Will Germany prove to be the only sane western country left, and not vote in a fascist, xenophobic madman?

will Germany prove to be the only sane western country left, and not vote in a fascist, xenophobic madman?

will she be able to stay in power and keep Germany from reliving it's dark past?

opposites attract op

She will probably win and for no other reason than there being nobody else around Germany would trust with this position.

Shits flipped. American is the new 1930-40s germany. Only this time we wont lose.

Teresa May is not a fascist xenophobic madman. She's barely a man.

Considering they wouldn't defend their women from a bunch of rapey Muslim refugees


made me kek pretty hard


Shit tier country

Bwwhaha! Sure thing, Fritz.

Make Germany great again

poland is europes only hope for the future


>and not vote in a fascist, xenophobic madman?

I promise we Germans won't vote in a fascist, xenophobic madMAN.

When Trump starts talking about living space to the East... leave before you get relocated and offered a free shower after a nice train ride...


Europe is done. Too many generations of Eurofaggotry. America will be there when the hordes breach your gates though. Just like always. Then you fags can get back to all the buttfucking.

You faggots sure must love the taste of muslim dick.

>implying dark past was most glorious time


No, she will win because no party is convincing anyone, so the votes will be split among the parties, causing the two largest parties to form another grand coalition she will be leading which in return will make everyone even more disinterested in politics and allow all the technocratic shit (abandoning of civil liberties in the name of security, reducing government spending without lowering any taxes, giving the spoils of globalisation to the rich while everyone else will suffer the consequences) to continue.
At least Germany is not gonna vote for someone with brain damage like other countries I could trump.

I'd be worried about a dark future

there is a huge questionmark dangling under that 'woman' if you ask me

they should have never tore down the wall, east german stasi communists have taken control and today we germany is more communist than russia now, they continue to push their totalitarian authority ever year, it is not sustainable


This just in... no one cares about your shitty election. Whoever wins is going to be some eurotrash worthless piece of shit just like everyone else in your worthless conquered little plot of land. Only reason it still exists is because America said OK



Most of Europe does care. Just as American elections affect the entire western world, Germany could (and did, during Merkel's current term) wreak havoc across Europe.

Enforcing existing immigration laws instead of using executive orders to unconstitutionally ignore them = xenophobic.

Op is a retardofaggot.

poland cannot into space

bravo well played

This is a retarded post. I suggest the poster takes a break from social media and watching the news for a week... then see if they still believe one in two people the pass on the street is a racist bigot. Keep this kind of shit up and dems will lose the midterms in 2 years.


a authoritarian river runs through it

How "sane" is a country that is killing itself?

She will never be elected, because Germans care about more than just refugees. And that is the only thing the AfD has going for them. Apart from that they have a party program from the fucking 60s.

People who vote for them mostly never even read it. And as a whole the party is known for trying to keep it on the down low that many if not most of their leading members are Sup Forums-grade conspiracy theorists.

And will she continue to bring in more refugees into Germany and push out her own people because she is a stupid Muslim cock sucking jew fucking cunt?

Ve vill bring ze new vorld order!

Nothings flipped but they now have a Government which represents what the "silent" majority of people actually think rather than the liberal stuff the "loud" minority are screaming about.

It's glorious!

German's are forced to be the cucks of the world and it's all thanks to that faggot Hitler. Germany isn't allowed to build an amry, they're not allowed to use the military they have in any other way other than defensively, they can't have nukes, and they are forced to let Americans have bases all over the fatherland. There has to be one person in Germany left who isn't a cuck and is disgusted what the country has succumbed to.

nah they will stay cucked, germany is basically the new sweden

stfu you butthurt Jew. I wish they toasted your grandparents.


pic related


i hope your ready to be a good grandfather to a sandnigger

>America said its ok

So its real that all Americans are these stupid? Go shoot some school asshole