Am I the only person that is off put by sluts...?

Am I the only person that is off put by sluts...?
Not even sluts but girls that have had sex with quite a few different guys in casual situations.
Like I can be chatting to a hot girl I'm getting on with really well and the subject of sex gets mentioned. Stupidly I ask how many guys she's been with (I'm sure every guy asks a girl that)....And usually the number is higher than mine....that's when I get this strange feeling in my stomach...I need to ask if they were any one night stands....AND THAT"S WHEN IT HITS.
I get put off them....I don't want to speak to them anymore...before I leave I need to guilt trip them into thinking the guys she was with before were just using her...or something to that degree.

I'm a horrible person...but I want to know if anyone else is the same? Cause I see sluts get praised a wise. So would you date a slut, Sup Forums?

that's how I used to be, now I only date sluts.

can't stand girls that aren't experienced.

a girl that's openly a slut, stay with her, because she's accepted who she is.

the one that's ashamed of being a slut, run away because she'll always cheat on you. that's why she's ashamed all the time. cause she's such a selfish person that she hurts everyone around her just for her instant in the moment gratification.

shit takes years to learn

You're insecure. Probably young and have slept with few ugly lassies I'm betting mate.

Same here

77777 check em

I'm 25...I've been with 10 girls...maybe not super hot but IMO were ok.

stop being a fag OP, if you had the chance to fuck that many people you would too.

Whores don't deserve attention

ya know you're kinda being unfair and if you're looking for someone who doesn't get around you should pursue that but "sluts" are girls with active sex lives and that's just fine. I mean id fuck and try to fuck as many girls as possible. two way street brother.

I dated an Ex escort, a few old school sluts and turned my current GF/fiance into a slut.

I love it

Yeah, I understand my view or preference is wrong. I dont know where it's came from but it's just how i feel. Every girl I'm attracted to has been around...there's no way around it. So why does it piss me off so much that I'm disgusted with them

Honestly, you sound threatened and insecure.

talking to Sup Forums is, well, no replacement for talking to a professional. Sup Forums is full of maladjusted social misfits. You wouldn't ask your mechanic for gardening advice, right?

>had casual sex
>not a slut you guise

>they din luve you
>they used you gurl

>im a horribly person, even though hating sluts is simple biology

Oh my fucking god are you a faggot. You're beyond beta. You remind me of this queer i used to be tight with, name of Abee. You're both pussy scum. God I wish i could have the satisfaction of beating your ass.


also OP is a faggot

as a mechanic with a kick ass garden Fuck you.

it's jealousy and insecurity.

this is how it works:

girls get SEX way easier than they get RESPECT

guys get RESPECT way easier than they get SEX.

any questions?

i think you have it all backwards user

I'd date the libertarian making fun of "proud sluts" in OP's pic.

Thinking that way is pretty ingrained in our culture, and it's good you recognize it's wrong.

I would try to get comfortable with the idea that women are not "used goods", no matter how many people they sleep with.

op is a fag

>get near girl
>girl says needs the d
>normal guy is boner city
>op gets a sick feeling in stomach


watch Chasing Amy. Its on Netflix. Don't know if it'll help but its a good movie and it may put some things into perspective. Otherwise, just come to terms that all halfway attractive women have access to dick anytime they feel like it so its only natural that they have more experience compared to the bulk of men.

uh internet tough guy spotted run away guys he is gonna beat up your bits and bytes

... or suck ur dick more like it


>name of Abee
Dr. Steve Brule????

Op is self concious about his penor size and his lack of sexual experience

>girls get SEX way easier than they get RESPECT
>guys get RESPECT way easier than they get SEX.
I like this line.

how do guys get sex easier than respect??

a girl can go on tinder for less than an hour and could be taking a dick in some faggots car. then she gets called a slut after

a guy gets on tinder and gets some slut in his car after an hour, he's a legend.

pretty sure feminists don't exist from getting all that respect yfm?

faggot you just put this on /adv/


Whats wrong with getting more opinion?


Who the fuck still uses /r9k/?

where can i order etizolam, preferably pellets but powder will do, too.

it would be nice if the shop ships from an EU country