New Loyalty Test Thread:

New Loyalty Test Thread:
Got a few wins last thread. My Kik is FourthBearr
Send my kiks or snaps there.



Bamping for OP

Come on let's see if those sluts are loyal.

Whats her name i want in

Kind of want to give you my gfs kik but if I do , and if she gives into you I'm dumping her ass.

If she gives in, she deserves to be dumped user

Mate send me it my kik is anderson_tom20

you kinda need a big dick to do this kinda thing

Keels1030 on snap

That's why you should. you trying to get cucked user?

I have one lol. 8.5"

are you measuring from your asshole?

That would add like 2 inches anyway? How insecure are you lol

Post a pic

You just started a rekt thread

having a kik automatic red flag in a relationship.

Having snapchat: possible red flag.

Agreed about kik, unless kik is your primary way to message one another. SC is a meh

If she has kik she looking for someone elses dick thats the rules

Any results bearr


sc - ojos_rojos

kik - miss_mayy

Post reaction from Pandabuns123 pls

They mistly aren't responding right away. One girl is talking.

OP is a fag

whoever sent juliana shes chatty



whats her Kik?


Try tabster98

Let's see some of those previous wins


>criminal justice

this can't be happening :(

Lmao shut up I'm being placating.

bump for interest.

Don't let this thread dieeee



Holy shit think I know her


Post win from last thread?


she was a huge slut in Uni


and i think she still is

Progress with Juliana.

Op let's get some updates, my dick is out and it's getting cold

Get her naked op make her a slut haha


Girlfriends snapchat, She's been acting shady lately so really want to see if she'll stay loyal

Ask her to send a live pic?

Snapchat: bpkato

Keep going...

Ask him for a dick pic

This is the most gay fucking thread I've seen on this board.

better than TV



This is my boyfriend's kik. I'm in the process of sissifying him. But he is being super stubborn about liking guys and pretends to never dress up when he's around his friends and mine. Can you please help turn him gay?! Make sure to tell him to do his poppers, they get him sissied up :)

This is awesome

nigga you have got to trim those pubes

Thomas if you want dick you can just ask us for it baby


Hey guys gtg will make another thread later with wins

Damnnnnnnnnnn Shia wild where are all the wins

who's chick is this

god im such a faggot

baby dick faggot


ITT: Faggots who want to see OPs dick. Another low key cringe dick pic request thread.


When will the wins be posted

sluts man

Post her nudes

if she warms to you, ask about what happened in summer camp in germany in 2015. it's so worth it. and if you get wins then holy shit you're incredible

fat chick wins incoming

ahahaaha, post more


ok i did sorry wrong quote

wow you're a fucking cuck stop begging

who wantsto tell me how much of a faggot i am

This isn't a cringe thread

Who are these unblock name or some identifier


boy you are pathetic

wtf did i do wrong

Hey OP what's your opener. What are you using to get a reply? What's your first message

and heres the last one bois


What, besides the pathetic jokes and coming on too strongly with no clear advantage?

forgot pic, here it is last one bois

What a gay thread

Have fun looking at dicks you faggots


ur fucking retarded i hope u die


Didnt think this was a cringe thread..


No wins, only wieners

Yoursecretisme69 was so much better I miss that guys threads.

What happened with this chick best part of this thread