Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

Anyone know if any of that 'occult' or 'satanic' shit has ever worked?

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I dabbled in witchcraft once. levitated a girl. not high not for long. some chant Bulls hit with candles lit

Yes. Satan has actually granted me a giant snake penis.

Are you retarded? Of course not you dumb fuck

sure you did fag. go watch the craft again

Didn't work for Hillary

It's real. But you need to be careful. When people say "stay away from the Satanic shit", they are being srs.

There are a couple of different types, of course. The ones that work with the government are the Temple of Set types, who aren't really Satanists, but have a similar disposition and were at one point connected to that scene.

Church of Satan is, to some degree, connected to certain vampire cults and Thelemic groups. they're evil in the sense of being amoral and self-serving (and much of what they give to the public is bullshit), but, at the higher levels, they support the system as a way to advance themselves.

The Order of Nine Angles and its offshoots (Temple ov Blood, Temple of the Black Light, etc.) are considered terrorist groups and take serious on the same level as al-Qaeda or ISIS (though they don't like Muslims).

I don't think the ONA and the O9A are the same thing, and the latter might connected to Crips and/or the Temple of Set.

Magick is also real. It's just basically the ability to empathize with and control electromagnetic patterns.

Your "soul" is your personal intelligence, your mind, through which you can control your brain, your electromagnetic field, and the world around you.

There have been numerous occassions where comunication with another dimension was set up.
Sadly the vatican and numerous other orginizations have banned this, and seek to enforce this ban religously.

How did you get those trips then you lying faggot?


It worked for Hillary; it just worked better for Trump. "Meme magick" and all that bullshit.

Hillary had a handful of people chanting. Trump had a whole wizard army. Mind over matter is real, but Trump had more it, hence why he won despite constantly saying things that would make everybody disregard him under normal circumstances.


its called meme magic

Did this once, nothing really happened...

Probably not, but it doesn't matter. Read Phil Hine.


lol no

Requires a pentagon of blood and human bones... #gitgud

gets don't lie, they can only be wasted

What the fuck dude, did you just assume my fruit?

only meme magic works it's how trump got elected

did you make sure the bananas was activated?

You probably used buffalo wings when
they should have been barbecue, newfag.

How I activate banana?
Will do right now if give instruction on activate banana

put it in the pooper, smell of feces attracts demons

>check black metal and their fixation with anus

This is a fact.

Isnt that a judaism star?

All religion and cults and supernatural shit is made up by people a long time ago who didnt even know why people got sick (germs, viruses etc.)

It works just as much as praying to a god does.

well but how do you explain my power to see the fedora on your head? to smell the cheeto dust in your neckbeard? from across the world? checkmate



Really makes ya think.

Solomon considered a high magician in the Western magickal tradition. So, more like Jews took it from magick.

I'm convinced that chaos magic (or magick if you are a pretentious faggot) works, otherwise I wouldn't practice it. It is subjective however. My personal anecdotes will not prove or disprove it objectively. If you want to know for sure whether it works, then you are going to have to do it, and see.

I'm ready to sell my soul for daniela. I love her but she doesn't even know i exist

Stay away from chaos magick, especially if you're into black magick or any of that sort of thing. Those people are not there to help. Don't open their stargates.

There's a reason the only "black magick" books you'll find in mainstream occult shops are Pete Carroll.

Yeah, I made my waifu real with some sick satanic occult witchcraft.

Go talk to her dumbass.

She in your class?

Ask about an assignment

Well, she does know me; and I'm pretty sure she liked me at one point.

But now I don't have class with her, dont have her snapchat or anything, and she's about to graduate early.. I really don't know where i fucked up though.. She's just hard to talk to

She's never had a bf so

>though they don't like Muslims

Which is why the guy believed to be one of their original founders, and the one responsible for close to 100% of the material written about their beliefs from an inside perspective, became one. Sure, he claims that he never had anything to do with the group, but yet the groups tenets pretty much match his (at least during the 70s) own personal views, and all that stuff he "didn't write" are written in a similar manner to the stuff he does take credit for writing. ONA was just another neo-nazi group trying to recruit young blood, by appearing cooler and more interesting than they actually are.

Magic is for fags who can't deal with real life. Just look at that spoiled rich, homo-cuck, heroin addict, Crowley. Actions speak louder than words.

>ways of dealing with real life is for fags who can't deal with real life

Gee wilikers mister, you sure are brilliant!

But the ones who are around today claim to have kicked him out and focus their attention on fighting the anti-white "Muslim invaders".

I don't think that every group that branched off of the ONA, or claims to, has the same ideas, values, goals, etc.

KYS. You don't know shit.

Whatever, keep lying to yourself for the next 10,000 years for all I care. The truth is the truth. "Magic" is self-deception.


the devil ain't real. he's a combination of several different characters that have become conflated over time:

>the serpent in genesis
serpents were ubiquitous in near eastern myth

a word for adversary, used several times in the old testament to describe humans. the most memorable use of the word is probably ha-satan ("the adversary") in the book of job, who is a member of yahweh's divine council, the Sons of El (a vestigial pantheon leftover from their polytheistic days).

the morning star, aka the planet venus. the story of lucifer trying to usurp the throne of yahweh is borrowed from the canaanite myth of attar (also associated with the planet venus) trying to usurp the throne of baal. the imagery is used as polemic against a historical king of babylon, and doesn't refer to any sort of supernatural being.

shit made up by crowley, certainly not a thing that predates judaism

>duz summoning teh devil work

nigga, why would this be any different than calling on *insert other random god* to come set a bush on fire or explode some heads or something

fuck. protip: nobody has seen that shit in thousands of years unless htey're fucking psychotic and are really just talking to themselvs and hallucinating. which leads me to believe it's all a bunch ofjkfl;dsjakfl;jdsak;fjkl;


Every conscious thought and experience you will ever know is ultimately rooted in self-deception. It's called living.

lucifer is kewl

Well it used to be aliens using advanced tech to do shit for you
>humans screw history over the years
>history becomes legend.. Legend becomes myth deal

Honestly anita is a cutie

>waste of dubs.

one out of ten post is dubs, there is no wasting them.

dubs speak the truth mofo

Right, and "do as thou wilt" is the whole of the law, eh?. There is a point to all of this, and it's not just self-indulgence.

why do faggots keep posting this

dude, i'd let either of them sit on my face no questions asked.


I dont know, probably some stupid fucking forced meme.

this desu senpai


oh shit, she's deteriorating


thread is dead


I'm pretty sure that the occult workings of Jesus Christ changed the world completely.

Satanism in general provides a good philosophy for living your life. The slight impact that satanists in general could have on your outlook of life is the most you could really ask for out of joining an occult group.

Levitating and that garbage isn't real. If I can talk you into believing ghost stories, I could probably talk you into being mormon as well.

>Magic isn't real



Bruh u dumb as fuck. First of all occult just means hidden knowledge, stuff that you aint supposed to know because it lies behind a taboo. So does occult shit work? Sure, same as any set of myths and rituals.

Can you implement a set of practices that makes you a more focused and disciplined person? Sure. Can you make your wife like black cock by jabbing ur dick in a goat carcass? No, Chaim, you cannot.