Best book you've ever read?

Best book you've ever read?

>>also, is pic related worth reading?

its pretty good also there is a minisiries based on it that are decent

This book is the best and only book you ever need.


been a long time since I picked up a book, but this series (lasher, taltos) is the one i remember the most, and also belinda by anne rice as well.


Really good book. Try Imagica by clive barker thats even better

It's a really good book. Make sure you read the uncut version. It's like 1200 pages but worth it. You better believe that happy crappy.

holy shit, 1200 pages? I'll have to check my version then

Flower for Algernon

Most Gripping/Exciting:
Fight Club

Most Confusing:
House of Leaves


inb4 the palahniuk hate. we get it. you are a hipster and hate popular shit. it is an exciting easy read that immerses the reader. deal.

Strangely enough, Fight Club is one of my favorite movies of all time but I didn't like the book much.


I don't think you understand what that word means

I'm the opposite. They changed the ending in the movie and fuckin ruined it imo.

I don't like classic fiction

The Catcher in the Rye.

I learned what people believed was maturity and the harsh reality of adulthood.

oh man House of Leaves is one of my favs

Also a goodie.


And pic related is someone beautiful

forgot the pic

fucking loved that book

>Flower for Algernon

kek, it wasn't that sad

speaking of which, I downloaded a massive kindle collection torrent. It's about 7gb. Anyone else know where you can torrent mobi books easily for kindle?

Did you say『Stand』?

Ever read 'salems Lot OP?

The first 2 thirds of the book is good. The last third calls into the usual Steven King stupidity that happens to most of his books.

At least he didn't write himself into this one.

i lik ethe butt stuff with the judas

I have not. As mention, I have his whole collection so I'll check it out.


This...Stephen King sets up a hell of an atmosphere, but can never come up with a satisfying ending.


i go to #bookz on undernet

My nigger


Picture books count?

which one of you is Brian1980 seaching for Blood Meridian right now

I know a couple people who where Christian until they actually read the Bible and then became atheist/agnostic.

It really will change your views.

wuts dat

absolute favorite and best book ever written in my opinion

Les Misérables

one of my all time favs along with the stand

Stephen King is prole-tier garbage, if you want to read good books start with pic related and move on to Russian authors

Fav book-"Panzer Commander: The Memoirs of Colonel Hans Von Luck"

2nd fav book-"Scipio Africanus: Rome's Greatest General"

absolute fav of all literature: "The Lowest Animal"


I really liked Moby Dick. The Martian was good too


currently reading the first mistborn book which is kinda cool if you're into fantasy. It's set in a really facist sort of society and it's an exciting read. also, fantasy books tips? Lesser known is a plus

Moby dick is good because the allegory is present in so many modern films and even TV shows

The character of captain Ahab gets used a lot too


Not really. King loves him a road trip narrative and this one meanders until it fizzles out at the end. Dude is wordy at the best of times and he went overboard with that book.

Dark Tower II:The Drawing of The Three

Fuck that's a no brainer. Agreed period

Awarded as the best Sci-fi book of all time.



This is a great read

I've been reading slightly heavier stuff recently (Frankenstein, The Republic), but my favourite book is probably still World War Z. God damn, that book kept me up at night.

And obligatory Song of Ice and Fire, it's too hard to beat.


Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving ranks up there.

This book will make you think so hard about life and what it means to be "human"

I just read this and thought it was pretty good, but I'm a sucker for capeshit.



Eye of the Red Czar series

George Orwell's 1984

Ishmael is my shit.


>mein kampf
Not even close.


the movie is a shitty adaptation. read the book and dont watch the movie

as far as PKD goes, I liked a scanner darkly better

as far as movies go, I liked blade runner better

was the movie the one with leo d? i saw that in the theater and i swear that video game sequence is the biggest WTF moment i've ever had in a movie

what's capeshit? super hero stuff?

Call me Ishmael



excellent choice

Not really known but it's good

miniseries is shit


Based on?


imajica is the sequal to the great and secret show. read that first. clive is my favorite artist. many great books

It's incredibly difficult to narrow down to one book. If I had to, I'd choose pic related.

I agree, I have all of PKD's books. As far as blade runner goes I prefer the directors cut over the original

Pic related would also be in the running


best dune "movie" or otherwise video material is the documentary about Jodorowsky's failed project

As well as pic related

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

I go through phases where I'd read a book then watch the film adaptation. this was one where the film was so much worse than the book that it actually made me dislike the book.

read the dark tower series you little nigger

And lastly

i've only read a scanner darkly and electric sheep so far

yeah thats the movie. the book has video game references in it but never something like that. from what i remember, he the main character sometimes thinks hes a soldier in vietnam but its never a full blown hallucination but rather a way for his situations to seem more cooler. kinda hard to explain

I want a teacher who can help me save the world too.

Glad to hear that Sup Forumsrother. It's one of those that make you audibly "ah"

LOL the only book I have read of these is naked lunch and that was years ago during my stoner years.

best of all, jews got a nigger to play roland in the movies

How did nobody say this already???

Neither did the author, went on record saying the movie was better and a more comprehensive view of his vision.