide or move to the EU and get the fuck out of my country.

And, if the stinking crooked cunt was running for the President of California, she would have won.

Somebody wrote Trump on her Starbucks

But, the niggers in Philly are still filling out absentee ballots.

That is why your leaders were shitting bricks when trump won LOL you fucking lazy ass Muslim hugging pussies.


starbucks is for retards

I think it is hilarious that they honestly think the electoral college will defect.

What they don't realize is that the Republican controlled congress still has to approve the electoral college results. The republicans can reject and demand a new electoral college be appointed.

Lib retards are in absolute fantasy land. But what else is new? It's not like they were ever big on facts.


How does the sex offender live?
Now I want to know.