I'm on Second Life 8-12 hours a day. Ask me anything

I'm on Second Life 8-12 hours a day. Ask me anything

Why, why be such a giant cock sucking faggot OP

dubs get

why dont you archive something in First Life?

what is second life?

because I'm gay
because i'm a pathetic druggie
it's a virtual world - think like a browser and a 3D modelling program had a baby. you can do whatever you want


Is Violet still a massive cesspool?

do you have to pay to do what ever you want?

i don't know man, it's fulfilling in a strange way
they turned off voice in violet, sometimes people show up there but most of the shitflinging takes place in korea1 now
you don't _have_ to pay, but almost everything costs their currency (lindens) which you buy with real money

i have spent ~$500-600 on Second Life. current avatar is worth about $50 alone

Do you pretend to be a chick on there to get cock, op


nope, my avatar is a dude. i still get pixel cock on the reg though

Just because you can fap all day doesn't mean you should

is this you sulkin how ever you spell it

not to fear user, i only fap sometimes. most of my time on SL is spent in a semi-idle state or flying around and exploring

Is there a furry sim where ppl arent drama whores or flemboyant faggots (just overall chill ppl with furry avs)

Are you on it rn?
Genral outlook on life?
Any IRL friends or met up with anyone from 2nd life?

can you do the sex on there?
>inb4 retarded niggerfaggot

Furries are all like that

I like ur dog

What is your name and what sims do you hang out at?

Also are you a furfag?

Avatar name?
I've been an user since 2006, now i only enter casually, like one time at month

yes but im pretty sure my dog has the autistic

Explains it all.

Poor pupper

I know a guy from who makes a decent living making and selling mostly anime meshes.

I'm contacted by him to create animations and sound effects to go with them.

Ever considered going down that sort of field?

there is going to be drama in any community, but it's easy not to get sucked into that shit. i'm not a furry myself but i know there are quite a few decent furry spots
>Are you on it rn?
>Genral outlook on life?
i'm a pretty unhappy person. generally just focusing on obtaining pleasure via drugs and hopefully a relationship in the near future. not really sure how to better answer this
>Any IRL friends or met up with anyone from 2nd life?
I introduced a love interest to SL and he essentially dumped me through SL as well. other than that, i've never really had the courage or gas money to meet anyone on SL in RL
yes, any kind of sex
not really sure yet if i want to post name, but i hang out at stern, mage, korea1, and a few other places
i would love to make meshes but i don't know how to work any of the 3D programs. however it would be amazing to do so, as it would give me more purpose

I play on Second Life too. I have zero friends though. Just like First Life. Old habits die hard.

Ye true. Especially on games like SL and TF2

not a furry, but one of my bests iRL friends is, he goes to SL, and says that Luskwood is the only one that has no drama

How can you be a furry in tf2 wtf

here's me standing with some random guy

for some reason i'm banned from there - iirc that's where the crappy prim furry avatars are from

Have you not seen those cancerous brony/furry maps?

I get on to rp as a shemale with other shemales

Alright ill check it out. I wonder if ill fit in with my av

lmao just logged in again after 2 years
>pic related